Encounter at the Wasteland (2)

The voice came from a girl that was somehow familiar to Arceede.

It was a female who wore a silver plate armor and equipped with a big shield on her back. Her ears were pointy and short black hair hung to her shoulder.

"Look out!" She shouted in the two humans' direction.

The two humans shifted their focus to the salamander nearby once again.

Three boulders came out simultaneously spread out from it.

This time, they could not react well and got some damages from it.

They were able to reduce the damage by blocking with their hand, but it still a lot of damage to their HP.

Avia's HP bar immediately decreased to red color from that one damage.

"Wow wow wow." Avia could not help but exclaim to the outcome.

"Umm... do you want a hand? Don't worry I won't kill steal."

The female elf proposed a help while Avia restored his HP.

Avia and Arceede looked at each other before confirming with a nod. They did this hunt as a casual walk after all.

"Sure, you can jump in," Arceede shouted while circling the salamander.

With a smile, the female elf rushed to the battlefield while preparing her shield.

The salamander at this time was following Arceede's track. It looked like it still aggroed to him.

Arceede with his sprint was coming to the female elf's direction and turned back once he passed her.

The salamander was now confronting the elf one on one.

Shield bash.


The salamander staggered by it and quickly continued spitting boulders. This time, there were 3 boulders came in a single track consecutively.

Bang bang bang!


The elf took all the damage with her shield. Arceede and Avia took the chance by hitting freely in close combat.

"Move move! Big attack incoming!"

The elf rushed while shouting. Arceede who was walking steadily and Avia who swung his spear close to the salamander was startled and quickly backed off.

Counter Bash!


The salamander got hit once more and pushed away for few distances.

"10%!" Avia shouted and the two humans continued their attack.

A sound effect came from the salamander's direction who perished into particles.

It dropped some cubes and coin sacks on the ground.

"Fiuh~" Avia let out a satisfied sigh.

"Do you want some?" Arceede was pointing the cubes while offered it to the elf.

"Don't worry." The elf shook her head, refusing the offer.

All of the drops were picked by Avia and stored in his inventory. He appraised all the loots inside.

While Avia focused on his inventory tab, Arceede began the conversation with the elf.

"Are you.."

"Ah, you've met my sisters, right? I am the youngest of them."


"You know, our hair is too unique to be ignored, right?"

Arceede was confirming the situation to Avia. He took a glance at him who has finished his work.

"I am sorry, but in our world, there is no Elf." Avia chimed in.

"Ah, I see. Sorry about that, I am still getting used to the visitor. By the way, My name is Ilyana Lithienne. You can call me Il or Ilya."

Ilya introduced herself with a bright smile and stretch out her hand. One of her canine teeth stuck out looking adorable.

The two guys shook the hand and introduced themself.

"What are you doing here, actually? Do you have a need with one of us?" Arceede asked her once he finished the pleasantries.

"Haha, my sister told me to follow you." She answered while scratching the back of her head. Looked awkward.

"Which sister?" He had a hunch about the sister she talked about. He has met two familiar elves after all.

"My sister in the armory store." She answered while lowering his gaze and fiddling with her finger.

The scene looked like two adults interrogated a child that just broke a vase in their house.

The ironic thing was that the elf actually stronger than the two of them combined.

"And why is that?" Arceede continued.

"Umm, it's because you lied to her."

With the answer, Avia shifted his focus to the guy beside him.

Arceede looked so awkward now with the cynical gaze came from Avia. He could not help but admit to it.

"I lied. I admit. But, there's a reason for that. Did she order you to follow me because of that?"

Arceede felt a shudder since it looked like he messed up to the wrong person.

"Ah, not about that. She told me to follow you since she said that you might be an interesting person. And so, I followed you guys dating in the restaurant, applied as a ranker too, and here in the wasteland."

The two humans looked at each other. They had the same thing in mind.


Like she knew what they had in mind, she continued with her talk.

"Don't worry, I respected your choice. Different worlds have different cultures anyway."

The two humans could only sigh.

"Be serious." Arceede just thought of it as a lame joke from the elf. It was a popular joke nowadays anyway.


And fortunately, it was true. Then, Ilya continued with the reasons.

"My sister was a merchant, you know? Her appraisal skill also high enough. You lied to her naively."

Ilya was pointing her finger to the Arceede's direction. She did it still with a canine tooth stuck out.

"I see. And that's the reason you followed me?"

"Umm.. Do you know what she said? Your path and class are unidentified. That was more than enough for me. Your coordination was also amazing. It's a bonus for me."

Arceede who heard that answer confirmed what he thought to the guy beside him.

"Really? Can you saw my class?"

"Nope, my level isn't high enough, I guess."

With that, he confirmed it. Avia could appraise the path of the monster anyway. So, it made sense for the skill to be able to appraise someone's path.

"Okay then, what will you do from now on?"

Arceede shifted his face to Ilya once more.