Inheritance of the Magister Arcanist

"Now that you have passed my test, but don't grow arrogant from defeating weakened Abyssal King Fiend. Now come, you will get my Inheritance."

Said remnant consciousness of the Magister Balcoin, as he led me to the Altar, which was located on the pedestal, as I walked stairs leading to the Altar.

Upon the Altar, I saw a pitch-black Crystal.

"This is it. All of what I have left and that I managed to leave after my death. It is Law Crystal filled with comprehension of my Dominant Law, though it is not complete, and you will need to comprehend the remaining part by yourself... if not, it would be too easy. You need to know that everyone among Warlocks or Arcanists that reaches Holy Spirit Warlock or Magister Arcanist receives a title, though it is already common among Warlock Monarchs and Arch-Magister that their titles are already common not taken seriously. Allow me to re-introduce.

I am Devouring Magister Barthrogan of the High Lord Family of Balcoin."

He stated with a regal aura around him.

While I was taken aback...

Law of Devour.

Probably I got some kind of Universe Favour, as I Inherited his comprehension of the Law of Devouriong; even though it won't be complete, it should be around 90% of the Comprehension Rate, meaning that my breakthrough to the Apocalypse-Class would be sooner than initially planned.

"You can now absorb the Inheritance Crystal. I see that you have some ability linked to the Law of Devour, so you can use it on the Inheritance Crystal."

He said as I moved to the Crystal and used The Devour on the Inheritance Crystal.

[Law of Devour has been detected entering the host's body.]

[Law of Devour comprehension has reached 10%... 25%...30%...40%...47%...48%...49%...49,99%.]

[Law of Devour Comprehension rate has reached 50%.]

[Law Baptism has begun. Evolution has already started.]

Suddenly I felt immense pain spreading through my body when the comprehension of the Law of Devour has reached 50%.

This was the Law Baptism that happened when one crossed the 50% comprehension rate. Suddenly, I felt that the Energy of Law was reshaping my entire body, as my physical body was being strengthened at tremendous speed, already crossing to the Super-Devil Class by pure physique alone.

Beings of Law are called that because their body is created by the Laws they comprehended, and my body was becoming that.

After several minutes it has stooped when I have felt once again Architect's voice in my head.

[Law Baptism has been successful. Demonic Energy has reached a limit of 15,000. Physical aspects have been greatly strengthened.]

One could say that after crossing the 50% of the Law Comprehension and succeeding in the Law Baptism that reaching Being of Law Level was just a matter of time and nothing else. The most challenging obstacle in reaching Being of Law was surviving Law Baptism; many Arcanists that undergone it died, while even more didn't have the courage to undergo Law Baptism for fear of death, forever remaining at Sacred Arcanist Rank.

[Law of Devour has reached 60% of comprehension rate.]


The process of Devouring the Inheritance Crystal of Devouring Magister was complete.

'Architect, scan me.'

[As you wish.]

[Class: Super-Devil

Soul Aptitude: Level 9 - Superior

Laws: Darklight (38%), Devour (99%)

Demonic Energy: 15,000

Strength: 3,150

Agility: 3,410

Vitality: 2,789

Underworld Command Sequence: 75%]

I now felt many times stronger now that my physique reached Super-Devil Class. This would greatly increase my combat capabilities in a fight. I hoped to push my body to Apocalypse-Class, too, as this was the weakness of Arcanists against Warlocks, as Warlock Monarch had a far stronger body than the Arch-Arcanist, giving them better survivability.

The most precious thing gained was comprehension of the Law of Devour, which was already at the 99% of the comprehension, and only 1% was separating me from reaching the Apocalypse-Class, which would open an entirely new world for me.

To be considered as a real powerhouse in the Astral Boundary then one needed to be at least Apocalypse-Class or its equivalent. If I reached Apocalypse-Class sooner than I thought, then my plans could start sooner.

Most importantly, I can contact Melvazoa, an Evie God of Machine Lifeforms that ruled over half of Planet Evie Etoulde. They were pretty interesting, and I set my sights to obtain for Baator, especially they would do splendidly in Mechancium.

And if they didn't cooperate, I would let Architect assimilate them one by one, he already got the body, albeit primitive, and the body of Evie would be best for him, as it could achieve Innate Godhood.

"I see you are done."

Said remnant consciousness of the Devouring Magister Balcoin as he awakened me from my trance.

"Indeed I am."

I nodded.

"Then you can be on your way. This plane will destroy itself within 60 seconds."

He stated as I prepared Arcanotech Device that had an in-built Astral Gate and could be used to open Astral Gate to a plane, which already has been registered at the Device.

I instantly activated it and entered the gate.

He created this self-destruction as a counter-measure that someone got his hands on the Inheritance Crystal without his approval. Then without knowing that plane would self-destruct, the offender would die.

After he informed me, it took me around 15 seconds to open Astral Gate and disappear from the plane.