Training with Kids

Flashback, around 135 Years Ago

Underworld, Anor Londo, Imperial Palace - Sanctus Imperialis, the Training Yard of the Adeptus Custodes

I stood in my training gear in the training yard where usually Adeptus Custodes trained each day, but not this one. This one, they stood around the yard, in rather a protective formation, as I stood in the middle of the training yard looking at my three children, as today we would be starting advanced forms of training.

Among my three descendants, it was clear that Sigmar was too hyped to fight, Sirzechs looked interested in new development, and Hilda had her mother's stoic expression. Hence, it was almost impossible to see what was going on in her cute little head, though she was as competitive and prideful as Fia.

All three of them were already fifteen years old, and they were the pinnacle of the High-Class both in terms of Demonic Energy and Physical ability, and one was already initial Ultimate-Class. Sirzechs could have reached Ultimate-Class five years ago, but I instructed him to wait and instead gain precise control over his Demonic Energy.

Devils who advanced too quickly often happened that their control over their Demonic Energy reserves was lacking. They often suffered severe backlash when they cast bigger magical attacks or fought for a prolonged amount of time.

Sigmar was pretty much similar to Sirzechs but in his case, he needed to develop his Demonic Energy and Divine Power at the same tempo in the same speed and same quantity, or energies in his body would clash, so his advancement rate was slower.

On the other hand, Hilda had already reached Ultimate-Class several weeks ago. While she wasn't born with two energies inside her body or with an overwhelming amount of it, she progressed faster than her brothers, but her combat prowess was lower than Sirzechs and Sigmar by bit, though now she can wipe the floor with them as they weren't Ultimate-Class.

Among three of them, Sirzechs and Sigmar were equal in combat prowess, while Hilda was a bit behind them. Sirzechs inherited three Clan Traits, and his usage of Power of Destruction and Dark Light was splendid, and he could use Devour in active combat already, something I didn't use too much, as I am more caster than a fighter.

While Sigmar could send Sirzechs flying with his brute force, as he was practically a tank that could take spells with his bare body, he also had a Dark Light that he used to enhance further his physical attacks to support him and had Power of Death. Not to mention his masterful usage of enhancing magic. Even he was High-Class in terms of physique, he could compete with Custodians already.

Hilda, my little princess, inherited Fia's Power of Annihilation and my Dark Light; additionally, she was far ahead in magic studies compared to her brothers, and apparently, she tried to imitate me as the magic caster fighting style.

"Now that Hilda has reached Ultimate-Class, you two will also need to reach higher Class. Right now, Sirzechs, your control of Demonic Energy is almost perfect, something I didn't achieve even when I was ten times your age, so I am proud of your advancement. Sigmar, you need to control your rage more when you fight, but for you to reach Ultimate-Class will be more problematic."

I said in deep thought as I looked at my sons. Sirzechs seemed really happy that I praised him and told him that I am proud of him, as I never praised someone so lightly, one needed to really earn it, while Sigmar looked confused about what I had said, clearly not understanding the situation.

"Why that father?"

He asked with a confused expression as Sirzechs smiled wrily and Hilda's eyes twitched in annoyance.

"You stupid dunderhead. Dad meant that because you have two types of energies in your body that are contradictory in their fundamental nature, you will need a special ritual to help you achieve Ultimate-Class as you need to achieve it with Demonic Energy and Divine Power at the same time, with perfect equilibrium."

Explained Hilda with a lecturing face as she looked at Sigmar, with an expression almost the same as when Grayfia was lecturing me about something.

"As my little princess said."

I patted her head as she smiled and stuck out her tongue at Sigmar in the provocation, as Sigmar's expression darkened slightly.

"But don't worry, I will personally devise a ritual to help you achieve an Ultimate-Class safely. Now, as all three have Dark Light, I will teach how to conjure advanced Truth-Seeking Orb Style."

I said as I conjured simple Dark Light Orb.

"Contrary to the basic variant of the Truth-Seeking Orb Style, when you use the more sophisticated method of conjuration, the Orbs can do this."

I said as several Orbs started rotating around me in a protective formation, essentially protecting me as a female cat would defend her kittens.

I waved my hand as they divided and combined and performed various movements and maneuvers as my three children watched in wonder.

"Sirzechs, you can do the same thing with your Power of Destruction. Advanced Truth-Seeking Orb can be used to passively defend you or even as a passive attack means that you will just throw on the battlefield. Of course, it is best if you develop your own Styles of usage of Dark Light, which would have the highest compatibility with your combat style."

I explained slowly.

Of course, it was for the best of them to create their own Styles that would suit them best. My Styles would probably suit only Hilda, as she was a magic caster like me, and to Sirzechs and Sigmar, my styles would have a little to no use.

Both of my sons were close-combatants, so Styles that focused mainly on ranged combat weren't that useful to them.

"Now, we will go through using Devour on the AEO scale as the next topic. But before that, each one of you will try to conjure Truth-Seeking Orbs in the same way as I did."