Chapter 19

#### Time skip, Date : 30 October 1994 ####

I am currently sitting inside a great hall. Beauxbaton and Durmstrang schools groups just arrived a few minutes ago. Beauxbaton's group arrived in a flying carriage pulled by what looked to be winged horses and while that of Durmstrang , via a boat. Both groups got settled in great hall after arriving. While Durmstrang students chose to sit with Slytherins at their table, Beauxbaton's students sat with us at Ravenclaw table.

After everyone got settled in, Headmaster Dumbledore stood up and announced, "Eternal glory, that's what winner will earn. Every student has until tomorrow afternoon to put in their names." He gestured towards the goblet of fire, "This is the goblet of fire and it will fairly choose one champion from each school. But be warned, if chosen, you will stand alone and there is no turning back. There have been many deaths previously in this Tournament. So, think hard before putting your name in. Due to the highly dangerous nature of this Tournament, an age restriction has been added by the ministry this time. No one under 17 will be allowed to enter their names." Said Dumbledore while drawing an age line around the goblet.

#### Next day, evening ####

There are some guests present at the staff table whom Dumbledore introduced as Barty Crouch Sr. And Ludo Bagman as ministry representatives from the department of magical sports.

After everyone was done with their dinner, Headmaster Dumbledore stood up and announced, " the moment everyone has been waiting for has arrived, it is time to announce the champions from each school." Fire in Goblet suddenly changed its colour from blue to red and it spat out a piece of paper. Dumbledore caught it and loudly announced, "Champion from the Durmstrang is 'Victor Krum'." Krum stood up while others from Durmstrang were congratulating him and made his way towards the staff table. He was sent to the antechamber via teachers entrance in the back.

Fire in Goblet changed its colour again from blue to red and it spat out a piece of paper. Dumbledore caught it and loudly announced, "Champion from the Beauxbaton is 'Fleur Delacour'." Similar to Krum, Fleur also made her way towards Antechamber in the back.

I hold my breath and eagerly wait since it's critical for my plan to have my name on the next slip of paper. I was not disappointed when Dumbledore announced, "And the champion from Hogwarts is... Aiden Canis." Everyone from Hogwarts cheered loudly as I made my way towards Antechamber. Fleur and Krum' were present inside. "Hey, I am Aiden Canis, Champion of Hogwarts." I introduced myself.

"Fleur Delacour, Beauxbaton's champion." She introduced.

" Victor Krum, Durmstrang." He said gruffly.

Just as we were done introducing ourselves, Harry came in. Ah, poor Harry, he must be very confused right now since unlike us he didn't put his name in the cup.

Behind him were judges and professors arguing loudly. As they came in Dumbledore asked Harry urgently, " Tell me the truth Harry, did you put your name in."

Before Harry could reply, fake Moody said:" Of course he didn't, a very powerful confundus charm is required to do so, magic beyond any Hogwarts student."

I strongly disagreed with his statement but kept my mouth shut.

"You sure seem to know a lot about it." Accused Igor, Durmstrang's headmaster from the side.

"Enough, goblet of fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Whether he put his name in or not, Mr. Potter must complete. Triwizard tournament now has four Champions." Declared Barty Crouch Sr.

Next few weeks went by quickly and it was the day before the first task.

These weeks uneventful aside from the 'Potter Stinks' badges and wand weighing ceremony.

First, about the badges. Just like cannon, Draco Malfoy came up with the brilliant idea of "Poter stinks/ support Aiden, Hogwarts real champion" badges. Brilliant because while badges were insulting to Harry, they made me very popular among students. And the best thing was that I didn't need to do a thing.

I was expecting for Harry to come and warn me about the dragons just like he did with Cedric in the books, but he never did. After a quick legilimancy probe inside his mind, I found out that he did know about the dragons from Hagrid like in canon. Seems like he only Informed the cedric on the books because he knew Cedric from before since they went to Quidditch world cup together via the same portkey.

So much for him being a martyr.

Anyway, wand weighing ceremony went without a hitch. Just like the canon, Rita Skeeter came to interview us. She took Harry to a closet for the interview first. Poor Harry, don't know what he's getting into. When my turn came for the interview, I just blew her off and refused to comment. She looked pissed.

Later that day I found a 'water beetle' following me. I guess Skeeter wants to find some dirt on me for revenge. I just acted naturally like I didn't notice her till she came closer. When she came very close to me, I swatted her like a fly, she went splat on the table and I brushed her aside. Well, that takes care of her.