Looking for Armor in New City

[System] Welcome to Swiljar.

[System] Explore and strengthen your path!


Arceede was login in a non-familiar scene and environment. A city with a lot of races populated.

'Hm. It is different than before.'

He was not on a teleportation platform like before. He was somewhere in an unknown area of the City. There was a gate above him with 'Swiljar' written on it.

He decided to just walk around. Compared to the previous village, everyone in this city could be summarized in a word. Colorful.

Different clothes and various style occupied the street. Compared to how monotonous the races were in the village, he could find elves, dwarves, and beastkins everywhere now.

This was significantly different. Begie Village was assigned by channel number and the one he got on, #SWI001 was mostly occupied by human races. The fastest race to create in the game since players basically did not need to customize anything at all.

And here, Swiljar was a big city with no channel distribution. Everyone from his continent would come to this city.

There should be one or two players teleported here since the trial was publicly opened quite some times ago, but seemed like he was the only player here.

'Ah, I should add.'

He remembered a feature that should be opened once he came here.

He added some names to his friend list. All of it was on a pending. Even for Avia who had surely able to access this feature.

'Guess he hasn't login yet. Well, I didn't tell him too.'

The city had some vibes of the previous game. A street for passerby and carriage, stores on the roadside, and various activity occurred at the same time.

Based on his observation, NPCs were active as adventurers as well since many of them brought weapons with them although it was in a city.

He could only rely on his experience and deduction now. He entered a store to looked for something, the one feature that was missed from the previous game.

A satisfied expression appeared on his face after he left the store.

'Woah this place is amazing.'

He spent some currency on a map. He also got some information from the clerk that Swiljar was one of the cities that welcomed new 'visitor'.

'So, this place looked like the Village too. A newbie place.'

What he had in mind was not entirely wrong, the place had bigger features and scales, but it was a newbie place to gather.

He decided to walk again following the map. He had a goal that should not be important to him but still annoyed him.

Based on the fashion, he looked like a hick that came to a capital.

Armory Store. He visited one close by. The basic thing for an adventurer in the previous game was to visit an armory store when you got to a new place.

"Welcome to Kiar Armory Store. How may I help you?"

A female elf with black hair welcomed Arceede to the store. She welcomed with a beautiful smile.

"I want to know a very beginner armor for an adventurer level 10."

The clerk showed him to a certain corner. There were varieties of armor there.

"Do you want me to guide you with the armor type?"

"Ah sure, it will really helpful. Thanks."

The female elf began to explain the different types of armor for each class of adventurer.

Warrior got the most compared to the other classes. The same as weapon equipped, armor also has a bonus stats when equipped.

Knight, was one of the branches of the warrior who was focused on being durable. It would get +50% bonus stats when equipped with heavy armor.

Barbarian, the one Harden aiming for, would be specialized as a heavy hitter while had decent durability too. Harden would get 50% bonus stats for medium armor and 25% if he equipped a heavy armor.

Those two was the main tanker candidate for a party. Arceede disgested the new information seriously.

The information regarding weapon bonus was shared openly on the forum and this armor information would follow later once players came to their new city.

The other 2 branches of warriors were swordwielder and brawlers. They both got a 50% bonus for equipping light armor and in addition, swordwielder would get +25% if equipped with medium armor. And that was what basically displayed on this Kiar Armory Store.

The female elf still explained the bonus stats for the other two classes, [Mystic] and [Ranger].

Ranger would get a 50% bonus when equipped with a cloak, and Mystic would get the same amount if equipped with a robe.

Both types could be found in other stores especially like hunting and magic stores.

"May I know what your class is?" The female elf asked after she was done explaining her part.

"I.. umm.. So, can I equip any armor?" Arceede decided to avoid the question.

"Sure you can, it's just that the 50% bonus stats are rather hard to ignored."

"I see.." Arceede was scratching his head and lowered his gaze.

"What's wrong?"

The female elf was asking him with an innocent and pretty smile. It added more salt to the burned area. Arceede was feeling more guilty now, but he decided to answer.

"I am actually a ranger, sorry for troubling you. I really just arrived here."

Arceede was scratching his head. He could not handle the innocent and beautiful face.

He was not entirely lied to her since most of his battle till now was a 'crossbowman' style.

"Ah! That's no prob, really. Do you have a map? My sister owned a hunting store nearby. You can visit her."

The map was added to the system tab once bought and could be opened like any other tab.

Arceede just pronounced 'map' on his mind and a hologram-like map appeared. He showed the elf, and she marked a location on the map.

'Sigh.' He left the store with a sigh after that. He grumbled in his mind while walking to the marked location.

'I lied to a cute elf because of you, Foreln. Do your job quickly!'