Change of the Fate for...

The problem was that, even though he supported Bibi Dong in being the Supreme Pontiff of the Spirit Hall, there was still a lot of tension between her and Elders Palace, as they had their own agenda, and often she could not do things in her way, as Elders have a different opinion.

What she wanted absolute control over the Spirit Hall, and that could not be done until her problems with Qian Daoliu are not resolved entirely.

Unfortunately for her, she is too weak, as even though Qian Daoliu ignored the fact that his son was killed by someone from Bibi Dong's side and didn't harbor much hatred for her, it was still complicated, and for her to implement all of her plans, this situation needs to be resolved as soon as possible, or this would become ticking bomb.

"What about that thing you are researching?"

Asked Bibi Dong.

"Progress is steady. The problem is, to create a perfect Artificial Spirit Soul that would be able to replicate all Spirit Souls of the Spirit Beasts, which would practically make hunting Spirit Beasts for Soul Rings useless is needed for the original genome of Primogenitor of all Spirit Beasts. Without it, creation even with the most advanced technology of Empire is impossible."

Explained Ajuka.

There were legends that all Spirit Beats originated from Dragon God. If he could get his hands on the original genome of the Dragon God, then he would be able to perfectly replicate every species of the Spirit Beasts, creating Artificial Spirit Souls, so Spirit Masters won't need to hunt for the real Spirit Beasts for the Rings, meaning it would end great enmity between them or even if it did not end it, it would create another scenario and failsafe in case if the Spirit Beasts went extinct.

Unfortunately, the Dragon God was long dead, so the only way to obtain the original genome would be to resource the Dragon God, a task seemingly impossible, as it would equal reviving the Lord-Class entity, which is currently out of their reach.

"For that, we have enough time... though there is someone who could help, negotiating with him would be almost impossible."

Stated Bibi Dong aster several seconds of silence.


Asked Ajuka Beelzebub slowly.

"Di Tian, he is publicly known strongest Spirit Beast and the Beast God of the Spirit Beasts that live in the Star Dou Forest in its core are, together with several other beasts of similar level. He is Golden Eyed Black Dragon. Negotiating with him would be night impossible, as he hates humans to the bone... but you are not humans."

She said with a slight smile.

"Indeed, after his Majesty wakes up, we need to inform him about this development. If this Di Tian has the ability to help us in this regard then it would be excellent. An additional ressurection of the Dragon God would greatly benefit the Spirit Beasts as a whole, though it would also result in all Spirit Beasts leaving Douluo Planet for certain."

Theoretized Ajuka about some things.


"Damm... that hurt."

I groaned as I woke up and appeared to be in an unfamiliar room.

"Clear Sky Clan."

I muttered as I breathed the air.

"That hurt as hell... damm... I need to warn her."

I sat on the bed as I woke up.

I instantly knew what had happened during the time when I lost my consciousness.

When I entered this Universe, my presence here, coupled with me being the Fateless One started affecting natives around me who were my allies, meaning that directly or indirectly, my presence started altering their Fate.

When the Universe sensed me, its basic reaction was to create a fate for me in this Universe, based on my ties to natives whom I have influenced. But alas, Fateless One cannot be tied to any kind of Fate, as they create it for themselves.

When the Universal Will started forcing Fate upon me, my constitution resisted violently before fending it off. If not for me being rather weak, I wouldn't have suffered such violent backslash from resisting the Universal Will.

I, at that moment, activated the Fate Algorithm subconsciously, and I saw the possible Fate of the Spirit Hall that would happen if not for my presence here.

If I never entered the Douluo Universe or if Bibi Dong was never invited to the Longinus Dreizhen Orden, then she would die, and Spirit Hall would be destroyed by someone named Tang San from the Clear Sky Clan several decades later.

Now when I used Fate Algorithm to see the Fate, it was a blur, similar to mine, meaning Bibi Dong and, by extension Spirit Hall, has been getting rid of their original Fate, and their Fate is now constantly changing with some ends have a higher percentage of happening and some lesser, while the most foreseeable thing is nothing.

"Fateless One is really terrifying thing."

Just my presence here has completely changed the entire Fate of the Douluo Planet, apparently.

"Hopefully, the Gods that are still alive in the Divine Realm won't descend to destroy me... but that is not likely to happen. Even though Fate has changed, it didn't affect crucial things such as the existence of the Douluo Planet, Humanity or Spirit Beasts, even though there are some differences."

I muttered as several Custodians that were together in the room with me kneeled. I used the Fate Algorithm to calculate things that my presence here has changed, and the most crucial things weren't changed, though the planet's Fate has been largely adjusted.

"Inform Ajuka, Diablo, and Bibi Dong that I have woken up and I need to immediately talk with them."

I ordered, as one Custodian ran out of the room, to carry out my orders.

"Bring me something to drink and eat."

I was hungry and thirsty.