Developement of the Spirit Hall

Several days later

"How is he?"

Asked Bibi Dong as she looked at Ajuka Beelzebub

"Stable... he suffered serious backslash from using some technique, but he seems to be okay. He should wake up within the next several weeks; for now, we will proceed according to the plan and gather our power. This Universe and this Eternal Alliance are crucial to the development of the Baator, and we need to act fast."

Stated Ajuka as he looked at the Supreme Pontiff of the Spirit Hall.

"Lord Captain-General helped me to subjugate several Spirit Hall Elders that are part of the Supreme Pontiff Palace, that could be a threat, and all of them were forced to sign Soul-Geass. Namely, Qian Jun, Ci Xue, and She Long. The rest of the Titled Douluos in the Pontiff Palace are my followers."

Stated Bibi Dong her progress.

"What about the reformation plan after everything is over?"

Asked Ajuka, as they have talked about the reformation of Spirit Hall to give it a more efficient structure.

"It will be divided as we have talked before and would be reformed into three sub-organizations. On the top would be Supreme Pontiff Throne, and below them would be three sub-organizations, namely Ecclesiarchy, Hall of Elders, and Holy Templar Order. The current Supreme Pontiff Palace would be reformed into the Ecclesiarchy. Elders Palace would be reformed into the Hall of Elders with some adjunctions, and three Military Branches of Temple Knights, Douluo Warriors, and Holy Emperor Warriors would be merged together into the Holy Templar Order."

Explained Bibi Dong as Ajuka nodded in agreement.

"Who will lead the Order?"

"I have chosen Gui Mei the Ghost Douluo for the role of Paladin, as he already reached Spirit Rank 96, and with enough time, he would reach even higher levels; he is my most loyal subordinate. While Yue Guan the Chrystantenum Douluo will be named as one of 4 Arch-Cardinals of Ecclesiarchy."

Both Ghost and Chrystantenum Douluos were her most loyal subordinates, and after they formed two Soul Cores each, several days later, they entered Spirit Rank 96 and now had an excellent chance to progress once again.

With enough time, those two would become Limit Douluo. On top of that, she already reached the Spirit Emperor stage, as she started every available resource to increase her own power and gave similar order for her most loyal followers or those who already signed the Soul-Geass as there was no chance of the betrayal due to the Soul-Geass.

Additionally, Ajuka helped create something called Spirit Formation, which allowed faster cultivation speed for anyone who entered it.

"And how is the recruitment process going on? There were several people I have got information about that are not affiliated with any force and could be easily absorbed into the Spirit Hall."

He was talking mainly about the Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, with a Spirit Rank of 92. He was the number one Poison Spirit Master in the world. Among Titled Douluo, his power in group attacks is unmatched; however, his one on one combat skills are lacking as a result.

He had a very problematic Spirit called Jade Phosphor Serpent, and often he could not handle his own poison, causing him to poison and kill people close to him. Ajuka proposed to recruit him into the Spirit Hall in exchange for help to control his ability, which could be done quickly by his intellect.

Bibi Dong agreed as this would be a great chance to recruit another very loyal subordinate. She even heard rumors that his son Dugu Xin was greatly suffering due to his father's Spirit and was poisoned. Ajuka proposed to cure his son, which he had already found a solution for, and even control the poison of the Dugu Bo.

"Captain-General Diablo already went to contact Dugu Bo together with Ghost Douluo, and after some negotiations, he agreed, if we could cure his son and help him control his Martial Spirit. Additionally, my people have recruited the entire Elephant Armored Clan to join the Spirit Hall, as their Patriarch Huyan Zhen was easily convinced, this would make Heaven Dou Empire weaker as one of their Great Sects has joined Spirit Hall. Though I forced him to sign the Soul-Geass, he is rather a greedy person, so it would be good to keep him in check; if he could reach Titled Douluo with the help of Spirit Hall, then we will grow once again stronger. Same thing with Touba Xi and his Sacred Dragon Sect, though he joined not for power, but rather for more personal reasons, his loyalty could be guaranteed."

Spirit Hall was growing at an astonishing speed for the past months, thanks to Bibi Dong's wisdom and brute force that Samiel Zentaur brought with him to the Douluo Plane.

"After his Majesty waked up, we will make a move on the Worship Elders, and then the entire Spirit Hall would be firmly in your hands, and our plans could start."

Said Ajuka as Bibi Dong nodded.

Coupled with advanced Battle Armors that her subordinates had, for example, Ghost Douluo, who was Spirit Rank 96 could easily fight Rank 97 and win.

"Actually, two Worship Elders, namely the Sixth Worship Elder Fifteen Ton Douluo Qian Jun and Seventh Worship Elder Falling Devil Douluo Jiang Long, are my secret supporters in the Elder Palace. Problems are the other five Worship Elders and, most important, the Grand Priest Qian Daoliu. For a very long time, Qian Family has controlled Spirit Hall in every aspect, and I don't think he would voluntarily surrender his power to me, especially as he knows what happened between me and his son and his death at Mercurius's hand. If possible, I would like to come to a compromise with him even though I will insist on signing Soul-Geass."

Said Bibi Dong.

She knew that Qian Daoliu was a complicated person and was aware of what his son wanted to do, and for him, the future of the Spirit Hall was more important than his personal feelings.