Might of the Arcanotech, Familar and one Devil (2)

While I was fighting with Satanael, my Mechanical Legions were tearing the Fallen Angels apart.

It was a bloodbath.

While the Fallen Angels, may be strong, they were nothing in front of my Mechanical Legion. Hydralisks with their agile shape and multiple arms, terrifying physique, and basic energy resistance, were killing one Fallen Angel, after another.

Though not without a sacrifice. Basically, one Hydralisk would be destroyed for every ten Fallen Angels killed. But that was not a real problem, as Mechanical Legion could be easily and quickly rebuilt.

My recyclation capability has reached 100%, so from destroyed Mechs, I could get the same amount.

Meanwhile, Isla was running around the entire battlefield, as she already killed two Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels. She was a predator and Wampus Cats were natural-born hunters, that enjoyed toying with their prey and killing them slowly.

It was really magnificent sight.

I dodged every attack, Satanael threw at me with ease as I enjoyed his screams of rage seeing his army getting massacred, one after another, cold corpses fell and blood flew in rivers. I cast another wave of spells that crashed on the Satanael, causing him to suffer serious injuries with each passing minute of our fight.

"What is it black pigeon? Are you already out of breath or out of strength? Or maybe both?"

I mocked him, to anger him even more.

Satanael was a prominent member of the Grigori and strong Fallen Angel of Cadre-Class. And as he dared to intrude upon my territory, it will become his grave today, as I never leave my prey alive.

As predicted my insults, proved to be fruitful, and Satanael attacked me once, more.

This time I just defended as I was casting a protective ward around us. I don't doubt that when the situation turns dire for him, he will turn and try to run to save his life, something that cannot happen.

Suddenly, a translucent shield barrier enveloped two of us, as Satanael looked surprised, until his surprise turned into horror, as he realized that I don't want to leave him any options to escape. As the barrier was created, suddenly several beams of energy flew into it and kept flowing from Arcanotech Towers. They were supplying the barrier with power, so it won't be broken down by our clash and Satanael cannot use brute force to destroy it.

"You know, I don't like leaving loose ends behind, not to mention powerful and vengeful loose ends... you understand me for sure, right?"

I asked the rhetorical questions, as I conjured tens of Tactical-Tier Spells such as Dragon Lightning, Thunder Death Burst, or Magic Lance and bombarded Satanael with an almost seemingly endless barrage of the Tactical-Tier Spell.

I know, I cannot injure him severely with Tactical-Tier Spells, but their purpose was to drain his magical power reserves. It was clear he was no magician, or even experienced in magic, so his Magical Power regeneration and reserves should be low.

'Hmm, time to test a new spell.'

I thought in my head, as I was casting a Gravity Fall Spell, at the Ultra-Order Tier. Gravity Fall was a spell, that adjusted gravitational force in a certain area. It was good for training physique or tempering your body. In a fight, great gravitational force, could not only immobilize your opponent but even crush him smiterness.

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared above and below Satanael, as x100 gravity pull started crushing at him, causing him to stop protecting himself with a magic shield, as he was pushed down, and had a hard time getting up. His physique must be also at the Cadre-Class, as he could move even under such high gravity.

As he stopped protecting himself, all spells were falling on him, causing him one injury after another, until he was completely bloodied and on the verge of death.

I flew out to him and watched him growl and wriggle in pain, not to mention as I was pretty enjoying this sight. For me, from the moment somebody became my enemy, then every way to deal with him is acceptable, no matter how barbarous or brutal it was.

As I went closer to him, several Dark Light Chains materialized around him, and pierced through his limbs and torso, completely enveloping him as he coughed blood, not allowing him to move an inch, under the pressure of heightened gravity and Dark Light Chains.

"Did you know that Fallen Angels and Angels are the best nutrients for me? Due to my Lucifer Heritage, I can absorb your powers with Devour more easily and the strengthening effect is best. Especially from the stronger ones such as yourself. So, I must thank you, your sacrifice has brought me closer to the Super-Devil Class."

I said to him, while I coated my right hand with Demonic Energy and pierced through Satanael's chest to his heart, and sued Devour Clan Trait to its maximum ability.

I watched in delight as a huge amount of power flew into me, assimilating, and expanding my energy reserves by a nice deal. Additionally, I absorbed his vital energy, which strengthened my body, as Satanael started withering, and looked like a mummy.

Then I retracted my hand, and dispersed the barrier, and let his withered body fall onto the ground, from the height of several kilometers, instantly shattering after the fall into several pieces.

[Demonic Energy Reserves expanded by 26 Units. Each aspect of the Physique is strengthened by 5 Units.]

I heard Architect's voice in my head, as my Demonic Energy Reserves has reached 800 Units. My combat prowess was already terrifying as it is now, but after reaching 800 Units, I was even stronger.

Still reaching Super-Devil Class would be very hard, as I need Devour someone on that level. And I had a target, Albion and Ddraig, or more to be precise their Dragon Cores. After we kill them as Three Factions, I will either take them as my loot or just steal them.