Targets Found

Andromeda Galaxy, Chthonian Empire 1st Fleet, Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship

Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Voidship was a monstrous behemoth that was around 50km in height, 60km in length, and 20km in width. It was actually a monster among Capital Ships, priding with firepower comparable to the Apocalypse-Class Devil.

After several centuries, Empire only had 3 such ships because scarce resources and other things limited their production, so it was tough to produce even a single Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship.

I was sitting at the commanding center of the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship together with Hela and another guest, Okhwang, who joined us in this quest for death.

"So, what do we currently know about the location of the Rugatimu and Durmando?"

Asked Okhwang as he sipped his tea that I had personally brewed.

"They are searching for something in the Andromeda Galaxy. We don't know what they are searching for, but if Regalzeva sent two of his most powerful lackeys to search for something, then it must be really something precious. Those two are only a bit strong, Mighty Stage Gods, so Hela and I will deal with them and kill them as fast as possible. Their corpses and Divine Sparks would be of great use to the Empire."

I said the current course of action as Jade Emperor nodded and agreed. Hela was silent and just enjoyed my company as she was hugging me like a plushie.

Only three of us were in this room, aside from several Custodians.

Most of the Void Ships belonging to the Chthonian Empire didn't have a large crew, aside from some soldiers and specialists. Usually, ships were working solely on the A.I. and a few specialized devils under the leadership of the ship's captain.

"Activate scanners and search for those two bots."

I told the A.I. of the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship and spent my time cuddling with Hela.


Several days later

"Your Majesty, the scans have found our target."

Said one of my Custodians as he woke me up from my slumber as I fell asleep after some time. Devils, among other races, could sleep for several days straight and even longer periods; for example, even Devil could enter hibernation.

"Activate engines to maximum and wake up Jade Emperor and Hela."

I ordered as the Custodian bowed deeply.

After that, I went to the commanding center and looked at the deep cold space before me.

"A.I., where are targets located?"

I asked about the Artificial Intelligence of the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship. Each Voidship of the Chthonian Empire was armed with supreme Artificial Intelligence, created by Architect himself. However, they were not perfect A.I.s as they were not living ones, but their calculation abilities were unmatched.

[Request accepted. Targets designated as Durmado and Rugatimu are located at the Astrex Planet in Arep System of Aqueria Star Cluster.]

Answered A.I. of the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship.

"When will we arrive there?"

I asked the A.I.

[Approximate time of the arrival is estimated to be 4 Hours and 24 Minutes.]

"Good, active battle protocols and send back notice that we have found Durmado and Rugatimu and are proceeding to ambush them and kill them."

[Information is being now relayed back to the Intelligence Department.]

Answered the A.I. of the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship.

After four hours we have arrived at the Astrex Planet that was located in the Arep System of the Aqueria Star Cluster.

It was an ordinary-looking desert world, not anything special, but apparently, there was something that attracted the attention of someone like Regalzeva.

"Activate Sealing Formation."

As I ordered that, suddenly, hundreds of the Voidships that were consisting of the 1st Fleet started activating certain devices and were surrounding the entire planet, thus creating an impenetrable formation that would act as a trap for anything that is on the planet.

Even to someone as strong as Regalzeva, it would take some time to break through the Sealing Formation created by hundreds of Voidships.

As the entire planet was sealed completely, I descended down to the planet together with Hela, while Okhwang remained in the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship; in case Regalzeva appeared sooner than predicted, he would at least stall him enough for Hela and me to arrive and support him in the fight.

"Those two bots are digging up something in the middle of the planet... they are already nearing the core of the Planet, and apparently there is some kind of structure there, man-made structure."

I stated as I received scans from the A.I. of the Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship.

It should be probably some kind of Inheritance site; there were a lot of them in the Astral Boundary, usually powerful existences constructed them, as they were about to die, so they constructed Inheritance sites.

Some of them were like tombs, filled with traps and treasures. Some of them were more complicated, like the one of the Devouring Magister, where I have inherited Law Crystal from him. That one was still controlled by the remnant consciousness of the Devouring Magisters, and to obtain the Inheritance, one needed to pass the tests set up by the creator.

This one which Rugatimu and Durmado were digging up, was probably just a tomb, as I didn't sense any kind of energy fluctuations belonging to somebody eslôe aside from Hela, Jade Emperor, or those two scraps of metal.

"Shall we wait or follow them?"

Asked Hela as we were flying top the place where those two started digging.

"Follow. They will probably suffer at least some injuries during the excavation and subsequent exploration of the Tomb. We can ambush and assassinate them during the exploration of the tomb."

I said, as soon we have arrived at the place where the entrance was located. I cast several stealth spells on both of us; with my usage of Laws quality of my magic was superior, and it was not possible for someone not skilled in magic to discover us.

Additionally, Rugatimu and Durmado were focused on excavation works.