
"Hi, Arceede."

The current time was almost dawn. Compared to real-life, Swiljar City and the surrounding area were as crowded as ever.

A group of people gathered in a hunting ground. The place was called Sizzeria Hill. One of the hunting grounds that could be accessed through the teleportation platform in the city.

A lot of players were there for various reasons, but the sunrise was what the majority's aiming for.

Demonic Apes were the famous spawned monster in the green plain area, but almost everyone ignored it.

Unless they came closer to the aggro range, players could enjoy the beautiful scenery relaxedly. It was their first day of having dawn after all.

"Hi, you two."

Arceede was greeting a group that came to his way. The two he greeted were a glasses elf with silver hair and a big humanoid tiger.

"Oh ho.. there is another glasses guy here. What type are you?"

Avia was startled by the sudden question that came from the silver-haired elf.

"Berd... Oh sorry, how should I call you?"

"You call me Zel from Narzael and him as Gerd from Stugrd." The elf introduced himself and the beastkin beside him.

Avia was still awkward and confused with what just happened. He tried his hardest to regain his composure.

"Okay Zel, here's my party. I am Arceede, you can call me Ar. The one you asked named Avia and the elf is named Ilya. Ilya is a native."

Arceede introduced the two people beside him. A series of exclaim came from the opposite groups.

"Hoo hoo.. So, you are an NPC? Your hair is a unique one, really."

Berdian said his response calmly, but it startled Arceede. He couldn't expect that his friend mentioned a word NPC to the real NPC in-game. They were designed with high-level AI and stuff after all.

But, amidst his startled reaction, everyone there was acting like nothing weird happened.

Arceede took a look at Avia and wanted to confirm what just happened with a confused look on his face.

Unfortunately, Avia couldn't catch that and just tilting his head out of confusion.

"Yes, I am a native of Greylhad. My hair is a pride of my family, thank you."

Ilya answered with a bright smile and canine teeth stuck out like usual.

Arceede with a 'huh' expression drew on his face also pretended to be calm. He decided to continue with the conversation after clearing his not-dry throat.

"Ahem- Can you introduce your party?"


Narzael continued to introduce his group first. There were two other people at his party. One was a female rabbit-like human and the other was a male human with a mask covered his mouth.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Narzael, you can call me Zel as I mentioned before. I am a ranger that aiming to be a sharpshooter."

Narzael wore a white-colored cloak and long pants. In addition to his silver hair, his style was best described as all white.

"I and my party here are all visitors. The beastkin here named Furyyi. She is a ranger on the path of trickster."

Narzael introduced the rabbit girl. She had white-colored fur covered her body. Her pupils were red like a ruby.

"Nice to meet you. Please call me Ruyi."

The rabbit girl greeted the others politely. The other replied to her nicely too.

"And here is Biilzeal. A dedicated assassin."

"Nice to meet you."

Narzael introduced the masked guy and the latter greeted shortly. He was equipped with two daggers on the back of his hips. In addition to the all-black fashion he wore, the other people there replied with an awkward smile.

They could not withstand the scary eyes coming from the masked man.

"Okay, I will call you Zeal."

Arceede broke the awkward greeting with a nickname for the assassin.

'Zeal' who heard that nod furiously with a changed on his eyes. His eyes somehow looked brighter.

"So, you guys finished the trial with only three?" The tiger-man voiced his question.

"Yes, how about you? You only have two members here." Narzael answered the question.

"Ah alright, let me introduce ourselves first then. I am Stugrd. Want to be a great-weapon frontliner. So, maybe I'll advance to a barbarian."

He didn't equip any weapon. Actually, all of them except Biilzeal were not equipped.

"My partner here still hasn't decided what he's aiming for, but for now, he is a healer of mystic."

The one tiger-man introduced was a young human who wore a blue-colored robe.

"Woah, that's nice for you to find a PvE player. Well, how about it? You cleared it with two?" Narzael continued the pending topic.

"Well, it's because a certain someone does not become a healer," Stugrd answered with a shrug.

That answer was also followed by a sarcastic glance from the two. The one targeted did not give any reaction amidst the combined attack.

"We cleared it with four actually, we joined with random. You?" Stugrd could not help but continue the talk.

"Yes, we did it with three."

"Hoo. You too Ar?"

Stugrd asked that question to the other 3-member party. Arceede's party.

"Yes, this Avia guy has a unique fashion too. I'm interested."

Narzael followed the trend too. All the attention now shifted to the Arceede's party direction. Even the black-haired elf was focusing her eyes on the two humans at her party.

"Actually we-"


A roar heard from afar. The sun started to appear along with it. It looked like the Demonic Apes was calling the sun.

With that event erupted, most of the people in the area jeered in a certain direction.

The group also shifted their attention to the origin of the voice.

Among the darkness that was gradually dispersed by the sunlight, a silhouette has been seen running in their direction. A lot of Demonic Apes followed behind it.

"Geez, there is always this kind of people who ruin a perfect moment."

What Narzael said was true, this was what most of the people here aiming for, the sunrise. Ruined when the time came.

"Sigh. Let's leave then." Arceede proposed it and answered by a nod.

"Wait wait wait! Brother! Help me!"

Hearing that made the party who has turned their back, turned again. There were 3 people in the group there who had a similar thought.

'That voice seems familiar.'