A Daily Life of Sirzechs Lucifer (1)

Draconic Deus, Underworld, Several Days Later

After Zeoticus had prepared for another plane, Sirzechs took his place as an Acting Emperor to deal with official matters and paperwork. Sirzechs didn't like it at all, as it was too much of work, dealing with paperwork, official meetings, and discussing various ongoing plans in the Baator.

There were many meetings with other High-Ranking Officials in the Empire from various branches of government of the Empire or with Heads of Noble Houses that had something to report or discuss personally with the Emperor.

From when the Baator was created, the Nobility lost many of their power that existed during the Age of Satans, but in turn, they gained even more in other aspects. Now Noble Houses became what they should, what Nobility was about.

It was a privilege and duty to protect ordinary citizens, fight the strongest enemies, lead the battles, and develop their territories. It was nice to see that most of the Magisterium of the Domestic Affairs and Territorial Management and Commissariat punishments were so severe that all Nobles were attending their duties to maximum efficiency.

It was like that since the first decade when tens of Executions were handled out. From then, they did what they should, developing their territories to prosper. After several decades tensions between Common Devils and Nobility have lessened enough, and the social tension wasn't that bad as it was before.

"Your next meeting will be with Magister Leviathan of Foreign Affairs Magisterium. There is some new development with a trade agreement with Shinto and Hindu, more precisely Shiva."

Said adjutant to Sirzechs who had a lifeless look before, only to become reinvigorated hearing that Serafall would visit, or rather, meet with him on a formal occasion.

"Zechs-chan, Magical Girl Levia-tan is here!"

Shouted young female voice, Sirzechs saw Serafall enter the room with a cheerful face and ignored every protocol.

She was a very beautiful girl, looking in her late teens with black hair tied into twin tails and blue eyes. Fortunately, she wore a standard uniform for Magisters and not her Magical Girl outfit.

Sirzechs looked around several people that were in the room; most of them were his advisors and adjutants.

"Leave us."

They all stood up and then left with a bow, leaving here only two Custodians who acted as his guards. In regards to them, he knew as he was one of them, Custodians never divulged anything to a living soul, what they heard in the Imperial Palace.

"Sera-chan, how many times have I told you to behave yourself?"

Aksed Sirzechs with a defeated sigh.

"Buuut, even your father didn't care! Everyone likes magical Girl Levia-tan!"

She answered happily while mimicking some action pose.

"Yeh, he didn't care as he finds that amusing, but the not same thing would go for Aunt Hela or Aunt Grayfia; they find your behavior in Imperial Palace often not appropriate. Even if you are interacting with someone familiar who doesn't care, please at least here, behave responsibly, or they will never approve of you."

Stated Sirzechs sternly. While his mother found her cute, but his Aunts, who were very strict with formalities and protocols, often frowned on by her behavior, even if she interacted with someone who didn't care, but when it happened in the Imperial Palace... he loved Serafall, as they dated for a long time in a "secret", but he feared to confess his relationship with her to his parents.

He knew that his father was fond of her due to her talent and strength; if not, he wouldn't give her bloodline of House of Leviathan.


Pouted Serafall as she said that.

"Now, what news do you bring me?"

He instantly returned to his "Ruler-Mode".

"Shinto Pantheon and Shiva's Faction of Hindu Pantheon agreed to the Alliance with the Empire. After you sign these documents, we will start opening Trade Routes, Military and Intelligence Exchange, and other things that I have negotiated with them for years."

Explained Serafall. She turned into a professional tone deserving her position as Magister of the Foreign Affairs.

Sirzechs looked briefly at the documents that Serafall brought with her before stopping at several clauses.

"So Amaterasu agreed to all of this?"

He asked in wonder.

"Yeh. A heavy majority of gods from Takamagahara didn't have a good relationship with Izanami as she didn't care about her duties or anything aside from cursing Izanagi, so even if they lost her and her territory in the Underworld, it wouldn't affect them too much. In return, we will provide help in certain things they want to do and share a bit of our basic Arcanotech with them."

This was good in the end. In the past century and a half, Shinto has grown more powerful, as they started meddling in mortal affairs more and more, and now their faith was even more deeply rooted in Japan than before. Apparently, they must be scared of a lot of the technological progress of humans.

Humans of Earth started taking the path of technology, and within the next centuries, faith in gods will become an obscure and unnecessary thing.

"She is a really wise ruler."

Sirzechs said after a short time.

"I heard she conducted a bloody purge together with Susanoo and Tsukuyomi, both in Takamagahara and their vassals. She even implemented many reforms based on our own form of governance, especially the implementation of TML."

She said in admiration that Sirzechs smiled; apparently, Serafall has found something like her idol.