Situation with Evie and Etoulde

After spending some time with Venelana, I went to find Grayfia, who was now as always attending her duties as High Chancellor.

I also needed for Grayfia to call for a meeting of the Senatorum Imperialis, so I could announce new reforms for the Imperialis Militarum and territorial management and nobility of the Empire.

Fortunately, Fia's office wasn't that far from the Imperial Palace.

I sneaked around, to not let anyone notice me; as I looked around, to see that Fia was working on something. Her office was neatly clean, with everything in its place.

"Hello, my dear wife."

I greeted her as she looked at me and nodded.


She responded calmly.

Contrary to Vena's reaction, Fia's was more typical, cold as always, but that was due to the fact that she was still in her 'work mode'.

"Could you please call the emergency meeting of the Senatorum Imperilis within 1 day?"

I asked.

With Fia, it was useless to talk about something intimate or not related to work right now, as she wouldn't pay attention to it, or she would scold me. Grayfia was always so serious when she was working, so it wouldn't do me any good to talk casually with her right now, which could be left after she returned home.

"About what?"

She asked.

"It is time to finish the reforms I have started. Now that the political power of the Nobles has been extinguished, I am going to reform the fundamental meaning of Nobility in the Chthonian Empire, as Nobles would get their titles depending on their strength. Also, TML System would be upgraded, as Nobles won't be managing their territories directly from now on, but rather their territories would be managed by qualified administrators and governors. At the same time, the base of the TML System would remain. This would greatly increase competition among Noble Houses to get stronger, which in turn would produce many more powerhouses for the Empire."

I explained as Fia nodded in agreement with my proposition.

After the formation of the Empire of Baator, or rather as it was now named Chthonian Empire, as Baator was a term for the Underworld, something like this would be impossible.

Even though the power of the Nobles was greatly weakened directly after the Great War, many houses still had deep roots, but now... after more than 400 years of development, these roots have been systematically cut out by the Execution Temple and Commissariat.

"Also, there is time to complete the military reform. We need to focus more on the quality than the quantity."

I said shortly after.

"Fia, what is the exact situation with the ExE?"

I asked as I sat down.

As High Chancellor of the Senatorum Imperialis, she was one of the best-informed people in the entire Empire.

"As we had two Apocalypse-Class entities and have caused great damage to the Evies and Etoulde, they have started to be wary of us, and currently in the Earth Plane, they are avoiding our Void Fleets. They cannot attack us, as our Arcanotech fortifications could severely injure even Supreme God, as we tested one of those on Resetoras, and he was nearly killed."

Said Grayfia proudly.

Even I was surprised to what levels has Arcanotech developed during these 300 Years that I was aways.

Arcanotech would be the greatest power in the Astral Boundary for the Baator.

If it could reach the level where we could fortify every strategic city with such fortification that could severely injure even the Great Step of Holy Spirit Warlocks and Supreme Gods, then it would be for the best.

Unfortunately, even after the three hundred years of collection of resources, only the Capital of Anor Londo and Gralea had such fortifications.

"Right now, as our Void Fleets are exploring the Earth Plane and its galaxies, there are often skirmishes with Fleets of Evies. Even though they are mechanical lifeforms, their technology is actually inferior to ours. Our ships have better protection and stronger firepower. However, they have more powerhouses on the Super Devil Level, so our forces are equal."

Stated Grayfia as I nodded.

After I connected back to the Architect, I already got everything that I needed to know about how to deal with Evies.

"Architect has a plan; I heard him say... what do you think about it?"

I asked as I looked at my wife.

"It could work if we could weaken Melvazoa by a great deal before that. If he managed to devour him, then practically controlling the rest of the Evies won't be any problem or absorbing them."

Architect had a plan to devour the source code of the leader of Evies, Melvazoa, and ascend as a completely new lifeform.

Based on his research, Evies were fascinating creatures; they were pure mechanical beings that had grasped the Path of God. As they were mechanical in nature, it meant somebody had created them, and by simple thinking, the answer is clear...

They were created by their sworn enemies, the Eotoulde, Spirit Gods.

In the end, they have evolved to a certain point, where they started devouring every resource they found and somehow grasped godhood. By my theory, they just found some Divine Sparks from deceased Spirit Gods and researched them.

One could say that Soul was a very broad term. After researching the Divine Sparks, depending on the Spark itself, I think one or several of them should have Divinity Over Souls, which should be able to create a Soul.

After the creation of the Soul, they could fuse with the artificial Soul and become real living beings. Afterward, fusing with the Divine Sparks to ascend as God was just a piece of cake.

After they evolved to that point, probably Spirit Gods have realized the threat that Evies represented and waged war on them, or Evies wanted to devour Spirit Gods for their Divine Spark to create even more Gods on their side.

And thus they waged war to this day.

But Evies were smarter... they started exploring starts for resources, and just like my Mechs, their cannon fodders were exactly like my mechs, meaning only some metals and energy source was needed to have a strong army.