Douluo Universe (1)

3rd POV

Douluo Plane, Unnamed Continent, Spirit Fortress

"The Universal Gate is activating, Your Holiness."

Said man dressed in black in black and his face as covered in a black mask to beautiful woman, who was Supreme Pontiff of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong. Behind her stood another man who had an extremely feminine voice and a feminine appearance and wore black golden armor, while his hair is tied into a high ponytail.

"Good, Ghost Douluo."

Said Bibi Dong as she watched the Gate Activating, and after it activated soon enough, several golden clad figured walked out of the gate. At the same time, each lacking Spirit Energy, every person here sensed an overwhelming amount of power from them, comparable to the Spirit Saints, while several of them with more decorated armors were comparable to pinnacle Spirit Douluo.

Soon enough, a handsome dark-haired man appeared, whom pressure made every person hard to breathe.

'This pressure is stronger than that of Limit Douluo Rank 99... probably already Demi-God.'

After this figure walked out, then another man in crimson-black armor appeared and compared to the tens of golden clad figures he seemed.

Like nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

No matter how Bibi Dong or her two retainers, Ghost Douluo or Chrysantenium Doluo, looked at him, he was no different from the commoner just wearing fancy armor. But their instincts were screaming at them to run away as soon as possible.

"He is probably as strong as 3rd Class God already."

Muttered Bibi Dong silently.

She knew that Samiel Zentaur's Power System was about comprehending Laws of the Universe, meaning in later stages, they had extremely high combat prowess.

In Douluo Universe, when one wanted to ascend as God, one needed three things. God's Position, Strength, and Immortal Qi. Then the ranks of gods were divided into the God Officer, Third Class God, Second Class God, First Class God, and above them were God-Kings.

Comprehending the Laws in his Power System was basically getting his own God Position and Immortal Qi in one go, and one wasn't tied by God Position.

Then there were, of course, Wild Gods that were mentioned in ancient records. They were people who reached Spirit Ranks corresponding to the God Ranks but lacked God Position and Immortal Qi and were confined to the Mortal Plane.



I looked around and looked at my Custodians, exactly 500 of them, half of the entire Adeptus Custodes that I have brought with me. All of them have reached Legendary-Class; I didn't know why, but probably because this Universe had more complete Laws, which Dimensional Gap didn't.

Now I got this, which was a great boost for the forces of the Baator.

"Leonhard August."

I greeted her.

"Samiel Zentaur."

She greeted me back.

"Now you have made here a nice place for us... Ajuka comes here."

I shouted as Ajuka came here with four Custodians surrounding him, as I assigned him guards. Even though he was already Super-Devil Class, but alas, this was still hostile territory as the Spirit Hall didn't control the entire Plane, and there were Gods out of there and some very dangerous humans too.

"Bibi Dong, allow me to introduce Ajuka Beelzebub, current Magister of the Arcanotechnology of Baator, and one of the biggest genius Baator for centuries to come. He is in charge of constructing Spirit Technology and Battle Armors together with me. He was also studying your cultivation system and has found several interesting things. I hope you can show him his laboratory while we would have our chat somewhere in a nice place over a cup of tea."

I said, as Bibi Dong nodded and soon Chrystantenium Douluo came here.

"It is my pleasure Magister Beelzebub; I hope we get along. Here Chrystantenium will show you your place, which was prepared according to His Highness requests."

Said Bibi Dong as Chrystantenium led Ajuka and four Custodians away while talking with Ajuka about Spirit Herbs, which Ajuka was genuinely interested in; he was practically interested in everything as he wished to uncover secrets to everything.

In a way, Ajuka was my scientific protegé.

"Your Majesties, please this way."

Said a man whom I recognized as the Ghost Douluo, while several Custodians in perfectly orderly formation surrounded us under the leadership of Diablo and marched.

Every member of the Spirit Hall that was here was a member of Bibi Dong's faction, and all were scared shitless seeing Custodians marching, and even more when they saw people in the middle of the protective formation.

Soon enough, we have arrived at a nice place with several chairs, and I sat down with Diablo standing behind me, while Bibi Dong sat opposite to me and Ghost Douluo stood behind her.

"Now, what is the state of things we have talked about last time, Zeoticus?"

She called me by my name, as I didn't mind it too much.

"Everything is done. Creation of the Battle Armor was far easier than I had initially thought, and I have brought with me 1,000 Battle Armors of various Tiers. More precise information about them, you will find in guidelines. I also have brought custom-made Battle Armor for you and your loyal retainers; if something is wrong with them, Ajuka can adjust them."

I said as Bibi Dong was almost speechless, and even Ghost Douluo, who was apparently a though guy, was frozen in shock.

"Here, look at this and use this. Ajuka said it should work even for you."

I said as I threw several things to Ghost Douluo, who started reading the paper I threw him, as his hands trembled and soon Bibi Dong stood up and too started reading the paper before her eyes widened in shock.

"You should try it... that thing in the potion should greatly benefit your body, allowing it to bypass the Age Rule and form your first Soul Core even after you are way older than 40 years."

I said casually as I started brewing the tea, while Ghost Douluo and Bibi Dong discussed what to do.