End of the Cockroach (2)

Soon after, Rias and Vali arrived at the courtyard of the Kuoh Academy, which was empty. Rias instructed her servants to hide, as they would be of no use in this situation, and told them to remain in the Occult Research Club Building because that one was warded with powerful defensive spells.

"Should we erect the barrier?"

Asked Rias to Sona, who was standing near the school's building with her servants.

"No, there is no need."

Stated Vali as he didn't really care if their fight wiped out even the entire town; in the end, the causalities would still be only humans and nothing more or less.

"You with your servants go and hide in case this thing becomes really messy. In the worst case, activate teleportation formation and escape back to the Empire."

Vali stated, and while Sona wanted to refute him, she knew that she was weak, with only a High-Class level of strength, she was not qualified to engage even Kokabiel's soldiers. So, in the end, she just nodded in agreement.

Vali knew that their father didn't come alone and brought with him the entire contingent of the Custodians at the Legendary-Class and Satan-Class, and even Sirzechs was somewhere present, with his strength of Pinnacle Super-Devil Class and having successfully undergone Law Baptism; he was unmatched at his level.

Truth to be told, he would be able to fight and kill weaker Warlock Monarchs and Mighty Stage Gods by himself at his level of strength.

After everything was dealt with, they waited for some time until a creeping presence descended on them.

"Ohhh... you are waiting for me to grant you your death? How pathetic."

Scowled Kokabiel as he looked at Vali and Rias, who were waiting for him in the courtyard.

Soon after Kokabiel had descended, hundreds of Fallen Angels descended after him. Vali could observe that all of them had similar conditions to the Fallen Angels he had killed at the fortress outside of the Kuoh Town.

Compared to the rest, Kokabiel was far worse at it, as his skin was almost black from the black veins pulsing through his body.

"So what pigeon? Did Aunt Hela beat you so much that you lost your brain and became muddled inside your head?"

Mocked him Vali, as Kokabiel was visibly greatly angered by his provocations, he took out a sword that looked like an abomination of many swords pitched together by force.

'So he attempted to re-create Excalibur? Even though that sword is blasphemy even to exist, I can feel a dangerous aura coming from it.'

Thought Vali as he observed the sword in Kokabiel's end.

"Another fucking Lucifer... you always ruin everything. The Great War was time for us, Fallen Angels, to rise to the top. Everything was perfect... God died, and Four Satans perished by his hand, devils were exhausted, and Heaven was drastically weakened only if it wasn't four your dammed father. He came with overwhelming strength and developed arcanotech that devastated our armies, and then he established his Empire and crowned himself an Emperor. But, my new ally granted me new strength that will allow me to repay the humiliation that I have suffered at the hands of that bastard and his Warmaster."

Laughed Kokabiel as he flayed his energies at full, showing that he was already the pinnacle of Archangel-Class.

"So you think you will achieve anything by killing us here?"

Asked Rias as she looked at Kokabiel, who stopped laughing maniacally for a second before he released a bloodthirsty grin.

"Yes! If nothing else, I will at least repay that bastard by killing his adopted son and daughter. And additionally, I will still be able to rile up Empire against Grigori, which would cause more Fallen Angels to flock to my banner, and with strength from Melvazoa, we will together attack the Empire and annihilate it from existence. Not only us, but other Pantheons are also riling for war, especially Shinto and Olympians."

Laughed Kokabiel as he explained his master plan.

"Now, you two devils would be the first ones to be killed by this newly reforged Excalibur."

Said Kokabiel as he readied his sword, while Vali frowned.

"With that? It looks like some kind of aberration..."

Commented Vali as Kokabiel's expression darkened slightly.

"It doesn't matter as you will still be killed by it fucking devil mongrel."

Shouted Kokabiel as he slashed at Vali, who stood fearlessly with a smirk over his face as suddenly humongous presence descended onto everyone as Kokabiel stopped in his track, not even able to move an inch.

"Or maybe I will kill this bitch at first."

He stopped in his tracks as he looked at Rias. As he said that, suddenly everyone heard someone shouting.

"Leave Buchou be, you bastard!"

Meanwhile, Rias cursed in her mind at her stupid servant that was causing trouble. This was probably the worst situation that could happen because if Kokabiel killed Issei, then their plans for extraction of Boosted Gear would be null.


Kokabiel just titled his head, seeing some devil running towards him, but he sensed that this devil was so weak even a newborn could outclass him in everything. He just shot one Light Spear that instantly severed his legs, as he fell down in a puddle of his own blood while he screamed in pain.

"Now, where were we? Yes, killing you, of course."

Laughed Kokabiel as he turned back his attention to Vali and Rias.


Asked Majestic voice out of nowhere, as it sent Kokabiel flying, crashing into the barrier that was erected at the same time as the presence descended onto them.

When Kokabiel saw the figure to whom the voice belonged, he was instantly overwhelmed by the endless rage and despair that his plan had failed. He was just a pawn on the greater board of an endless game of schemes.

Now he understood why both Vali and Rias stood there without fearing anything, as they were already aware that their father was here and observing everything long ago.