Killing the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend

When Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend started using its full power, he instantly appeared before me and threw a punch at me that shattered my protective spell-like glass and shot me to the ground as I crashed.

I felt my body sore and hurt like hell as I stood up and used Rosenkreutz to support myself as I coughed blood.

"This... this is good!"

I shouted as I used Dark Light Gate of Babylon Style at full power, and over a thousand Dark Light Portals appeared behind me as all of them started shooting Dark Light Spears enveloped in Holy Flame at the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend like mad.

Instantly the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend was barraged with an enormous amount of Dark Light attacks.

But now that he was using his full power, even under extremely heightened gravity, he was able to dodge the majority of them while suffering minor injuries.

'I cannot let him close distance between us. His physique is far superior to anyone I have ever seen.'

I thought in my head as I cast several Forbidden-Tier Spells at the same time. While this may be impossible for anyone else, it was possible for me, with my mastery and abilities, as I can cast four of them simultaneously.

Soon enough, four blue lightning bolts were conjured and hit the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend in the center of his chest, sending him flying, crashing into the nearby wall behind him.

I conjured several defensive barriers around me and even deployed supportive Arcantoech devices to strengthen the power of those barriers so they would withstand the impact of the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend's full power.

Before they broke out, these barriers should withstand several attacks from the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend. Instantly an illusion of me appeared next to me, and I disappeared from the place.

When Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend attacked again, he would attack the barrier where my Illusion was, while I would be attacking him from ambush.

Fiends are generally stupid, and while I wasn't proficient in Iluusin magic, I copied something from my familiar Isla and used Arcanotech to power up the Illusion with additional Demonic Energy to make it solid. When Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend notices that he is attacking Illusion, it would be too late for him.

When Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend recovered from the attack, he immediately attacked my Illusion and madly punched at the protective barrier that withstood the attack, though some cracks started appearing on the bluish barrier.

When he attacked a second time, the barrier still stood still, but it was crumbling away, and upon the third attack, it was shattered.

At that moment, I finished casting the new Forbidden-Tier Spell, Holy Judgement Sword, as a corporeal sword shot towards the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend, piercing through its chest from behind.

To my surprise, it didn't kill the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend immediately, but that was expected. This Golden-Horned Fiend was at the Abyssal King level and was as strong as Mighty Stage God.

From what I have noticed, he was probably as strong as Indra right now, and at his peak, he was around Shiva's level. Fortunately, he was sealed for a long time, so he was weakened, and his mind was a mess.

In reality, while Indra was Mighty Stage God, he wasn't exactly that strong one, as his combat prowess was relatively weak. So, I could take him head-on, but I don't think if I would be able to kill him.

While this Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend had around the same combat prowess, deciding factor in my success in this fight was that this fiend had a broken mind, and he didn't think, just attacks. I wonder what Magister Balcoin was doing with him... probably the same thing I would do, experimenting.

It was a rare specimen, after all.

I conjured more Dark Light Chains and bonded the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend in one place while giving him a nice shower of Holy Flame.

This time, fortunately for me, due to his injuries, Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend didn't break out from the binding of the Dark Light Chains no matter how he tried and was slowly roasted to death.

Within the next ten minutes, the only thing heard screams of pain from Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend, until it slowly quieted down, as he was burned to death by my Holy Flames.

After the Golden-Horned Abyssal King Fiend died and I extinguished the Holy Flames, I could see that the course was still in a pretty good state even though it was a bit charred but still usable. I stored it in my storage, as I would need to extract its Bloodline, but I still took one drop of blood from it and studied it for a second before I revealed a surprised smile.

"No wonder you experimented on this one... it is natural born."

Fiends were born usually directed by the Infinity Abyss Universe by negative energy. Of course, this didn't stop them from pro-creating.

Natural-born friends were born directly from the Infinite Abyss Universe by the accumulation of negative energy.

Most of the Golden-Horned Fiends that were born these days in the Infinite Abyss Universe were born through copulation between Golden-Horned Fiends and were usually descendants of Abyssal Primogenitors, Great Old Ones, and Divine Thrones. Because of that, their Bloodline would be basically useless for me, as it would be still under the control of the originator of the Bloodline.

But this fiend was naturally birthed by the Infinite Abyss Universe, meaning he had no bloodline shackles or control from the Ancestral-level figure. This meant I could safely use his Bloodline and modify my own without any consequences.

"Yes, Golden-Horned Fiend may not be born even in tens of Eras through their natural way. Those who are born through reproduction between Golden-Horned Fiends have lower talent, and their Bloodline is usually heavily restricted by the originator of their Bloodline. Currently, all Golden-Horned Fiends at top ranks are naturally born."