

I knew that the man before me was a god when I opened my eyes.

It was clear as the sky.

He was a bit slender and rather tall, with long silver hair and blood-red eyes that gave feeling like they pierced through your soul. While he didn't radiate any kind of power, he had around him substantive murderous aura condensed into an icy atmosphere, and the whole body is wrapped in the dark red magic pattern.

"Hello, a foreigner. I am Asura, the Asura God of this Realm."

Okey, this was surprising and yet something that I have awaited to happen. It was just a matter of time until some God noticed my existence here, especially after I had become Being of Law.

"I have waited when someone from up there will notice my existence."

I stated plainly as Asura nodded.

"Do you want some tea?"

I asked him as I conjured one small tea table and two mats to sit on. Then I started brewing tea.

"It would be nice."

He sat opposite me.

"Now, what is the reason for you to descent to the mortal plane?"

I asked as I gave him a cup of my best tea.

"It was a very long time since I have encountered a foreigner to our Universe. Usually, they can't enter this Universe due to some special circumstances, but somehow another foreigner arrived, and this one arrived with the most unconventional method... two-way Universal Gate, meaning that this foreigner has a background far above what the current Universe can handle."

Stated Asura as he looked at me and sipped his tea.

In one sense, he was right.

In that one, he was right.

My backing was Longinus Dreizhen Orden, which had several people that could either wipe out everyone in this Universe or be considered an absolute threat to natives. Not counting Mercurius, who was Half-Step Great Old One, but there were Kaziklu Bey an Exarch, Deus Ex Machina whose true body was Autarch Realm Cultivator same as Exarch, Christof Lohengrin who was True Ancestor or Rot Spinne who was as strong as Lord-Class.

"So, what do you wish for?"

I asked directly, as I knew that he didn't come here to kill me or something or else I would be already dead, additionally, if he killed me, probably Mercurius could resurrect me, and they would come here for revenge for killing a member of the Orden.

So only logical conclusion was he wanted something from me.

"It is a good tea."

Asura said after a while as he looked at me.

"In this Universe, there is the absolute form of control in the so-called Universal Law. A God-King cannot survive without being tied to the God Position or the God Realm. Suppose we pass it to Inheritor and decide to leave our Dimensional Layer. In that case, there is a high chance that the Universal Law would consider us a threat and decide to kill the God-King."

He said as I perked immediately.

This could be significantly used for my benefit.

"So you want the safe pass for my Universe, where you can live without fear of Universal Law killing you and perhaps to advance even further."

I stated as Asura nodded in agreement.


"That is doable, but there is one major condition to it."

I said.

Allowing Asura to pass to the Astral Boundary Universe wasn't something impossible to do, but I want something in return.

"What condition?"

Asked Asura expressionlessly.

"You will join my faction in the Astral Boundary and become Elder of the Baator."

If I could gain Asura to become Elder of the Baator, then survival of my faction would be basically guaranteed, as someone on the Lord-Class would be the best trump card. Not even Warlock Imperial Courts had active backing of their Warlock Emperor, as Six Warlock Emperors were in a deep slumber for a very long time, and they didn't awaken yet.

Having such a powerhouse backing Baator from the start would practically shelter our growth.

"What would I from the position of the Elder be required to do?"

He asked calmly, not much surprised by my condition.

"Basically nothing aside from protecting Baator, if someone invaded that our ordinary forces cannot handle. As you would be a Lord-Class Powerhouse, it would be best if we kept your existence of an utmost secret before we have enough strength. As an Enforcer of the Douluo Divine Realm, you can do the same thing in the Baator. Basically, Elders have a free hand on what to do; they are hidden guardians and protectors, and often they discuss and decide the most important matter of the Empire together with Emperor, who is currently me, but that is only on rare occasions if Senatorum Imperials can not decide something, or the decision required attention of Elders and Emperor directly."

Elders in Baator didn't really have many things to do, aside from training and getting stronger, as they were the final protectors of the Baator.

Zekram didn't have any official duties, and he spent all of his time training. Crom Cruach was the same, while Azrael spent some time in integrating Fallen Angels better into the Baator, but overall he was the same as Zekram and Crom Cruach.

"That seems fair. Must I remain in the Baator all the time, or can I go explore Universe on my own?"

Asked Asura after some time of consideration.

"Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't harm the interests of the Baator. Additional information will be provided as long as you become an Elder. Your only responsibility would be protecting Baator, and if you wish, you can perform additional duties you chose."

I stated.

Elders were free to live as hermits or to do some things they wished to do.

"Then, as long as you can provide me passage to your universe, I will join your faction, but I want information about Power Systems in your universe... not a conventional one."

Asura said, and I was overwhelmed by happiness.


[Please support me on my patr-eon - https://www.patre* and read ahead 50 chapters. I thank everyone for their support as it helps me to write and publish this novel...]