Evolved Bloodline

Several Years Later

Several years have passed since I obtained Inheritance of the Devouring Magister, and soon the deadline for departure for the Douluo Universe was nearing by.

During the past years, I have been studying the bloodline of the Golden-Horned Fiend at the Abyssal King level. I already depicted basic genetic code and found a way to fuse the bloodline origin of the Golden-Horned Fiend with my own, even further advancing my own bloodline.

I have planned to do the procedure before departing for the Douluo Universe, and that day was today, right now, and here.

"Architect, what is the stability rate of the Genetic Sequence?"

I asked Architect who was in his new metal body, which looked like an advanced robot from the Solar Federation and heavily resembled Arachne Mechs.


"Higher than expected... then let's start."

As I lay on the operation table, I said that the Architect in his mech form started inserting needles into me that was filled with a special concoction made from the bloodline of Golden-Horned Fiend that was modified so it was compatible with my DNA.

As the first needle was interested, a magic sequence was activated that stimulated both bloodlines and started smoothing the bloodlines in my body with additional magicule particles.

Contrary to what I had expected, it was less painful.

[Bloodline integration at 57%.]

I heard the voice of the Architect in my head, as I felt my entire body pulsating with power, as my physical body was being strengthened by each passing second from the fusion with the bloodline of Golden-Horned Fiend.

Devils were species whose creation was based on Fiends of Abyss, so our Genetical Sequences were very similar, meaning bloodlines between our two races were compatible to high degrees. While devils were more inclined to Magic Aspect, Fiends were more Included to Physical Aspect.

Combining these two would create the perfect balance between those two, and I could now have the perfect body.

[Bloodline integration at 89%.]

As the bloodline integration was nearing its competition, my wings, horns, and tail appeared as I was feeling too many things going on in my body and didn't focus on folding them.

The reason why Devils were hiding their wings and tails was simple. Going here and there with spread wings was unpractical, while the tail was a very sensitive organ for devils, and in combat, it was a weak point, so many experienced devils hid their tails during the combat, not to give enemy visible weakness.

Both of my wings and tail were getting shades of golden color on the ends of my wings and the tip of my tail. Additionally, I felt enormous pain from my head as another pair of pure golden horns have spread on my head, altogether I had two pairs of horns on my head, which made me look even more majestic and intimidating.

Additionally, over my left shoulder and left hand, a golden demon tattoo appeared, contrary to the pitch-black demon tattoo over my right shoulder and right hand.

[Bloodline integration at 100%.]

When the voice of Architect sounded in my head once again, I knew that the entire process was ended, as I sat up and looked at myself in the mirror.

Now I looked more muscular with more compressed muscles, and with a new addition to my horns and new demon tattoo, I looked even more intimidating. Also, I think I looked even more handsome than before, but that may be my narcissism.

"Architect calculate my stats."

I said as I felt that my physical body had reached higher ends of the Super Devil, just by integrating with the bloodline of the Golden-Horned Fiend, and as this concrete Fiend was at the Abyssal King level, its bloodline was more potent.

[Class: Super-Devil

Soul Aptitude: Level 9 - Superior

Laws: Darklight (38%), Devour (99%)

Demonic Energy: 15,000

Strength: 12,456

Agility: 11,498

Vitality: 14,564]

"Hmm... with this, I don't have to fear even Mighty Stage Gods right now... Who would have that this would give me such increase in strength."

I muttered as I observed the increase in my physical state. While I wasn't a close-quarter combatant, I have never neglected my physical body. Though train rarely, something that needed to be corrected in the future, my physical body didn't lose to anyone who was focusing on it.

The stronger the vessel was, the better magic was.

For example, suppose Super-Devil Class Magician used too many Forbidden-Tier Spells. In that case, he could suffer backslash if his body was at the Ultimate-Class for example, as casting such potent spells would often result in violent injuries if they are cast in high numbers continuously one after another.

"Then... reaching Apocalypse-Class, my body would be at the same level... finally I have achieved equilibrium."

I grinned just by thinking this.

"Architect, how is the construction of the Universal Gate going?"

I asked Architect.

"It is done. Now only waiting for the activation."

Traveling between two Universes for low-ranking people was troublesome. Several common methods could be used, and 1st was to find a natural gate or some kind of artifact that every Universe had.

2nd was to reach Exarch Level, and one could create a Gate on his own.

3rd was to build two Universal Gates. One would be in a destination where you want to go, and the other is one from which you are departing, but this method is rather unreal as you need someone on the other side to do the same thing, as the Gates needs to be built in a specific way. Fortunately, I could contact Bibi Dong through the Tarot Card and give her instructions on what to do, which made things very easy.

"Then call everyone involved and inform them that we are departing."

I commanded as Architect departed away.

Sirzechs did an excellent job as the Acting Emperor, and I believe that he would do a good job in these two hundred years that I would be away.

Time Lapse between two Universes was problematic, but that was due to fact that Douluo Universe never had a Great Old One powerhouse that could adjust certain aspects of the Universe to some degree.