Star Dou Forest

Star Duo Forest

Star Dou Forest is one of the Douluo Continent's most famous great spirit beast habitats. It's located southeast of Balak Kingdom.

Its area is huge, practically equal to Balak Kingdom's territory, spanning the border of Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire; within it, two fifth's of the area is in Heaven Dou Empire while the other three-fifths are in Star Luo Empire. It's an immense primeval forest; the forest's interior terrain is complicated, with wetlands, swamps, and so on.

The spirit beasts there are known for their viciousness and killing intent. The closer to the center of the forest, the more powerful the spirit beasts.

Inside the core area of the Star Dou Forest, there are many 100,000 Years Old and even older Spirit Beasts.

I watched the Star Dou Forest for a bit, before I entered, after casting several concealment spells on myself.

After I walked here for several hours, as I was not careful to not get lost, as this place was problematic to navigate in, I realized that I needed to find some guides. Thus I have decided to look for some 100,000 Years Old Spirit Beasts that could communicate and whom I could coerce or negotiate with to bring me to the core layer.

Of course, I could use my Spiritual Sense to scan the entire area of the Star Dou Forest, but that would probably cause Silver Dragon King to wake up and attack me instantly. Even when weakened significantly, it still had apparently a great deal of power, and I don't want unnecessary fights.

A peaceful solution to this would be best by coming into agreement with Di Tian, who was the current Beast God.

Fortunately, finding some 100,000 Years Old Spirit Beasts with my abilities wasn't that hard, and soon enough, I found two of them, close to the Inner Layer of the Star Dou Forest.

One of them was Sky Azure Bull Python. It had a head in the shape of a bull that is at least 4 meters in diameter, eyes the size of lanterns, and a dark cyan enormous snake body that is thicker than water barrels.

Another one was Titan Ape. It had black fur all over its body. The height of its shoulders at least outstripped seven meters. Not only was its body enormous, but all over its entire body was covered with muscles protruding like little hills.

I could instantly identify them, as I have copied the entire library of Spirit Hall inside Architect, so I was currently the most knowledgeable being in the entire Douluo Planet.

Both of them were 100,000 Years Old Spirit Beasts.

"Hello there."

I said as both of them instantly got into a combat stance as they looked at me warily.

"What do you want, non-human?"

Asked the Titan Ape, not surprisingly, they knew that I wasn't human, but alas, Spirit Beasts had far superior senses to humans and could discern that I am something else based on my scent alone.

"Show me the path to the Core Area of the Star Dou Forest, where I can find the Beast God. In return, I will give you something very good that will increase your strength tremendously."

I said as both Spirit Beasts looked at each other before looking back at me as they nodded in agreement.

"What is your name, non-human?"

Asked the Sky Azure Bull Python.

"Samiel Zentaur, and yours?"

I stated my code name.

"Da Ming."

Said Sky Azure Bull Python.

"Er Ming."

Was the name of the Titan Ape.

"Er Ming and Da Ming... are you brothers?"

I asked.

"Not thought the blood, but we are as close as brothers in everything else."

Said, Da Ming.

"Hmm... let's keep going."

We kept going on for more than an hour until we stopped for a small pause.

"Why are you searching for the Beast God, Samiel Zentaur?"

Asked Er Ming as we were resting at the local lake.

"You could say that I am bringing salvation to the Spirit Beast species."

I chuckled as I said that, while both of them didn't say a word to retort it.

After resting for some time, we went to move once again, and I was using my aura to scare away other Spirit Beasts that even Er Ming and Da Ming found especially threatening.

Soon enough, we have arrived at the entrance to the Core Layer.

"This is where we will stop. Inside the Core Area of the Forest, there are many Spirit Beast way above 100,000 Years of Age, so we will remain here."

Said Da Ming as he looked at the entrance to the Core Area, while I nodded and took out two Superior-Grade Divine Crystals.

"Take this as the token of my gratitude."

I said as they both were shocked by this as they felt Divine Power inside the crystals as they quickly bowed and thanked me for that. Absorbing such crystal could tremendously increase their cultivation, probably even multiply it.

After entering the Core Area, I felt someone was watching me.

As the Apocalypse-Class, my senses were comparable to Gods of this Universe, so feeling some Spirit Beasts that were still mortal was observing me was easy to find.

"Come out, Di Tian, I know that you are watching, and I mean no harm to you or to Spirit Beasts or to her."

I shouted as I released some of my aura, which was comparable to the 1st-Class God.

Soon enough Di Tian appeared out of shadows.

In human form, he is a handsome middle-aged man in a black robe with golden lines who possesses black hair with one golden strand hanging, sharp deep golden pupil eyes, with an at least 2-meter height body and broad shoulders.

"What are you? You are certainly no God and no human or Spirit Beast."


[Please support me on my patr-eon - https://www.patre* and read ahead 50 chapters. I thank everyone for their support as it helps me to write and publish this novel...]