Meeting Remnant of Magister Arcanist

I entered into the Tomb and found myself in a narrow corridor that was without a speck of light. I could easily see in the dark, so it wasn't that much of a problem.

I looked around the murals, finding similar arcanic symbols all around the place, while on the ground were some technological gadgets, all of them were broken and looked like they were here for a very long time already.

By their positions as they were, one could see they were dropped by someone who was running.

After walking for several minutes, I existed the corridor that led to an enormous stone chamber; when I entered, I felt that the air here smelled different, more like stone and old, very old.

I cast several spells to prove my newest speculations right.

"So that corridor is a transportation spell itself. If I am right, then currently I am in the heart of the Tomb, near the planar core."

As I was scanning the area with my spells, I stated that I had moved to a huge altar in the middle of the hall.

I put my hands on the altar, as I found myself to be unable to move, as an overwhelming presence descended down.

"Another one? Not... you are not human... interesting... what are you?"

Asked a rough male voice as I looked at the silhouette of a middle-aged man that was created in front of me, as the silhouette was looking at me like I was some kind of interesting specimen.

"Devil. And you should be a remnant of consciousness belonging to the Magister Arcanist. Weismann sent me here."

I stated, plainly waiting for what would happen.

As I mentioned the name of Weismann, the silhouette of the Magister stopped in his tracks and looked at me in deep thought.

"So he sent you? Hmm... this is problematic, so the situation with Warlocks must be bad. Probably Warlock Sovereign started meddling in mortal affairs, for now, backing up the Six Warlock Imperial Courts for real. I am Barthrogan Balcoin, Magister Arcanist, and during my time alive, I was one of the Guardians of the Dresden Arcanum Empire."

He introduced himself formally.

"Zeoticus Gremory-Lucifer, Emperor of Baator. Though my strength and social status don't mean anything in front of you. I have a question, how were you killed?"

I asked curiously.

"Fight with a pinnacle Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock, Sword Great Holy who served as guardian for the Time Emperor, a really terrifying entity. Even though I died, I still managed to send him to sleep with his injuries at least for several Eras, so you don't need to worry about the possible encounter with him."

He answered truthfully.

"What will happen now?"

I asked uncertainly what would follow.

"You will go through my test to see if you are worthy of my inheritance I have left here. Unfortunately, it is only one thing, as that fucking bastard took my entire belongings after he killed me. Only my soul survived for some time after it possessed the nearest powerhouse; I have created this place with my remaining power."

I had to admit that he must be very strong during his life, but if Great Sword Holy killed him even while suffering some injuries was a remarkable feat. I made a mental note to never underestimate Warlocks. Even though the majority of them are weaker than Arcanists in terms of combat prowess if they are at the same stage, but that is true mainly till the Holy Spirit Warlock / Magister Arcanist.

Then, they are mostly equal. Usually, Holy Spirit Warlocks have comprehended one Law, even if their control was lacking, it greatly boosted their combat prowess.

"I take it that you are aware of what is happening on the outside, or rather of what has already happened?"

I asked as he nodded.

"Indeed, I have allowed them to enter, as they wanted to destroy the entrance, as normal humans cannot enter. Their civilization had some pretty destructive weaponry, so they would be damage my beautiful creation, that so no-no. So I let them in and played with some undead curses, which created the zombie outbreak. It was around fifty years ago, probably fifty."

When I listened to this guy, I felt better. Finally, someone more ruthless or crazy than I am.

"So that it was..."

I muttered as I thought about this over.

"If you pass my test and inherit my legacy, then this entire world would be destroyed. I don't want someone after that to find my body... many things could be done with the corpse of a mighty being."

He stated plainly, as it was statement and warning.

"Now, what test do I have to pass to inherit our Legacy?"

I asked remnant of Magister Balcoin.

"Survive something and swear something else."

He said slowly.

"You will swear to help me resurrect. During my life, I have left several failsafe in case I was killed in battle; you will go to one Plane to activate such failsafe."

He said as I nodded, as this was something doable.

"And second to fight."