Military of the Empire

As I sat on my throne, I looked at my two sons and my daughter as they stood before the throne.

Each of them went for the Military carrier.

Sigmar was General of the Imperialis Militarum, which was already one of the highest ranks. The ranks of the Imperialis Militarum were from the lowest to highest as follows: Trooper, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, General, Lord General, and overall supreme commander, Lord Marshall Militant.

It was decided that the Imperialis Militarum would have a fixed number of 1 billion soldiers, even when in the Astral Boundary as it was an optimal number. Standart Class for average soldiers with Rank of Trooper was early Middle-Class, which in Astral Boundary wasn't anything special. We only had an advantage in quantity, not in quality, but that would change in the future.

The requirement to be an officer was High-Class, for the ranks of Captain and Major. For Colonels, either pinnacle High-Class or early Ultimate-Class. Generals were usually Ultimate-Class devils, Sigmar being Satan-Class was an exception as he still lacked experience due to his young age. However, he earned his ranks fairly and without any help, just with his merits, like everyone else in the Military.

Sirzechs, on the other hand, joined Adeptus Custodes. The most elite and strongest force of the Baator, and he was already a Tribune. Custodians didn't have my official ranks, but instead, they decided their leaders by either voting, challenges, or other ways.

And Hilda joined Commissariat. She was already a Commissar Commander and was rather famous in the Baator for her ruthless approach against corrupted Officers or Nobles that either abused their privileges, criminals, or those who neglected their duties. She had the highest number of people she had executed and solved the hardest offenses and cases.

Commissariat also had several ranks, from lowest being Cadet Commissar, followed Junior Commissar, Commissar, Captain-Commissar, Major-Commissar, Colonel-Commissar, Commissar Commander, Lord Commissar, and finally Commissar-General who was still Tiamat. It was found out; she enjoyed her job, as she was tasked with protecting basically the interests and treasures of the Baator, so she took her duty very seriously.

I stepped down from the throne as Diablo bowed deeply, same as my three children.

"Diablo, thank you, you can now leave us alone."

I said as he once again bowed and disappeared in shadows, returning to his post.

"So, what are you little troublemakers doing?"

I asked with a mischievous grin as I hugged my daughter Hilda, who had gone bright red.

"Dad, don't hug me before all Companions! I am already an adult!"

Said embarrassed Hilda.

"For me, you will always be my little princess."

I said as Hilda tried to struggle out, and then I looked at Sigmar and Sirzechs.

"Sigmar, I heard that you have once again destroyed the entire Arena in your spar with Jabberwock."

I said sternly as I looked at my irresponsible battle-maniac son.

Jabberwock was the son of one of Lord Generals of the Imperialis Militarum, Behemoth, a mighty and wise man. Unfortunately for him, his son Jabberwock was another copy of Sigmar, a short-tempered battle-maniac with anger issues.

"Hey, it wasn't for nothing. That bastard started courting Hilda."

And then he dropped the bomb on my head as I looked at Hilda, who blushed and looked to the ground without saying anything.

"Hmm... at least you inherited something from me, but still, it is a pathetic pretext. Damages you have caused will be deducted from your salary and no further discussion about it. Also, you will personally go and help with construction works with that another dunderhead, Jabberwock. And I will even send Lord General Behemoth overseeing you two idiots not to cause more trouble."

I said sternly without leaving room for further discussion.

Lord General Behemoth was someone I deeply respected. He was a common devil, without any background or a unique ability, who rose to Satan-Class and became one of the highest-ranked Devils in Baator through his own effort and genius and strength. He was a rigorous person, even more than me with his son, so that it would be a suitable punishment for those two idiots.

"And I will tell your mother to read you and that another idiot, under Lord General's direct command, we will see how he handles you."

I said that and I could see Sigmar pale and Sirzechs having a cheeky grin on his face, enjoying his brother's misfortune, as Lord General's Behemoth's Black Legion was known as the most disciplined Legion in the entire army with extreme harsh punishment for even slight mistakes of misconduct.

"I don't know why you are laughing, my dear oldest. From today, you will handle most of your paperwork alone, and if you dumb it again on Riza, I will deal with you, you will see."

I said as Sirzechs paled to a similar shade of white as Sigmar.


I thought in my head, as my sons were really problematic, but that was, of course, as both of them were in their more rebellious age, as they were only around 150 years old, they were really young devils.

The devil usually is considered an adult around 200 years old.

"And to you, Hilda, I will just say this. Don't dishonor our line, and don't do anything stupid. If Jabberwock wants to ask for your hand, then he needs to defeat me in single combat."

I said with an expressionless voice.


Shouted Hilda.

"Okey, then he just needs to pass my test. I won't marry my daughter to some weakling."

I said as my final form of concession.

"That is doable."

Said Hilda with a blush on her face.

"And Sirzechs, from next time, you are going to participate in every meeting of Senatorum Imperialis together with Sigmar and Hilda as an audience to learn the higher administrative level of working. Also, call your young Astaroth, Glasya-Labolas, and your little girlfriend."

I said the last part of the sentence with a teasing voice.