Chapter 18

I was once again sitting alone in a cart on Hogwarts express. Train just started running 10 minutes ago. I was in a good mood since I just mastered Occlumancy yesterday. My mind is now safe from any intrusion via legilimancy or from Veritaserum ( truth potion). As a master, I can even give out false memories for pensieve. A major advantage of mastering Occlumancy is the perfect control I now have over my body and emotions. It will be soon helpful as Dumbledore's going to talk to me as soon as he sees me since I now glowing blue eyes because of 2nd magical maturity.

I first considered telling Dumbledore about Barty Crouch Jr. Polyjuiced as Moody but then I decided against it since it will be difficult to explain my knowledge about the matter and secondly he played a major part in Voldemort's resurrection. While it is tempting to stop Voldemort from resurrection I am going to let it happen just like the canon. This is because he will find another way to come back soon enough and it will be more advantageous for me to know exactly when he will return so that I can plan for it. Dumbledore and Harry only started to look for Horcruxes after Voldemort's return so it will be better to let him resurrect and get it over with. So I can't expose Barty since he has an important role to play this year for Voldemort's resurrection.

The rest of the train ride passed while I was lost in my thoughts. After reaching the Hogsmeade station, I made my way towards Hogwarts with the rest of the students.

Sorting went more or less the same as the previous year.

After sorting and feast Dumbledore stood up and announced, " Now that everyone is fed and watered, I have an important announcement to make. Hogwarts will be playing host for the Triwizard Tournament this year."

"You're joking." Shouted one of the Weasley twins.

"I assure you that I am most certainly not joking. For those of you who don't know, Triwizard is a tournament in which a champion is chosen from one of three schools each. These chosen champions will then put through 3 challenging tasks and the winner will earn eternal glory and Triwizard cup." Dumbledore paused for a moment when his eyes met mine but started again, " But be warned that these tasks will be especially difficult and won't be for those with a faint heart. So, consider carefully before putting submitting your name."

After the announcement, students stood up and perfects started to guide new students to their respective dormitories. As I started to make my way, professor Flitwick stopped me and said, "Mr. Aiden, Headmaster would like to talk to you in his office, please. As you head of the house, I am obliged to present if you require."

"No, thank you, professor, but that won't be necessary." I replied politely and made my way towards Headmaster's office.

Gargoyle stood up and made way for me when I reached there without any password. I guess Dumbledore is waiting for me. I made my way up the stairs and when I was just about to knock, Headmaster's voice came from inside, "come in, Mr. Canis."

I did what I was told and went inside. Headmaster's office was filled with different artifacts and books. One of the walls was entirely dedicated to a bunch of portraits which I assumed were of previous headmaster and headmistresses of Hogwarts. Headmaster Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, looking at me intently.

"Good day, professor. What can I do for you?" I greeted and asked politely.

"I was simply curious, my boy. You see, even the most gifted Wizards or witches hardly go through their first magical maturity at you age let alone second like you. You must admit that this is a very peculiar and unbelievable situation." He said gently but his eyes over looking at me very intently, trying to solve the mystery that was me.

Hmmm.., I need to answer carefully, this might be a bit problematic if he thought that I was using dark magic to forcefully increase my core. It would be bad if he saw me as another budding dark lord like a certain 'Tom Riddle' who needs to be stopped be gaining more power. After years of carefully observing him, I can say that even if a bit manipulative, Dumbledore is a good guy like in canon. If I play this right, I might be able to convince him that I am a light wizard (which I totally am since using dark magic will eventually leave me insane). Though I can easily escape using shadow traveling, it will serve me better to be thought of as a good guy. I need to convince him that my core strength is due to my talent and hard work ( which it totally is) at least for now.

I carefully and slowly take my wand out of the holster without pointing at him. Dumbledore sat straight and looked alert but allowed me to proceed with my actions.

I pointed my wand upwards and said in a clear tone, " I Aiden Edward Canis, swear on my magic that my magical core strength is due to natural talent and hard work and I didn't use any external means to aid it in any way. I have never used dark magic in my life. I have also never intentionally harmed anyone in any way. So I say, mote it be. Lumos."

Well, it's true, I have yet to do the Ritual and Rita Skeeter is also alive, for now at least. While I will do these things in the future, Dumbledore doesn't need to know that.

Dumbledore looked visibly relieved after my Magical Oath. Yup, I too can play the game of telling half-truths.

" That's good to know, my boy. Forgive me for prying, I once had a student who was talented beyond the year, Alas he went dark. I always blamed myself for it, if I had just tried a bit more, I could have shown him the proper path. Anyways you, my boy, have more talent than anyone I have ever seen, even more than me. I hope you use it responsibly and in a good way. You can come to me anytime, I will be happy to show you the proper way." Said Dumbledore gently.

Yeah, like that's going to happen. But my face didn't betray any of my thoughts and I replied, " Thank you, professor, I will be sure to remember that."

" That will be all Mr. Canis, thank you for seeing me." He dismissed and I made my way out of his office and towards Ravenclaw tower.