Aftermath of First Battle

After Satanael's death, the remaining Fallen Angels tried to escape but it was futile, they were chased by Hydralisks and in the end, were all killed. One of the first battles of the Great War has ended in the overwhelming victory of Devils.

From 10 million Hydralisks, around 8,5 million were remaining while 1,5 million has been destroyed during the battle. Not that I cared about that, as they could be recycled and repaired and just within a week or two, I would be at full numbers.

To clean up the battlefield, I have ordered my Drones to harvest armors and weapons, of Fallen Angels. These weapons and armors would be melted down, and new ones would be created out of it. After the process was done, as Drones stripped clean 20 million Fallen Angels and even cleaned remains of Hydralisks within four hours, I summoned my Familiar Rose.

She immediately knew what was going on. I brought her to eat, at least in her own opinion.

She immediately summoned tens of thousands of Thorny Flowers that started collecting corpses of the Fallen Angels and bringing them back to the pocket dimension that belonged to Rose, where her real body was located.

Currently, the Thorny Flower Army had just a pinnacle Minion Level standard, which was the peak of the Low-Class. After digesting all these 20 million corpses of Fallen Angels, I predict that all 100,000 Thorny Flowers would be strengthened to the pinnacle of Warrior Level.

Of course Rose herself would digest the corpses of the Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angels, so she can increase her own power a bit. Soon enough only blood remained on the ground, as the entire battlefield was stripped clean.

Isla returned to my side, as she licked my hand, and held o her paws, severed head of the Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angel.

"Good girl, who is the best Wampus Cat in the existence? Of course you!"

I scratched her behind her ears just like she liked it as I enjoyed her purring sounds. All the three Generals that I have brought with me, killed one Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class Fallen Angel. We have returned to the Emperor-Class Battleship, as everything was already cleaned up and loaded up in the ships, and flew back to the Fuerig, to celebrate the first victory.


1 Year Later

After I have returned, no one attacked the Gremory Territory during this one year. Truth be told, after the initial first waves of attack, there were only small skirmishes.

While I defended my territory from the Vanguard of Grigori, similar armies attacked the territories of my fellow nobles.

Houses of Phenex, Sitri, and Astaroth worked together to fend them off while suffering enormous casualties for pushing the Fallen back. On the other side, the biggest battle was probably between Houses Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Leviathan, which were all attacked by legions of Heaven, each led by Archangels Attacks was led by Uriel, Gabriel, and Raphael.

While Angels were weaker in the Underworld, and even Archangels, got weaker here, and geniue ones like leaders of this attack, were weakened, they still could contend against Satan-Class powerhouses rather easily.

All three Satan Houses, suffered countless casualties and many of their direct descendants were killed. Most notable ones being Damaidosu Zereikel Asmodeus son and heir of the Satan Asmodeus and his son, ten year old Creuserey Asmodeus.

Though these two were my achievement, as I found where they were hiding during the attack, and leaked this information to Uriel, who burned all descendants of Asmodeus with Holy Flame, one of the most painful ways to die as Devil. It was payback for what has Asmodeus done in the Vatican.

Satan Asmodeus would be probably enraged hearing that, but they were trapped with Yahweh, but all Four Great Satans were unavailable and Yahweh was the same. I knew that they still didn't bait him with Trihexa, so those Four must be in the Dimensional Gap preparing their trap, and that could take years, to prepare a trap that could contain Mighty Stage God.

Right now tension was high, as it was clear that soon enough new wave of the offensive would arrive. Currently, the situation has reached a weird balance. Heaven has been elevating a lot of weak angels, thus creating a lot of Artificial Angels, that was weaker than their geniue counterparts, but it gave them numbers to contend against Devils. The reason why Artificially elevated angels were weaker than those who achieved the rank on their own was simple.

They had Energy Reserves, but they lacked good control over their own energy and lacked combat experiences and combat prowess. It was understandable, as what else could happen if you take Two-Winged Angel and forcefully elevate him to Six-Winged High-Class Angel.

While he would have Class, he had neither control over his power, their adequate spells and attack, or even defense and nether experiences with his strength. They were good cannon fodder.

But that also increases the ratio in which Angels started Falling, which in turn boosted up Grigori's numbers.

Neither Fia and Vena has participated in the battle, as they were focusing more on running the territory, but soon after the second wave of attacks starts, then they would be forced to fight for sure.

Hela also wasn't fighting.

She was my trump card.

An early Greater God on my side.

She will attack only in the later parts of the war, as nobody would await that I have somebody as strong as hers on my side. That would be a great shock for everyone, and on top of that, if she once makes a move and reveals her strength, then everyone would be wary and I will lose a moment of surprise.

"My Lord, there is a report from the Bael Territory."

I heard the servant screaming in panic.

I read the report in silence after I dismissed the messenger.

"So Michael personally attacked Zekram. Now I wonder, hopefully, Zekram will be able to win."