The Thoughts of an angel

"ANGELS IN THIS UNIVERSE ARE SO WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted ikki while pointing his finger to the group of stunned angels

"what the hell , how long as it been since we were last called weak??" asked Uriel towards his brother who replied

"Not since when we were just created and we decided to prank Zeus with an illusion of a beautiful mortal woman" replied the still stunned archangel.

while her brothers were talking back and forth Gabriel observed the man in front of her with relief as she saw the evil within his soul being devoured by his soul and being purified.She concluded that even though he is blunt and lacks any manners he is at heart a kind man

"Are you guys going to stand there and stare at me while i eat or are you going to talk??" asked the now irritated saiyan.

"Who are you and why have you come to Japan??" asked the more level headed Raphael

"My name is ikki and what i am doing here has nothing to do with you nor do i have to tell you my reasons " replied the saiyan in a bored but intimidating voice

meanwhile a golden blurr suddenly tackled the saiyan from above above

"Gaaaaahh it hurts , is your body made of stone ??" screamed a cute little girl of 5 years with 9 tails behind her .

"Ne ne onii-can why don't you say something " the cute girl continued to talk without giving any chance for the irritated saiyan to say anything while climbing on top of his head .

" Well let's go , you promised to take me flying again go go go~~"

the saiyan could do nothing but sigh tiredly and glare at the angels ,

"As you can see i am busy , if you have something to say sayit to the woman over there don't ever bother me again" saying that he left the hall with a happy little girl on top of his head .

"Why is he not responding to kunou-sama the same way he is responding to us ??" asked a confused Michael towards Yasaka


(flashback : The day ikki arrived at the imperial palace)

Yasaka pov


""SO TROUBLESOME!!!!!!!!!" shouted a certain saiyan

instantly kunou was frightened by his shouting and started to tremble, I felt endless rage go through me as i started to charge up my youki to attack but stopped midway as i saw the intimidating man from before rubbing the head of kunou in a consoling manner while having an irritated look but had a warmth in his eyes


ikki pov

seriously, to think i took out my frustration on a child , if that idiot goku was here he would be trying to pound me into the ground , kids are so troublesome to deal with.

"Hey kid stop crying , if you stop crying then then i will take you out of the castle to fly around the city okay??" asked a now uncomfortable saiyan toward the child who now looked at him with stars in her eyes.

{I hit myself on the foot with this promise haaa so troublesome}


(back to the present )

"You can ask him that yourself" replied yasaka as she went back into her room ,thinking back to the scene of that barbarian with kunou on his shoulder filled her heart with warmth and unknowingly started to develop a strange feeling in her heart


meanwhile the angels were bewildered and stupefied by the behavior of the youkai leader

"What do we do now ????" asked Uriel

"For now we should return to the heaven and thing about our future actions "


hey guys i have read all your comments from before so i will clarify somethings , first of all i am sorry to disappoint some of you but there will be no harem in this story for the mc , he will at most have two woman and yasaka is confirmed to be one of them.

The reason for this is as stated by one of the readers , saiyans are a warrior race they do not care for love , while mc is only half saiyan he is still an ancient variant and also inherited their love for battle so as always if you have suggestions give them in the comments , seeya