Chapter 20

It's the day of the first task, champions excluding Harry were all present in the Champion's tent. Krum was leaning against a pillar, trying to look calm while Fleur was sitting straight on a chair, looking visibly nervous. I was too sitting but unlike Fleur, I looked calm and nonchalant. I was barely holding in my excitement. I already prepared the Ritual in the chamber of secrets last night due to it being an isolated and private place. Unless Harry feels like going in it for a stroll inside dirty pipes just for fun, I am sure I won't be distributed during the Ritual.

Just then Harry entered the tent looking very nervous. Judges i.e Ludo Bagman, Barty Crouch Sr, and Head of three schools. Bagman gestured for us to come closer and held out a bag.

Just like canon, Fleur's turn was first. She took out a miniature dragon from the bag.

"Welsh Green for Beauxbaton's champion." Declared Bagman.

Then Krum had his turn and Bagman announced, " Chinese fireball."

Now it was now my turn, from what I know, only Swedish shortsnout and Hungarian Horntail were left. But since Horntail was spikier then the other dragon, I felt it from my fingers and took it out.

"And most dangerous and violent Hungarian Horntail for the Hogwarts champion. Which leaves the Swedish shortsnout for our youngest Champion." He declared.

" Now that the champions know which dragon they will be facing, it time to go over the rules. Each dragon will be protecting a golden egg, and champions have to obtain said egg which will contain a clue for the Second Task. Each champion will be given 30 minutes for completing the task. Judges will announce the scores after each champion complete their task. Champions will go in order of number written on their miniature dragons." He explained.

Harry was first, then Fleur, after whom it was Krum's turn. I was the last to go.

Since I was sitting inside the tent, I didn't get to see their performance. But I guess they did same as in the books.

Soon it was my turn. I was not nervous since I already prepared and have a solid plan. I walked out of the tent confidently. I heard Bagman shot, "And now, Hogwarts champion, Aiden Canis will face against the Hungarian Horntail." The crowd roared in cheers.

I looked ahead and there was a giant, mean looking Dragon standing in front of me, filled with spikes. But all I saw was an ingredient for my upcoming Ritual, walking around.

The dragon opened its mouth and fired a blast of dragon fire, the moment it saw me.

I took out my wand from the holster, in a quick manner and practiced ease.

I pointed my wand forwards and wordlessly cast "Portego horribilis" charm in front of me. It is the same shielding charm used to protect Hogwarts.

A thick blue shield formed in front of me and easily protected me from the flames.

Seeing this, the audience erupted in loud cheers for me.

After the flames died out, I removed the shield and waved my wand to transfigure the ground in front of the dragon. The ground easily transfigured into chains which then wrapped around the dragon, binding it firmly. The dragon tried to move but couldn't because the chains were made of titanium (strongest metal I could find with highest tensile strength in Muggle books). Sure, it took more magic to transfigure ground in Titanium than iron, but results are worth it.

After it was tightly bound, I made a show of slowly moving towards the golden egg. The crowd thought that I completed the task and cheered loudly but I had something else in mind. I covertly and wandlessly made one of the chain snap. The dragon freed one of its paws and proceeded to attack me with it. At this point, I was within its attack range. To everyone else, it looked like I was unaware of this but I was on full alert. Everyone exclaimed thinking that I was done for. Just when it was about to hit me, I quickly turned around and fired a custom made attack spell of mine. A thick stream of lightning erupted from my wand, accompanied by a loud BOOM of thunder and hit the dragon's face. To everyone else, it looked like I had no choice but to attack the dragon due to getting caught off guard. I had many powerful spells to quickly dispatch the dragon but I purposely used this one to leave a lasting impression in everyone's mind.

Horntail had its head blown off and its corpse hit the ground.

Arena went silent for a while, then everyone erupted in cheers much louder than before.

Just like I previously said, killed the dragon in front of everyone else and looked awesome doing it, while everyone else cheered me on. Ahh, life is good.

I walked on and completed the task by picking up the golden egg.

I looked around and found minister Fudge. He looked very pale, seem like he caught onto the fact that ministry is going to have to fork out the galleons for the dead dragon.

I ignored him and called my house elf Rickey, "Ricky take the dragon corpse to the manor and put it in stasis."

Rickey did as told and the dead dragon vanished.

"Hey, what are you doing?" shouted one of the dragon handlers. Fudge looked like he also wanted to know the answer.

" While unintentional, I still killed the dragon and as dragons are XXXXX ranked magical creatures, I am well within my right to take its corpse by the law." I replied calmly.

Fudge looked like he wanted to argue further and stop me from obtaining the remains but held his tongue since I was right.

Fudge and dragon handlers dejectedly went back to their places.

Since I killed the dragon, I got the least scores from the judges and was in the last place. But it was worth it.