Successful Inheritance

I instantly knew what the term "not conventional knowledge" meant.

There were people who studied Cultivation Systems and Power Systems from a more scientific point of view and knew many things about them. I could effortlessly obtain those data from Kaziklu Bey or Mercurius and it would be a good trade to exchange them for Asura joining Baator.

"That is doable. I can predict that you will leave for the Astral Boundary when your Inheritor ascends as God."

I stated.

It would be good if Bibi Dong could ascend as God as soon as possible, so Asura would become Elder of the Baator. With time-lapse between two Universes, it would be a long centuries in the Astral Boundary before Asura will arrive.

"As soon as she Inherits my God Position, I will leave through the Universal Gate."

Said Asura to me.

"Last question. You should be aware of the fact that I am currently trying to find a way to perfectly create Artificial Spirit Souls, but the thing to achieve that is the Genome of the Primogenitor of them, the Dragon God. What can you tell me about that, I heard that there is the possibility of him returning?"

I asked.

"Dragon God was one of the ancient gods born very long ago, and as you already said, he is the originator of all Spirit Beasts. In ancient times, he rampaged through the Douluo Divine Realm as he wanted to create a new Divine Realm solely for the Spirit Beasts that would ascend as Gods. Due to my short-sightedness or foolishness, I killed him and divided his Godhood into two parts, namely Silver Dragon King and Golden Dragon King. This war was because Spirit Beasts were oppressed by humans, and it was supported by Human Gods, especially by Five God-Kings. Only after a long time, we have realized that it was a grave mistake."

Humans in the mortal plane or planes under the Douluo Divine Realm were dependent on Spirit Beasts to advance. Without them, they won't be able to advance effectively. If they annihilate them, they would also cut their own path to Godhood. Something that the gods of the Douluo Divine Realm realized too late and probably Dragon God was too arrogant a fellow to reason with.

"Status of the Golden Dragon King is unknown, but I know that Silver Dragon King is alive and slumbering in the Star Duo Forest, protected by strongest Spirit Beasts. You will find what you want up there. Your best chance to get what you want would be to help the Silver Dragon King absorb Golden Dragon King and become a new Dragon God. Golden Dragon King is mad and only cares about the destruction of everything and vengeance... Silver Dragon King should be probably more reasonable."

Said Asura after a short time, as I nodded and frowned at the same time.

"That seems doable. Fortunately, Silver Dragon King would be reasonable enough to negotiate."

I answered as we talked about various topics, mainly asked about this Universe and some notable factions and Gods, as the Asura was very knowledgeable about many things that happened in the Shao Universe.

"She has succeeded."

Stated Asura plainly after several hours, apparently Bibi Dong finished and passed the trials.

"Now the influence of the Rakshasha Goddes has been destroyed from my Inheritance Trial, that little girl is now the successor of the Asura God. Hopefully, she will ascend as God as soon as possible, so I can be freed from my duty."

He continued as I looked at the Hell Road, where Bibi Dong soon emerged from as Asura disappeared from the mortal plane.

"I take it that you have finished."

I stated as Bibi Dong nodded her head in agreement, proud that she became an Inheritor and Successor of the Asura God.

"Yes, I have obtained Deathgod Domain, and my Spirit Rank has reached 84, once again closer to the Titled Douluo."

She would be the youngest person to become Titled Douluo; with the tempo, it would take her maybe several years to reach Titled Douluo and another decade to reach the pinnacle, and then she could ascend as God.

"Asura God told me your deal with him... how lucky."

She said teasingly, as I was surprised to see such behavior in her this time.

"Yeh... his presence would be very beneficial to the Baator."

I answered as I stood up.

"Shall we go? This place is no longer of use to me."

I have already used all Slaughter Aura to boost up my comprehension rate of the Law of Slaughter, so staying in the Slaughter City any longer would be totally useless at this point.

"After we return to the Spirit Hall, I will depart to the Star Dou Forest to settle some things. If the Project of Artificial Spirit Rings is successful, then humanity won't be dependent on the Spirit Beasts, and this conflict could be resolved. Asura God himself said that killing Dragon God was a mistake in certain parts. Additionally, inform Ajuka that he could start Project Spirit Ring Evolution."

I said as we walked out of the Slaughter City.

"Spirit Ring Evolution?"

Titled her head, Bibi Dong, at this term.

"Another reason why humanity is dependent on Spirit Beasts is to obtain older Spirit Rings but to achieve that, you need to kill older Spirit Beast to advance the age of the Spirit Ring. I have theorized that one could age his own Spirit Ring by using Divine Power on the Spirit Ring to age it. Ajuka has tested it by using Divine Crystal, and it seemed to work."

Ordinary Spirit Master wouldn't have a chance to use this method as it would require one of two possible ways.

One would be to find a Divine Crystal and use its Divine Power to age his Spirit Rings, but Divine Crystals were almost non-existent in the Douluo Planet or probably this entire Mortal Realm. Divine Crystals are a condensation of Divine Power or are created from refining the Power of Faith.


[Please support me on my patr-eon - https://www.patre* and read ahead 50 chapters. I thank everyone for their support as it helps me to write and publish this novel...]