More new experiences

[Part of a Year later - 7th June 1990]

Despite ordering an incredulous amount of books from Flourish and Blott's, this didn't slow down Philip in the slightest.. it took him a mere 10 months to read through around 460 books. By now his knowledge was at an all high, Euphemia and Fleamont had even noticed that Philip was slowly practicing wandless spells behind the scene, whilst this still made them slightly worried, they never spoke of it in the end due to Philip seemingly having full control over his own magic power.

One afternoon, Philip was sat in the study with many a books surrounding him forming piles, he had his eyes closed whilst staying completely still. This was his first time practicing the spell Reparo which was used to repair things or rather return things to their previous state.

In front of him was a book with a single page ripped out that he had used previously for material, he slowly opened his eyes before pointing his right index finger towards the tear in the book and silently muttered "Reparo" whilst focusing the magic into his finger, he noticed the previously torn page shifting along the table as though it was crawling to it's missing body part before swiftly reconnecting back to the tear along the books page. Within but a few seconds, the page and book were completely linked again as though the page had never been torn out in the first place.

Philip was very happy with the progress he had made but only gave a gentle and curt smile. He knew that whilst it was amazing to be able to silently chant and also do it wandless, it still wasn't enough and was merely but the start of his journey.

Philip then closed the book tightly before getting up from his study seat and leaving the room, he made his way down the exterior corridor only to hear the voice of Harry and a slight sound of the wind wooshing around. He followed the sounds and saw Harry and Fleamont both on brooms supposedly playing a smaller version of Quidditch amongst themselves, if anything, it could be compared to the muggle time passing game known quite simply as a game of 'pass' where they'd send the ball to each other whilst testing their flying skills out.

Harry seemingly having felt the presence of Philip abruptly turned around to look towards the direction of the balcony where he saw Philip quietly watching the game with a single book in hand just beyond his robes, Harry waved his hand high to which Philip returned a smile, Fleamont of course didn't miss this chance and sent the ball flying towards Harry. It had to be known, whilst these balls weren't anything to give serious injuries, they would still hurt quite a lot.

Just as the ball was about to hit Harry, it came to an abrupt stop and stood there silently in mid-air as if waiting for Harry to take his turn. If you looked closely, you could see that Fleamont was slightly flustered and bewildered as to how the ball stopped. He directed his gaze towards the balcony trying to find Philip's figure but realised the boy had already left.

Euphemia was sat down in the dining room playing with a white-haired wolf, although, it looked more like a dog with the way it was rolling around trying to appease to Euphemia. Philip walked into the room and sat besides Euphemia,

"Fen" - Philip calls.

The rather large wolf arises swiftly after hearing the voice and trotted his way over before clambering onto Philip's lap and covering his face in saliva, Philip had almost fallen over from the sheer force and weight behind Fen but this had happened many times by now and thus he had gotten use to it. Euphemia turned around and watched the interaction between Philip and her pet wolf Fen, honestly speaking though, you would think it was Philip's wolf with how it always made Philip it's main priority.

After a short while, both Fleamont and Harry could be seen walking into the Dining room with smiles plastered upon their faces. By now, Fen was calmly resting himself against Philip's legs whilst both Philip and Euphemia were nibbling on some small pumpkin pasties. Fleamont came over to the table and picked up a slice of butter cream cake whilst Harry made his way over to Fen and patted him on the head. Fen seemed slightly reluctant at first, but then allowed Harry to do so after seeing Philip nod towards him with a smile.

[31st July 1990]

Today was a very merry day, it was the two twins 10th Birthday, it was quite significant to Euphemia and Fleamont as they had just stepped into the double digits..naturally, their birthdays were quite important too. With a little over a year until they left for Hogwarts, they didn't have much time left to spend with their grandchildren so they wanted to make the most of it whilst they could.

As such Fleamont and Euphemia had been planning for today for a very long time and wanted to make it quite the special one for them.

Instead of doing something magic related, they woke up the boys rather early, told them to pack some suitcases of clothing and the essentials which both the boys readily did whilst pondering what they were doing it for. Then for the first time, Fleamont and Euphemia decided it seemed okay to use Apparate, this was the first time both Harry and Philip had seen the Apparate ability so it was quite exciting for them.

Of course there was the matter where they could accidentally get splinched, but with their grandparents power... let's just say it was a very unlikely situation. Over the many years that Harry and Philip had spent together with their grandparents, whilst Fleamont and Euphemia hadn't used too much high level magic in the time, they did occasionally and would always do so with extreme ease. Philip had long since noticed that they must at least be on the power level as those wizards known as Aurors, hell, he even had a slight feeling that they could be on the level of the so called strongest wizard in existence, Albus Dumbledore, also widely known for being the Principal of Hogwarts which he would soon meet.

Fen turned into a smaller version of himself, almost as if he was a cute little pup and jumped into Philip's arms where he snuggled tightly. They all huddled together whilst holding out a hand and then began to Apparate to their new location.

Honestly speaking, there was nothing that could of prepared Harry and Philip for the experience they went through there and then, It felt as though they was being sucked for a rubber tube, as though their insides were being mangled, mostly as though they were being compressed though.

What felt like forever to them turned out to be less then an instant, by the time they were still groaning about the awful feeling, they were already standing at their new location.