Chapter 21

After the task, I quickly made my way towards a hidden spot and shadow traveled the chamber of secrets. I called Rickey and had him bring the dragon corpse.

I separated it into ingredients using harvesting spell and put everything in unbreakable containers except its heart. I gave all the containers to Ricky and sent him away.

Now, time for the Ritual I have been waiting for all this time. I quickly prepping the Ritual with dragon heart. After some time, Ritual was ready to go and so was I.

I removed all my clothes and stood in the middle of the Ritual. I wandlessly made a cut my finger and poured the blood on dragons heart as per Ritual and started going through various steps described in Ritual.

After everything was done, the dragon's heart burst into particles which enveloped my hide body and formed a cocoon around me. It was the last thing I remembered before I went unconscious.

I woke up after what seemed like a few hours.

I ripped off the cacoon and emerged from it.

First thing I noticed was the sheer amount of strength coursing through my body. I had a fit body before, but now it's ripped. I now have well-defined muscles all over my body. But unlike bodybuilders, my body is not bulky, it's more like that of an athlete's or a swimmer. I wandlessly conjured a mirror and saw my face. My face is like it's carefully chiseled out. I was handsome before but I was on a whole new level.

Aside from my appearance, my body is much stronger than before. My bones are hard like diamond and my muscles seem like they are made of bundles of steel fibers. My physical attributes like strength, agility, endurance, dynamic vision, etc are on a whole new level.

I estimate that my physical strength is around the same as a lesser vampire.

That's not all, aside from physical changes, my Magical strength has also grown by leaps and bounds.

Previously my crystal core was very small since it just transformed a while back. But now my core is much larger. It's the same size when my liquid core was about to go under transformation. Meaning my crystal core is now as big as it's ever going to get. Assuming that Dumbledore's core has also the limit And is of the same size as mine, I am now magically much stronger than him, since crystal core is 3 times stronger than a solid core like that of Dumbledore's.

That's not all, my body is also more in tune with magic means, magic now flows much easier and without resistance through my body than before. Previously, wandless magic took around 10 times more magic than with wand. Now due to less resistance, it only takes about 1.5 times the magic wandlessly as compared to a wand.

As an added bonus, due to much higher physical and magical strength, I can just shrug off low-level spells without any protection.

Finally, my years of hard has paid off. But though I am physically and magically stronger than both Dumbledore and Voldemort, they have more experience and knowledge than me, but even than I should be able to match them one on one easily.

I can now safely say that I am strong enough to survive any situation. But if by off-chance, I am in a difficult situation, I can easily run away with shadow traveling.

Now, that my primary task of getting strong enough is complete and my safety is secured, I can now finally focus on secondary objectives like enjoying life, becoming famous getting politically stronger and many more.

Previously my plan was to lay low and let Harry do all the thankless work of getting rid of Voldemort. But now that I am strong enough, it won't hurt to Duke it out against Voldemort a few times and get famous. If I were to be seen actively fighting against Voldemort in the upcoming war, it will help me politically after everything over and Voldemort is dead. It certainly won't hurt my reputation if I am seen as a good guy and future light lord since Dumbledore is old and might hit the bucket anytime, even if I were to save him from dying like in canon due to cursed Horcrux ring. Yup, it's settled, I will now work on being seen as new and improved Dumbledore.