Chapter 4

Currently, the year is 1983, which means I will attend Hogwarts in 5 years, in 1988 which is three years before Harry Potter starts to attend and the storyline starts. Meaning I will be three years head start to get stronger and will be out of the school by the time Voldemorts resurrect at the end of Triwizard competition. Given that I work hard enough I should be able to survive the war or even able to fight Voldemort if I am unlucky enough to encounter him.

But for now, practice is the key to get stronger.

#### Time Skip : six months ; Age=6 years old ####

It has been six months since I started doing Lumos. Slowly but surely my magic is getting stronger. I am now able to light up a fairly big ball of light for minutes. My core also has more blue gas in it. Its time for me to start on next spell, which is a levitation spell. I pluck a leaf from the plant in orphanage's garden and start the wand movement for "Wingardium Leviosa" charm using my index finger as a wand. It takes a few tries, but the leave starts to levitate. Substituting leaf with heavier objects like a pen should be enough for me to easily exhaust my magic and thus increase my magic core for a while now. Since my magic has grown enough, I can now start to sort my memories and start on occlumancy.

#### Time Skip : One and half year ; Age=8 years old ####

It's been 2 years since I have started doing magic. My hard work and daily practice have finally shown results. My core has grown strong enough that I am able to levitate a brick continuously for minutes. I reckon I am strong enough to start on first year books (for subjects which use wand i.e Charms, Transfiguration, DADA. I have already memorized all 7 years content for subjects which don't require one i.e Potions, Herbology, History of Magic, Astronomy ) and will continue to make my way up the course material for all 7 years. Occlumancy has made some progress, I have sorted all memories and already started to separate them in 2 parts. One for the memories of my past life and another for the current one. Memories of my past life will be hidden even deeper than the memories of my current one.

I have also started to levitate various objects with different weights and move them in a random direction to help my control and precision. I have also started doing light physical exercises and jogging to increase physical fitness.

#### Time Skip : 3 years ; Age=11 years old ; ####

Its been 3 years since I started on Hogwarts course material in charms, Transfiguration and DADA( again, I have already covered Hogwarts material up to NEWTs Herbology, potions, History of Magic, and Astronomy theoretically ). On the day of my 11th birthday i.e 29 June 1988, my core went through a transformation. Previously it looked as if highly compressed blue air was trapped in a sphere which rapidly swirled inside it, waiting to be released, now it is like the compressed blue air is converted into the blue water. Core size has grown smaller than before. If previously it was assumed to be the size of a tennis ball, now it is the size of a marble. Magic has also grown in potency i.e it takes much less magic than before to do the same spell. Before the transformation, I was barely able to do a single 5th-year spell before exhausting, after transformation I can easily do more spells continuously for 5th-year wandlessly. But while I know the theory and wand movements for NEWT level spells (i.e year 6 and 7), I can only a few easier spells, I still don't have enough magical strength to do them all wandlessly. Anyway, as good it is to have a stronger magical core, I still need to find about this transformation.

occlumancy has also come along nicely. I now have a basic occlumancy shield, enough to know if someone is probing my mind. While it can block legilimancy attacks from less skilled users, masters like Snape and Dumbledore can easily break through it. For now, avoiding eye contact with them is the way to go.

Physical exercise has also panned out, I now have a fairly fit body and above average height for 11 a years old boy.