Progressive Reforms

Several Days Later, Senatorum Imperialis

"Now I start emergency meeting of the Senatorum Imperialis."

Said Grayfia.

Currently, more people were attending this meeting of the Senatorum Imperialis; aside from the members and Elders that occasionally participated, there were all High-Ranking members of all Military Branches and all Heads of Noble Houses.

"After several centuries of steady development, Chthonian Empire cannot stop progressing in its advancement. To boost up the production of the Empire and the efficiency of the government and power of the Empire, the Nobility of the Chthonian Empire shall be reformed. For the first thing, from today, Nobles won't be managing their territories directly, but rather they will be managed by qualified governors with appropriate administrative skills. At the same time, Noble Houses would formally rule their territories, and real governance would be left to professionals to maximize resources and development. Benefits from the production would remain as they are right now. Second thing, Noble Ranks shall be reformed and shall be given only based on the pure strength alone."

I announced with a powerful voice, as some people murmured, but many Nobles could already see something like this coming, so they patiently waited for my next words.

"From today, Nobility shall be the title of martial honor and strength, protectors of the Empire and strongest fighters. All existing Noble Ranks shall be abolished and shall be replaced with the following: Imperator for the Emperor and Imperial House, Elector Lord which shall be reserved for Houses of Elders of the Empire. Chthonian High Lord, to be granted this title, Head of the House needs to achieve Super-Devil Class. Chthonian Lord, to be granted this title, Head of the House needs to achieve Satan-Class. Chthonian Viceroy, to be granted this title, Head of the House needs to achieve Legendary-Class and finally Chthonian Eques, to be granted this title, Head of the House needs to achieve Ultimate-Class. Requirements for Class shall be increased with the entire progress of the Empire's strength. Also, there will be only 13 High Lords, and to replace the old, a new must defeat the old."

I stated as this brought a great shock to many who were present.

With a single sentence, many Noble Houses have been instantly demoted to the Chthonian Eques, while some to Viceroy and few to Lord.

Current High Lords were only Houses of Leviathan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Valefor, Agares, Pheles, Noir, and Behemoth. As the only patriarch of those Houses has reached the Super Devil Class.

House of Lucifuge became an Elector Lord House.

Members of the Noble Houses were the strategic resource of the Empire due to their Bloodlines, which allowed them to get stronger faster and more efficiently compared to the Common Devils without; those with a strong concentration of bloodline even have an excellent chance to become an Apocalypse-Class, and finally, combat prowess of those with Clan Traits was far superior to those without at the same rank.

With this, Nobles would focus their entire attention on training and getting stronger to get more prestige and benefits and not lose face and not lose against their rivals. I have made it even possible that one may even lose its position as Noble if the House didn't produce powerhouses, and some other things must be fulfilled, but those who were present were scared shitless from that.

"Now that this is solved, the second decree. Active Militarization Reform Act. 1, after several centuries of development, our Imperialis Militarum could focus more on quality than quantity. Elites Armies of grand Empire across the Astral Boundary have no more than 10 million soldiers, so that should also be our goal, as the Chthonian Empire should have only that amount of soldiers, as it would be impossible to cultivate a higher number properly."

I stated as Hela looked a time and nodded, while Lord Generals of the Imperialis Militarum agreed with this decision.

"What shall be the standard strength of the soldier after the final reform?"

Asked one of the Lord Generals.

"After Militarization Reform Act. 1 Imperialis Miliotarum would have 100 million soldiers, and after 200 Years or so, we will activate Militarization Reform Act. 2 and stabilize army at the 10,000,000. Our standard strength should be copying that of Dresden Arcane Empire Grand-Class with officers starting from the Ultimate-Class. That should be the same as the elite armies of the strongest Empire across the Astral Boundary; if we achieve this, our Armies would be far superior to those of Warlocks, where they are usually of Great Warlock Standart, and only elites legions are of Starry Sky Warlocks."

After resources started flowing from the Shao Universe's Douluo Plane, especially the Immortal Herbs that quickly became Magic Herbs, Empire's potion and pill production capabilities have skyrocketed.

As I have bargained some alchemy inheritances from members of the Orden and obtained a lot from the Douluo Plane, with enough resources, another popular occupation has popped out in the Empire, Arcane Alchemist.

Currently, it has only two branches, Pill Refiner and Potion Maker.

With this and countless herbs that are now growing across the entire Baator, it won't be a problem to generate a large number of pills and potions that could help many individuals achieve Grand-Class in terms of physique and Energy Reserves.

"Right now, what our nation needs the most is to increase the number of the higher-end fighters and powerhouses and to cultivate at least several Apocalypse-Class individuals or its equivalent. Having three is not enough, even in the Dimensional Gap, not to mention in the Astral Boundary, where even Six Imperial Warlock Courts that had decided greatly have tens of Warlock Monarch and several Holy Spirit Warlocks. Resources here are not enough here, but there is one place across the entire Dimensional Gap where there should be some things that would help some people to reach that level of power."

I stated plainly as some of them already realized what I was implying.

"If we conquer Evie Eoutlde and annihilate those two troublesome races, countless Divine Spark, God Corpses, and many other treasures would fall into our hands that would increase the advancement of Empire by entire centuries."

I said with a serious voice as the eyes of many sparked.