Three Rulers of Takamagahara

Kyoto, Japan, 1 hour later

"We need to go to the Temple. Its guardian should allow us to pass through to enter Takamagahara."

I said as we went through the night streets of Kyoto. Several city districts were fully lit up as it was night, and countless Yokai were strolling the streets. There were many species of them, as they have a plethora of different forms, though most of them have a human-like form with animalistic accents or have to shapeshift to assume such a form.

Kyoto Temple was a place where the portal leading straight to the Takamagahara was located and was protected by the Gatekeeper, who was usually the High Priest of the Amaterasu-no-Omikami.

The current High Priest was, by all information gathered, some Dragon called Ryuzen. According to the Astral Boundary classification of Dragons, his strength moved around Immemorial Dragon Level 2 or Level 3. Here in Draconic Deus, he would be classified as a Dragon King.

When we entered the Temple, we saw an elderly-looking man in priest clothing, as he held a staff in his right hand.

"Devils... Lucifer and Lucifuge. Come, they await you."

Said the man as we followed after him. Truthfully, I wasn't that surprised he knew we were coming, as Japan was under heavy surveillance from the Gods.

"You must be the current High Priest of the Shinto, Ryuzen. It is a pleasure, Your Excellency."

I said with a slight bow.

"Oh? Then, allow me to welcome you, Lord Lucifer and Lady Lucifuge."

Said the man, as he too bowed slightly.

"On our way here, we encountered a small town controlled by Angels and Church. They were building a base there."

I said.

"By your wording, I could judge that the town is not in existence anymore, Angels and forces of Church, including."

Said High Priest Ryuzen.

"Indeed. There was a Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel and several Ultimate-Class Eight Winged Angels among them, including many weaker ones and at least one thousand Human Exorcists."

I explained as Ryuzen suddenly halted in his steps.

"Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angel, you say? According to our intel, we are currently aware of five Cadre-Class Ten Winged Angels that are operating in Japan. All of them are under the watch of Intermediate Gods and waiting to be killed. These ones must have come to the country unnoticed... how troublesome. What have you found there?"

Questioned Ryuzen with a serious voice.

"They were trying to build the artificial Divine Kingdom there, underneath the town. Unfortunately for them, they were killed before they could implement their plans."

I explained while omitting some minor details as a number of Divine Crystals I have found.

"Wait here... I need to report this immediately."

Stated High Priest Ryuzen as he teleported out.

After several seconds he teleported back.

"Come this way."

He said as he led us to some kind of a platform, which suddenly lit up, and several figures walked out of it.

The first one resembled a young man with long and spiky black hair and gold eyes. He was dressed in armor that appeared to be of Chinese design. It consists of five parts-the white undergarment, gold pauldrons, the gold and red vest, gold arm bracers, and gold and white pants. In his right hand, he held long katana with a gold and silver handle.

I recognized him as Susanoo-no-Mikoto, a Greater Divinity Stage God. He had divinity over Storms and Seas.

The second man was a tall slim man, appearing in his mid to late twenties, with long silky silver hair flowing past his shoulders. His outfit is a purplish-blue and white kimono with Moon-representative ornaments.

This was Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, a, a Greater Divinity Stage God.

He was the God of the Moon.

The last person to come out of the portal was a woman.

She was a fit, beautiful young woman with long black hair around twenty years old. She wore clothing similar to Ryuzen; just her aura was that of a god.

Amaterasu-no-Omikami is a pinnacle, a Greater Divinity Stage God and Goddess of Sun.

These three Greater Gods were basically rulers of the Takamagahara and the entire Shinto Pantheon.

"Descendant of Lucifer, you wished to speak with Shinto Trinity. Now speak."

Said Amaterasu with an aloof voice.

"Thank you for granting me an audience, honorable Gods of Takamagahara."

I said as I bowed, showing my respect.

Gods were arrogant creatures, especially the strongest ones of strong Pantheons. To be granted an audience with all three rulers of the Takamagahara was something I didn't expect.

At most, I awaited that they would send a Heavenly Messenger God as a negotiator. Probably the info about Angels building here the artificial Divine Kingdom must have been shocking for them.

"As you are aware that soon enough, the war between three Christian Factions would erupt, and we devils hope that you, as Shinto Pantheon, could attack the influence of the Church on Earth and eradicate it. Within your capabilities, of course."

I explained.

"What about Yahweh? I doubt he would just watch his followers getting exterminated one by one."

Asked Tsukuyomi.

"He is not a problem. Great Satans have a method to make it impossible for him to intervene. Lord Bael already contacted Pale Blood of Yharnam, Werewolf Tribes, and Olympians from which all of them would make a move on forces of Heaven and Church on Draconic Deus."

I stated.

Three of them looked at each other, probably communicating telepathically, before deciding on the next course of action.

"Very well, Shinto will make a move on Church."

Amaterasu-no-Okami said after a several-second long pause.