A Daily Life of Hildegarde Lucifuge-Lucifer

Draconic Deus, Underworld, Baator - the former territory of Egyptian Pantheon, Several days after Emperor's Departure

"Hello, mother; it is good to see you here."

Greeted Hilda, her mother who came to visit her daughter, as she was working hard past days, in the stabilization of the former territory belonging to the Osiris.

"Hello, daughter."

Greeted Grayfia formally.

Both of them were formal with each other as they followed the protocol of conduct among high-ranking officials of the Baator and the Military.

"So what is the reason for your visit, mother? I doubt that you came all the way here from Anor Londo just to check on me."

Asked Hilda as she led her mother to the office room, where they sat down.

"Of course not; I need to check up on this territory; as soon after your work is done, Oni Tribes that swore fealty to the Empire would be moving here and making this place their home. Several million of them would be migrating from Earth to Underworld within the next half a year, so I need to oversee this personally. After signing the Alliance with Shinto, we got a clause in the agreement, that any vassal species of the Shinto can join Baator if they are approved by Baator."

Stated Grayfia as she started pointing on the map which territories would be inhabited by Oni Tribes that pledged themselves to the Baator.

Many of them chose so, all Tribes that lived on the Earth chose to swear fealty and migrate to the Underworld, as the environment was much better here, and the majority of Tribes that already lived in the Underworld also chose to swear fealty, while the remaining ones are still in process in negotiation.

"Also, I heard that after you complete this task, you would be promoted to the Commander Commissar Rank in the Commissariat."

Said Grayfia as Hilda nodded.

"I already was notified by Commissar-General about it. When that happens, I will ask for reassignment to the Ishgard, the city is still under construction, and there is a need for Commissariat Officers."

Explained Hilda.

Currently, Baator has Capital City, which was Anor Londo, and several Major Cities of Gralean, which were the city of Arcanotech and Inselheim which was mainly inhabited by Aesir and Vanir that came with Hela or after her. Some many minor cities or cities were seats of power of Noble Houses. Then there was Augustgard City or Ironforge that was the capital for Dwarves of Baator.

Cities of Augustgard, Ironforge, Inselheim, Gralean, and Ishagard were creating together the shape of Pentagram, with Capital Anor Londo in the middle of the Pentagram. Also, they were all interconnected with each other, so they were called Penta Cities.

Indeed, one of the newly made major races of the Baator were dwarves that started migrating from Earth, Nine Realms, and one plane in the Dimensional Gap that was inhabited by Dwarves but was on the brink of destruction.

Baator was a place that treated all races fairly... as long as you were citizens, practically no discrimination among species existed, while it also recruited species that were not citizens to the Baator, as it would strengthen it.

Every person who became a citizen would swear the Soul-Geass to never betray Baator, among sever other things.

"I thought that you would choose something closer to the Anor Londo... it doesn't have anything with the fact that Jabberwock's Legion would be stationed in the Ishard, right?"

Asked Grayfia with a bit of tease as her daughter stiffened a bit before her cheeks blushed little, and then she shook her head in denial.

"Of course not; why would I follow that brute..."

Said Hilda with a quiet voice that seemed like a whisper.

"Of course, of course. When I was young, you were like me, but I had Venelana to push me forward with your father because we were competing. If you wait for too long... someone will snatch him."

Teaser her Grayfia with a small grin.


Hilda seemed to be lost in her thoughts as Grayfia just shook her head.

"Now, back to the business. What is the current state of this territory?"

Asked Grayfia as she returned to her formal mode, while Hilda did the same thing.

"With the additional help from the Execution Temple, we were able to find all hideouts of survivors, and we have glassed all of their holes. Now only a few are moving in the outskirts while forming bandit groups and attacking transports with weapons and food. Fortunately, they didn't manage to obtain even one transport, as guards and Mechs always dispose of them. Apparently, they have found some abandoned fortress in the mountain range in the outskirts, which is hardly accessible by Mechs and Mechanized Divisions. I already requested to send Satan-Class Magician to cast Ultra-Order Spells on them to destroy it or glass it. After that, the entire territory should be clean. Right now, in safe parts, Mechanicum and people from Magisterium of DATM are doing their job while constructing outposts, towns, and getting it back to the shape."

Explained Hilda the state of this territory.

"Splendid, when the first defensive structures are completed, we can start with the migration process."

Every territory of Baator was required to have a defensive line of Arcanotech Towers that shielded and protected the entire territory, which could make even a border town with a small population, heavily fortified bastion.

It was called Baatorian Fortification Protocol, which consisted of a combination of Arcanotech Tower, Spell Defensive Formation, usage of Barrier and Wards, Fortresses, and other Aracnotech gadgets to create stable and defensive fortification around every city, town, or village and other strategical points.

For example pinnacle of this was the Territorial Arcanotech Tower Defensive Formation, which could create enormous barriers enveloping the entire territory in case of need.