That Went Well...

"Then I must thank you, Excellencies, and now we will take a leave."

I said as Grayfia and I teleported out. We appeared in the outskirts of the Gremory territory in the predestined location I set up.

"That went well..."

Said Grayfia from behind me.

"Yes, but still, I hate gods. They always look down at us... just wait once you fall from grace."

I muttered.

Path of Gods was a fickle thing. While being God gives you immense lifespan and powers, most gods depend on Faith to create Divine Crystals so they can restore Divine Power quickly. For example, if God used all of his Divine Power, it would take him decades to regenerate and reach full state.

That was due to the special nature of the Divine Power. To speed up this process, Gods used Divine Crystals, which was basically crystalized the Power of Faith that came from the Faith of their followers. Once gods are cut off, they would get much weaker.

In the future, when the world gets more technological and Faith becomes something obscure, Gods will get much weaker. Their supply of Faith would be much smaller, which would mean fewer Divine Crystals, which in turn would mean, for first: making it almost impossible for Gods to get stronger, and for a second, will basically cripple their ability to make a move.

If they attacked or did something and used most of their energy reserves, they would be forced to recuperate for a long time, as they cannot use Divine Crystals to regenerate their energy reserves without planning for the future.

The beginning of the technological age will mark the tremendous weakening of Gods and Pantheons in their ability to expand and attack others. Of course, Pantheons with strong and long foundations will be less affected due to their long history and many trump cards.

And species such as Devils, Pale Blood, Werewolves, Youkai, Buddhas, and others would become real powerhouses. Of course, with the exception of some Pantheons, which would enforce their Faith even in that age, such as Hindu.


At the same time, at the Kyoto Shinto Shrine.

"Are you sure this is a smart move, Amaterasu? Meddling in the war between their factions?"

Asked Tsukuyomi, as he was always the most moderate among the three of them.

"Who knows... but this time is the best to strike at Church and annihilate its influence from Japan. We need to secure dominance over humans in the future... don't forget what happened in Pantheons across the Astral Boundary that let humans grow too much."

Said Amaterasu in a stern voice.

"I doubt these humans will learn magic, or Warlock Cultivation or Arcanist System."

Remarked Susanoo from her side.

"Of course, they won't... but when they start pursuing the path of technology, their Faith in gods will weaken, and after several centuries it will be just a small fragment of what it was. Less Faith means less Divine Crystals, and less Divine Crystals mean we can't use our Divine Power too much as we won't have effective means to regenerate it instantly."

Explained Amaterasu to her two brothers.

"So, what do you want to do after this mess passes up?"

Asked Susanoo.

"We will need to meddle more with human affairs. While our religion is not suitable to be a theocracy, it needs to be strong among people even after centuries to pass. And to achieve that, the first step is to push out all foreign religions from our turf. From now on, start giving a blessing to martially talented humans to strengthen them... maybe turn them into Divine Guards and have them create their Clans with a bit of Divine Blood. Invest more resources into Five Principal Clans... their patriarchs are only at middle stages of Ultimate-Class... we need to push it up."

Explained Amaterasu her plans for the future.

"What about those Devils? They would profit too much from this mess... more precisely that one that came, if they became too powerful, it would be detrimental."

Said Tsukuyomi.

"I know, hopefully, that war will result in their mutual destruction, and I doubt Hades, Seth, or Izanami will leave them be after they are weakened. They will attack the first moment they see to seize devil-controlled parts of the Underworld. For these Gods, it is the only path to become Mighty Stage God."

Explained Amaterasu.

"That would be ideal."


Underworld, Gremory Territory, Castle Fuerig

After returning from the Takamagahara, practically all things I needed to do were complete, and I had some free time.

I had already promised Venelana that I would meet with her parent and we would have dinner. I even met her brother, future Lord Bael.

He was younger than her by several decades, and truth be told, he was pitifully weak. He was only around in the later stages of the High-Class, and he didn't train often. Just a bit of my aura and killing intent was able to scare him for life.

Of course, an aura of someone like me at Satan-Class was not something someone on High-Class would be able to withstand.

Now I was observing my familiar, Bloody Thorny Flower, which was already at the pinnacle of the Commander Level.

[Race: Bloody Thorny Flower


Level: Commander

Magical Power: 99

Strength: 99

Agility: 75

Vitality: 80


Abilities: Take Root, Corpse Feeding, Poison Spit, Basic Elemental Magic]

'Hmm... I will feed it several General Level monster corpses so it can reach the next evolutionary stage and then next, and next and become the terrifying enemy. Maybe I should go to Familiar Forest and try to get other familiars. Some have terrifying potential if groomed correctly, such as Nemean Lion or Wampus Cat; both would be tremendously useful. Especially Wampus Cat, which can cover for my weakness in Illusions, Mind Magic, and Hypnosis.'

I thought in my head about my next trip to the Familiar Forest.

Additionally, I also wanted to go to the Sunset Monster Mountain Range to explore the inner layer once more. Even though I knew it was risky as my grandfather Zeldris was killed there, it was an immense opportunity to obtain the corpses of some Monarch Level monsters and increase my power.