The girl who melted the heart of a saiyan

"come on onii-can you are slow hahahah~~~~" came a sing song voice of a little girl from the street where a cheerful little girl could be seen waving towards a grumbling handsome man .

"Seriously kid , you have too much energy for your own good" said the saiyan irritatedly towards the girl but one could see the mischief in his eyes.

It has been 2 months since ikki came to the dxd universe and begun living at the Kyoto palace with Yasaka and kunou. During this time the angel group came again to get answers from the saiyan but were given the same cold shoulder as before so in the end they gave up but they would still keep an eye on him from time to time.

"Don't grumble like an old man onii-can, you sound like those grumpy tengu soldiers hahah~~"

"HEY don't compare me to a weak little crow "

While this banter was going on yasaka was watching this scene from her window until the duo turned at the end of the street and left her vision

"I hope that barbarian does not cause any problems again" sighed a tired yasaka but a growing warmth can be seen in her eyes .During the past 2 months Yasaka and Ikki became close enough to be considered friends , he found her no nonsense attitude good and did not treat him with fear like the rest of the supernatural world and would directly reprimand him which no one in either of the two universes could do aside from his mother , while yasaka liked his blunt personality and there was a hidden charm to his bluntness, she did not need to worry about a plot or a knife in the ark with him. The only time the two of them argued was when she forced him to take up a job,


(flashback 1 month ago)

"HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"the saiyan shouted towards an irritated yasaka,

"If you want to stay in this world you will need an identity which i could arrange but no one would trust an unemployed man to live by himself , so you need to find a job now!!"replied yasaka to the enraged saiyan

"The only thing i need right now is to train more so that i can gain back control of all my transformation again after experiencing the sudden growth of my ki , and there is no way i am going back to a mortal life no way!!!!!" replied the saiyan while he was about to fly away but felt a hand grab his shirt .

"onii-chan you promised to buy me a toy store , when are you going to buy it ???" asked an innocent looking kunou.

ikki looked toward yasaka who had a face which said ' i am no paying for that ' ,

"HAAAAAA fine fine you win, but i will have my revenge woman , mark my words" said the now gloomy saiyan while both the mother and daughter looked triumphant.

{me and my big mount always promising impossible haaaaaa}


(present time)

yasaka still could not understand how her daughter had the intimidating man wrapped around her fingers , that man would ignore even a god's request but would do anything to satisfy her daughter

Thinking about him always brought a strange sweet feeling in her heart, she was not dumb so she understood what this feeling was but was afraid that he would turnout like her previous husband , that thought while keeping his power in mind was very terrifying

"I hope you turn out to be a good man ikki-san , because if you are not i don't know what i would tell kunou and what i would tell myself"