Plots and Schemes

"We have got information that two Regalzeva's Devastator Order members have been seen in the Andromeda Galaxy searching for something, namely his two underlings Durmado and Rugatimu. It means that their master is not far away, and this could be a good opportunity to make some traps and ambush them. We can kill those two at first and subsequently ambush and assassinate Regalzeva."

Stated Hela slowly.

"Durmado and Rugatimu are two very strong Mighty Stage Gods; taking them out would be a great loss for the Evies, and if we kill Regalzeva, it will weekend Evies by a great deal; perhaps it would boost up attacks from Etoulde on them, as right now Evies have upper hand in their war. With the loss of Regalzeva and his Devastator Order, the situation could change very quickly."

I said.

"Additionally, Regalzeva's Divine Spark should have at least some Laws of Destruction in it."

Siad Hela, as I was left shocked for a while.

God's Path of the Astral Boundary was specific in a way that Gods didn't comprehend Laws and their Divine Sparks didn't contain Laws, but rather alternate weaker version to them, which was called Divine Authority. That was the reason why Beings of Laws or Warlock that comprehended Laws were able to easily suppress and kill Gods of the same ranks.

I wonder how Regalzeva managed to incorporate Laws into his Divine Spark. Then no wonder that the three leaders of the Evies were so fearsome.

If leaders of the Etoulde did the same thing, then this would be even better loot for us.

Law of Destruction was of great use to my next progress; even though I was only a newly advanced Being of Law, I already had some glimpse of what should my Path to be to reach the Lord-Class.

"Prepare the Extradimensional Prison Formation; we will go after Evies in the Andromeda Galaxy. I, Hela, and I will contact Jade Emperor to join us."

I ordered as everyone nodded and left to prepare their things to do. At the same time, I went to the secluded room to contact Deus Ex Machina, alias Jade Emperor Okhwang.

"This is Samiel Zentaur, Deus Ex Machina are you there?"

I said to the Tarot Devil Card.

"Yes, what do you need? Have you reached Apocalypse-Class, and we can start the plan?"

Answered the voice of the Deus Ex Machina after a short time.

"I have, but right now, this is not the appropriate time for such action, though I can lay basics of the formation in the next ten years. I am currently calling for something else. Do you know about Evies and Eoutlde and their situation with my Empire?"

I asked.

"Yes. You wish for me to join you on the hunt?"

He asked slowly.

"Indeed. We have a nice target; Regalzeva is probably a pinnacle Mighty Stage God. His death would greatly benefit my Empire, and I need to get my hands on his Divine Spark. If we kill him, you can keep all of his possession. As a Mighty Stage Gods that have roamed Dimensional Gap for untold Eras, he should have a lot of good things on his person that could help your Avatar greatly."

I expressed my reasons and even benefits for Okhwang for joining in.

His Avatar was True Immortal and Heavenly Being in his cultivation system, and his strength was currently no weaker than mine, perhaps more powerful. Our plan's success would be guaranteed with his help.

"Okey, send me the time and place where we would meet."

Reposted Deus Ex Machina after some time of pondering about that.

I understood that possession of someone like Regalzeva was tempting to his Avatar. Though in the eyes of his true body, what could have someone like Regalzeva precious to be used for someone as strong as him, but his Avatar in the Astral Boundary wasn't that strong, and it needed to reach the Ancestral Realm before it could be any use to him.

For me, the Divine Spark of Regalzeva was more precious as it contained Laws, and the corpse of Regalzeva could be used by Architect as a template for his final perfect Mechanical Living Body.

After finishing this, I went to Hela to inform her about the current situation, and also I needed to inform Azrael that he would need to be extra vigilant as he would be the only person on his level left in the Empire for the protection of our nation.

I found Hela right now in her office.

She rarely came here, as she tended to drop her work on adjutant and rather train or plan next military actions.

"What has brought my dear husband here?"

Asked Hela as she sat on the chair and read a book?

What a weird thing from her.

"Jade Emperor has agreed to participate in this mission. We just need to plan other detail, and we can take Regalzeva out of the equation. That would leave Evies only with Seraselbes and Malvezoa..."

I said as I sat down on the opposite chair while Hela stood up and closed the book she was reading.

"With his death, the situation would be different as Etoulde would attack with more ferocity, but it also represents danger, as two races would view us with great suspicion and would surely try to attack us."

She told me as she went to the door, locked them, and sat on my lap.

"But right now, we have other things to solve..."

She whispered as she kissed me passionately...