Zekram vs. Michael

Bael Territory, Castle of the Bael Clan

Zekram Bael stood on the walls of the Bael Castle, as tens of Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries were installed on the walls, and many Arcantech Towers were built to protect this place better.

Additionally, a small Fleet of x25 voidships of Cruiser-Class and Grand Cruiser-Class were hiding in the shadows, as million of Devil Soldiers were flying in the air or standing on the ground. Mechanical Legions were standing side by side with Devils, as members of the Mechanicum were tasked with their control.

Zekram was donned in pitch-back armor with crimson lines and holding a katana in his right hand. He enjoyed using a sword in combination with his Power of Destruction for a versatile combat style.

As he was looking at the crimson dark skies of the Underworld, suddenly a brilliant shining light dispersed the dark clouds and millions of Angels could be seen flying from Heaven to the Underworld.

"Michael... so he is leading them this time."

Muttered Zekram silently as he looked at the angels in the lead. Michael has the appearance of a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes. He has twelve wings growing from his back, and unlike other Angels whose wings are white, his wings are colored gold, further symbolizing his position as the King of Angels, Leader of Seraphs, and strongest Archangel of Heaven. He wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head.

"Hmm... he is already in the higher ends of the Archangel-Class... his combat prowess should only be a bit weaker than Lucifer with the addition of Underworld's effect on Angels. So... it is time to use full power."

He said quietly while watching as the Legions of Angels were approaching and the sound of Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries was firing at them together with Voidships and was reaping lives of thousands with each shot.

As Michael was approaching, Zekram released the last magical seal that was hiding his power and released all of his Demonic Energy in one go, as everyone could feel a surge of the enormous amount of power from the devil's side, as commander of Angel Legions together with Michael looked there warily.

Zekram condensed Power of Destruction on the tip of his sword while using enhancing spells to boost up his speed, as he flew with tremendous speed at Michael, leaving aftershocks behind him.

Michael, being an experienced combatant and strong Archangel, conjured several Light Weapons and shot them at Zekram, as he held a sword in his hands. It is the shining holy sword that saves the planet. A golden blade that repels pretty much any evil, built to defeat an outside enemy that destroys the planet.

It was Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victory.

Sparks danced in the air, as the ground shook from the aftershocks as Zekram's unnamed katana coated with the Power of Destruction clashed with Michael's Excalibur coated in Holy Power.

"Lord Bael, it is a surprise. You have reached Super-Devil Class."

Remarked Michael with a polite smile, while Zekram nodded in agreement.

"If not for you leading the offensive this time, Archangel Michael I would be able to keep my strength hidden for some time, but alas the Fate is having its own plans as it seems."

Stated Zekram simultaneously creating hundreds of orbs from the Power of Destruction that all barraged Michael with their lightning speed, as Michael created a barrier from the purest Holy Power, to defend against self exploding Orbs of Power of Destruction.

Though Michael's shield cracked in the end, he was still without a wound and uninjured. Same cannot be said about their surroundings. One kilometer around them, there was not even a single soul alive, as either everyone retreated and battled somewhere else or were killed by both of them as collaterals.

The battle between powerhouses on their level could be extremely destructive. This time neither was them was using AOE spells or skills, just mainly focused on the close combat and duel.

Zekram gripped his katana with his two hands as the Power of Destruction started flaring around the length of the sword. With each slash he made, he sent a wave of the concentrated Power of Destruction at Michael, who always defended against it, but the same cannot be said about Angels that were hit by a large-scale effect of these wave-like attacks. All of them were turned to the dust.

Though it were not just Angels that were dying, but also hundreds of thousands of devils have already fallen, as their corpses were laying on the ground, together with corpses of killed Angels. Casualties on both sides were high, but Zekram's side had an advantage in the usage of Arcanotech.

Zekram and Michael once again clashed in the air, as their swords crossed, leaving them in a perfect stalemate. Zekram was aware that the situation was going in his favor.

He knew he couldn't kill Michael, as he was stronger than him, but he could stall him practically indefinitely, and that was his goal. Thanks to Arcanotech he got from his grandson-in-law, and the advantage of home field, devils were slowly but surely getting an advantage over the Angels.


Screamed Michael, as he saw through Zekram's plan and didn't let it come to fruition. He didn't have enough numbers to push this with pure force, and the other two Archangel-Class angels, he brought with him were just former Eight-Winged Ultimate-Class angels that were elevated to Archangel-Class by their Creator not long ago, and they were being stalled by two unknown masked devils, and one of them was critically injured.

While they didn't win, they still inflicted huge casualties on Zekram's army, and secured some foothold, as they occupied some outskirts of the Bael Territory where they already started building Holy Zones.

Zekram looked at the retreating army of Angels and decided to not give a chase. He was aware that Michael was a good strategist and he partially achieved his aim but forcing Zekram to reveal his true strength and also, occupying some parts of the outskirts of the Bael Territory.

"I wonder where this would go. Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Leviathan used some methods to achieve Super-Devil Class, but their strength is absolutely unstable and could backslash at them anytime. Alas, we have more powerhouses on that level, but for what price."