Growing up

With a bright smile, Fleamont walks towards the small group so as to give a handshake with Euphemia in tow, "Nice to meet you again, Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall. And it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Hagrid." - Fleamont

"Nice to meet you all" - Euphemia

"It's a pleasure to see you're both doing well, Mr. Potter, Mrs Potter." - Dumbledore

Euphemia swiftly notices the two twins now being cradled in Hagrids arms

"May I?" asks Euphemia whilst holding out her arms and looking at the two boys

"But of course, ma'am" Hagrid says, whilst holding out his arms and handing the two over to her.

When Philip and Harry saw her, Harry smiled happily and Philips facial expression calmed down a lot more from his very rigid, stoic one that he held before now.

Euphemia looked at the two boys lovingly before proceeding to look at Fleamont and nodding happily.

After this, the 5 of them proceeded to talk and catch up for a short while whilst Euphemia and Fleamont alternated between holding the boys. Naturally, most of the talk was focused on the two boys however, Fleamont and Euphemia could not help but shed a few tears when it came to the news about their son and daughter-in-law. Of course, they would have cried a lot more if it wasn't for keeping up appearances, well, that and the two boys that they were currently watching happily too.

After Fleamont and Euphemia had said their farewells to the trio, they swiftly began to make their way back home.

[1 Year later - 24th December 1981]

It's just before Christmas, in the 'new' Potter Household which turned out to be a Mansion with 7 floors, marble walls, golden railing and a very refined look to it. They had a total of 22 House-Elves with 18 actually being female ones and the rest male, these are all completely loyal to the Potter family and have been for generations.

In the main room on the second floor, you could see 4 people sat at a white oak table, these people were of course Harry, Philip, Euphemia and Fleamont. Fleamont was sat reading the daily prophet whilst Euphemia was watching intently over the two children as they nibbled away at some pumpkin pasties and other sorts of tiny delicacies...

As of now, Harry was sporting a fair bed of ruffled raven-black hair with clear, emerald eyes, a slightly chubby face from baby fat and clear, white skin tone. Philip on the other hand had a slightly shorter, cleaner hairstyle with some roots being platinum-blonde and others being the same raven-black colour as Harry's. His eyes were a very soft shade of grey and yet they appeared to have no end to their depths, making the young boy look very mysterious and with his slightly lean, well defined figure, it added to his cuteness.

Harry was somewhat growing to be a replica of Fleamont when he was a child whilst Philip was beginning to have Euphemia's look with the added mysterious yet cunning look too of course.

By now, the two twins could walk around on their own two feet, and with this, they found out that Philip was around 4 cm taller than Harry.

This Christmas was truly wondrous, all 4 of them had spent time together as a loving family, enjoying a cold, heart-warming Christmas day with plenty of gifts to go around.

[2 Years later - 13th September 1984]

Philip and Harry were now 4 years old, they were both capable of speaking decently, Harry could form a few sentences which was already very good in itself, Philip however, could already pass a Level 1 English SAT test in the muggles-world, his talent was simply too frightening, or at least that's what most would think.

It turns out Philip has a fully comprehended Eidetic memory which further compliments his nature of being a slight book-worm. Whilst you won't see his face resting in a book every time you walk past, it didn't mean he wasn't devoting a lot of time to studying.

It was that time of the year again for the two boys, it was coming down to Christmas yet again, and since they were both capable of talking fluently now, they were asked what they wanted for Christmas instead of just being given stuff willy-nilly.

Harry had asked for a broom due to seeing Fleamont riding on one before whilst Philip had asked for a book he had heard of called 'Magical Beasts and where to find them' by Newt Salamander. Seeing as neither of the requests were difficult to fulfill, Euphemia and Fleamont both agreed readily. They realised that the two twins were very mature and not so arrogant as to expect more than they should receive.

[2 Years later - 17th August 1987]

After a few years of practice, it was shown that Harry had great talent with a broom just like his father James, whilst Philip was becoming more and more of a bookworm which granted him with great knowledge and maturity for his age. Due to receiving proper education on the Magic World and Muggle World alike, they had both become rather clever, Philip more so, of course.

Coming up to the day of their 8th Birthday, they both pleaded with Euphemia and Fleamont for them to be able to start training in some forms of magic. Whilst 8 years old was typically too young to start learning magic due to a few reasons, it wasn't as though you necessarily couldn't. A good example would be most of the families from Slytherin which were Pure-blooded families. Whilst Harry and Philip were Pure-Blooded too, they weren't arrogant or forceful with their ways of life.

Fleamont was all for them learning magic whilst Euphemia also felt it was a good idea.. but more so only for Philip. Philip after all, was very intelligent and spoke in a manner as though he was already in the middle of his teenage years.

Whilst there was nothing to say that Harry was 'dumb' per-say, it was more so that he was just still a little too immature, and if any magical power suddenly backfired on him... well, let's just say it would be disastrous.

Even so, Harry and Philip still always stuck together, no matter the situation, and as such it was very hard to allow one to do one thing without the other being allowed to do it too. Thus, Euphemia decided it was more appropriate to teach them herself whilst Fleamont came up with the idea of teaching the two some simple martial arts so as to be able to refine their bodies, and to defend themselves of course.