Mining Planar Core

Mechanicum was one of the specially designed forces I had in my Military. With the expansion of the Arcanotech, a new occupation has been created in the Underworld. It was called mech controller, they were mentally strong devils, skilled in the art of Arcanotech that were controlling Mechs.

As I cannot have Architect to control all Mechanical Legions at the same time, this was my solution. Currently, there existed only lower-ranked members of the Mechanicum, Commanders that could control 10,000 Mechs, Manipulators that could control up to 100,000 Mechs, and Controllers that could control up to 1 million Mechs.

If I had to give myself a rank, then even without Architect's help, I could control my entire Hydralisks Legions, which numbered 10 million, that would correspond to the Administrator Rank.

Many nobles ordered Drones from me and paid tons of Soul Coins to get their hands on the newest inventions of the Arcanotech. These days, Drones completely replaced slaves as the main force working in hazardous areas.

Drones were more effective, useful, versatile, and low-cost on maintaining. They could work indefinitely, as long as there was magical power to charge them up.

Many devils were staring studying basic Arcanotech books I have published, with just some household Arcanotech gadgets. The technology level of Devils was pretty messed up right now.

Only part of the people that enjoyed a certain level of luxury and technology were Nobles or Military Officers. The rest of the common devils lived similar to humans during the middle ages.

If the population is on your side it is easy to become ruler, as everyone would love you. So I threw some bits and scraps to the commoners, so their lifestyle would improve. I sold Arcanotech household gadgets through the entire Underworld, for rather cheap prices and make billions of Soul Coins each month from the sales.

"Then we shall go for the Yestera Plane immediately. When all the work there is finished, we will start mining the Planar Core."

I said to Grayfia as we went to teleportation formation.

After we arrived at the Yestera Plane I was pretty surprised by the change of the environment. Long gone were the clear blue sky and vibrant green forests and plains. Now the only thing that was here, was hordes of waste, black sky from the trash from Arcanotech Factories, and pollution everywhere.

Not like that it mattered, as soon enough entire Plane would be destroyed.

I went to the central point of the plane, which was located on the main Continent of the Yestera Plane, as the path of the Planar Core was located there.

It took us two hours flying to get there, and finally, we have arrived.

In front of us, was an enormous Arcanotech device, that was around fifty meters tall and its only purpose was to extract the Planar Core from the Plane.

Planar Core was a crystal that was a condensation of an enormous amount of energy. Not only that, it could be refilled and it was the best battery one could wish for. It would be a crucial part for the construction of the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut, a collocal voidship that was Level 6 Arcanotech, with firepower comparable to lower ends of the Apocalypse-Class.

Of course, that would be in the far future, as right now I have no near abilities to build something astronomical like that. Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut was a colossal, smaller Space Fortress that could blow up huge objects in space, even smaller planets. To construct something like that a lot of precious resources were needed and especially alloys, that were not available to me right now.

"How is the evacuation process General Amyke?"

I asked General Amyke who arrived around ten minutes after me as he bowed slightly.

"It is almost done, only a few minor factories need to be relocated but the Drones are working hard and fast, so it won't be a problem. How long after the extraction of the Planar Core we have until the Plane is destroyed?"

Aksed me General Amyke.

"Hour, two hours, half an hour... I don't know, as it varies. Sometimes the plane will implode even instantly, but I hope this is not the process. Instant implosion is the case with low-grade planes, Yestera is Grade 5 Plane already, so it should hold for some time before it gets destroyed. Its Planar Core would be a great treasure."

I explained, as soon enough enormous Arcanotech device lit up, and a beam of pure energy started being released from the Arcanotech device, called Planar Drill.

Planar Drill was drilling through the crust of the Yestera Plane with such ease, it even amazed me. After ten minutes, it was done at 30%. It was a very fast process, fortunately.

In Solar Federation, we used a similar device to mine Planetary Core for its energy. It was usually done from high orbit, so when the planet started to explode, the mining ship would have enough time to escape the range of explosion.

I have talked a bit with Grayfia about our upcoming wedding during waiting for the Planar Drill to finish.

Yes, wedding.

I would be marrying Venelana and Grayfia next month. We wanted to have our wedding before the Great War starts, as during it, there won't be a time for anything like this and after the War, if we survive in a good health, everyone would be focused on the rebuilding of what was lost.

I ask them for their hand, around a year ago.

Both of them said yes.

And after that, we had our first steamy hot threesome. It was fun, as Vena was more open and Grayfia was still a bit shy to do it in front of someone, especially when that someone was her rival.

After ten minutes the process of the Planar Mining was complete and the Planar Drill shut down the beam of energy.

Then suddenly several hundreds of magic circles have appeared through the entire length of the drilled path and started crushing down on the Planar Core, severing its connection with the Plane and subsequently shrinking it down.