Taking care of pets

After the Planar Core was shrunk down, to a size that could be comfortably stored, it brought it up, and it ended in my hand.

The Planar Core looked like a diamond, just like it had all colors of the rainbow. It was truly a beautiful jewel, and Grayfia was absolutely captivated by it. Unfortunately, it wasn't jewelry but an essential part of the reactor that would be part of the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Voidship's Engine.

"We need to go and get out of here."

I said to Grayfia and General Amyke while I left the Planar Drill here. It was one-time use Arcanotech Device, due to the inability to construct a permanent one. The reason was, I have lacked one crucial material that cannot be found in the Dimensional Gap.

Afterward, we have all returned to Castle Fuerig, as the Yestera Plane was destroyed after the Planar Core was extracted by me.

Grayfia then went to Venelana as they were making wedding preparations together, and often quarreling about minor things such as decorations, wedding dresses, list of hosts, and many others, things that weren't that interesting for me, but where everything for them.

I rather went to check up on my two familiars, Dou Dou and Isla.

Isla was a female Wampus Cat I have contracted and she has already reached the General Level.

When she smelled me, she immediately rushed me and started licking me with her tongue that was like a knife. Additionally, her claws were clinging to me, so I cannot escape.

She was really cuddly little creature, though she was not little, but big as an adult lion. I pet her head and scratched her behind her ears, she liked that most. Even though she now looked like a harmless little kitty, that enjoyed being scratched behind the ears, she was an extremely dangerous General Level magical beast.

'Architect scan, her.'

I said, as I continued petting Isla, who started purring soundly, which I enjoyed. It is filled with a nice feeling of peace and warmth.

[Name: Isla

Race: Wampus Cat


Level: General

Magical Power: 290

Strength: 300

Agility: 300

Vitality: 245


Abilities: Illusion Magic, Mental Magic]

"Soon to reach Monarch Level, just one evolution short."

I said.

Wampus Cat at the Monarch Level is a very terrible existence, as it could bewitch and control even Satan-Class powerhouses easily, if they are not mentally strong, or don't have some mind protection magic.

Wampus Cats were best with the usage of Illusion and Mental Magic, like mind-controlling and mind-reading. They were really terrifying opponents, that usually stayed hidden in the dark, and hunted from the shadows.

And if Isla is the one who is strong, then Dou Dou, the Phantom Devouring Thorny Flower is absolutely terrifying.

After three years of constant digest Satan-Class entities, like Monarch Level Monsters, Ten-Winged Cadre-Class Angels, and Fallen Angels, she finally evolved from the Devouring Thorny Flower to the Phantom Devouring Thorny Flower.

[Name: Dou Dou

Race: Phantom Devouring Thorny Flower


Level: Monarch

Magical Power: 625

Strength: 450

Agility: 350

Vitality: 794


Abilities: Take Root, Corpse Feeding, Poison Spit, Advanced Elemental Magic, Thorny Flower Vines, Spore, Thorny Flower Army, Plant Magic]

It had gained two new skills, Thorny Flower Army and Plant Magic.

The second was self-explanatory, as it could use Plant Magic, but the Thorny Flower Army was more interesting.

It could germinate and summon an army of Thorny Flowers, that is existing in a pocket dimension. Right now each one of the Thorny Flowers is at the pinnacle of the Commander Level and several of them are at the General Level.

Also, the Basic Elemental Magic has evolved to the Advanced Elemental Magic.

In short, the Phantom Devouring Thorny Flower is the nightmarish opponent. Not only that she is strong, but she can also drown her enemies in thousands upon thousands of Commander Level Thorny Flowers and tens of General Level Thorny Flowers.

What was more astounding, this army would evolve alongside her. The best thing was, all those Flowers needed fertilizer, and I could finally get rid of millions of corpses I have accumulated during the Yestera Conquest that were stored in various dimensional storage objects.

Dou Dou acted as the guardian of my home, the Castle Fuerig.

She was the best subject for that, as she was strong, not even the current three Satans would get rid of her in a short time, maybe people like Zekram could due to their highly destructive abilities. She also had an entire army on her back to call if needed.

And thanks to her nature as a plant, she had roots around the entire Castle Fuerig and nothing cannot escape her watchful eyes. Also, her intelligence evolved, and while she cannot speak, she was no less intelligent than any other devil.

Many monsters gain basic intelligence upon evolving to the General Level monster / magical beasts, and this intelligence would only increase with each additional evolution.

With her guarding the Castle Fuerig, then I didn't need to fear it would be attacked or fall. Additionally, to not shame my magical and Arcanotech genius, this place was even better magically protected than the capital of the Devils, Lucifaad.

I had countless Arcanotech Towers here, with tens of magical formations, wards, and barriers. It was basically a turtle shell, that even Genbu would be proud of.

"Have your army finished digesting all the fertilizer, Dou Dou?"

I asked the Phantom Devouring Thorny Flower Dou Dou, as she lifted one of her leaves up, and started making nod-like movements, that signified agreement.

"Don't worry. During the Great War, you can clean up battlefields and you will have as many corpses as you want."

Dou Dou would be even well suited for cleaning the battlefield, as she could get rid of all corpses that would be here and there. Of course, I would at first take their armor and weapons, Drones would do that, and then Dou Dou could release her underlings to eat the corpses.