Return and Next Step

The second way was to get Divine Power from God, but that was even more problematic in a certain sense for the current generation of Spirit Masters, as this could be done only by Spirit Master who is worshipping a God that is still alive and want to pass some Divine Power to said worshipper for such purpose.

But this was not a problem for Spirit Hall currently. With the alliance with Baator, I could easily supply Low-Grade and Mid-Grade Divine Crystals to Spirit Hall. Most of the Divine Crystals that Baator nowadays had were made by the special method by refining souls of mortals into Power of Faith and subsequently into the Divine Crystal.

These souls were obtained by Devils by entering into the contract with humans and other weak races. This method was very good and yielded countless Low-Grade Divine Crystals and even many Mid-Grade Crystals.

Unfortunately, as the souls of humans were too weak because they were just ordinary humans or occasionally some magicians, we cannot produce High-Grade Divine Crystals. That would be possible only in the Astral Boundary or...


Souls of the Spirit Masters were good and could be used as material.

"Dong'er, I will send some devils from Baator to collect souls of Spirit Masters here so their souls could be made into the Divine Crystals."

I said as she nodded, not really minding me calling her in a more intimate way; additionally, she was several centuries younger than me, so it didn't feel weird... maybe a little bit.


Spirit Hall, several weeks later

I have stayed at the Spirit Hall much longer than I thought before departing for the Star Duo Forest. The main reason was I was engrossed with Ajuka in research, as we started an experiment with Ageing of Spirit Ring with Divine Crystals.

Our test subjects were Bibi Dong and other Titled Douluos of three branches of the Spirit Hall.

The current Spirit Hall was very different from the past. Now entire restructualization of the organization was finished, supplemented by an especially bloody and brutal purge, conducted by Golden Crocodile Douluo, who was named Judgement Elder, and Holy Templar Order, who were helping him.

Hundreds of lesser clergy were executed by colluding with Heaven Dou Empire or Star Luo Empire, corruption, misusing their authority, hoarding resources for their own gain, and the list could go on.

Those who were killed were swiftly replaced by new priests. Now all clergy fell under the Ecclesiarchy Branch, which was responsible for spreading influence of the Spirit Hall, worship of Angel Goddes, whom Qian Daoliu was inheritor and would be one god of Spirit Hall and also newly even worship of the Asura God as Bibi Dong would ascend as Asura God and a steady supply of the Power of Faith would be very good.

I even helped Golden Crocodile Douluo Jin Eyu rank up, and he became second Extreme Douluo of Spirit Rank 99; it would be good if he could obtain a God Position, but if not, then at least he would become a Wild God that would be a pillar of the Spirit Hall.

Holy Templar Order was successfully formed and was being trained by Custodians in Battle Formation and coordinated attacks.

While Custodes were only Ultimate-Class, aside from those in the Shao Universe right now that reached Legendary-Class, a Battle Formation of Custodians could easily kill even Satan-Class entity without any losses.

Custodians trained their entire life, all day when they were not on duty; that was the reason how they could achieve such perfect harmony and synergy in their battle formation. Additionally, they had the best equipment Empire could provide, ate the best food from the highest-ranked monsters and magical bests; Empire caught, enjoyed a supply of free magical rituals, potions, alchemy pills, healing, and basically everything one could imagine.

Of course, there was no free lunch in life, and when one becomes a member of the Adeptus Custodes, it is almost impossible to leave. If one wants to retire, it could be either for health issues that are of extreme importance. Other reasons, namely personal reasons, one needs permission from Captain-General and Emperor cumulatively, reason needs to be objective, and the member needs to have at least several centuries of service and significant merits for that.

That was the reason why many children of nobles that had practically no chance to inherit the title strived to become members of Adeptus Custodes and often even Heirs themselves that sought ways to improve their strength.

One of the Tribunes of the Adeptus Custodes aside from Sirzechs were Diehauser Belial, and Ruval Phenex, both of them were heirs to their respective houses, but in the end, they joined Custodians in the vision of more potential for growth, as their firstborn would inherit the title, as Custodians were allowed to marry and have families, though even there existed some conditions to it and main was to reach the rank of Praefect.

"I should be going to the Star Duo Forest. I have been here in the Shao Universe for around six months, meaning around 50 years have passed in the Astral Boundary... this time-lapse is problematic as hell; maybe Mercurius would have a method to deal with it."

I muttered to myself as I stood up in my room, where I have been comprehending Law of Darklight, but my success was null, unfortunately.

Ajuka was currently doing his research as we were nearly done with the Project Spirit Ring Ageing, and Bibi Dong was attending her official duties as the Supreme Pontiff of Holy Throne of the Spirit Hall.

So I spread my wings and flew directly to the Star Duo Forest.


[Please support me on my patr-eon - https://www.patre* and read ahead 50 chapters. I thank everyone for their support as it helps me to write and publish this novel...]