End of the Cockroach (3)



I asked in a majestic voice while I released my aura, causing Kokabiel to crash into the barrier that I had erected before I descended down here.

"Don't worry, pidgeon; everything here is just a game, and you have played your part excellently. In regard to Shinto and Olympus, you don't need to worry, as they will be destroyed very soon; as we have reached an agreement with Shiva and together with Okhwang, we have decided to tear down the Dimensional Gap."

I stated as I enjoyed Kokabiel's rage, while Vali and Rias, who stood behind me, were deeply shocked by this revelation. Not only by the fact that two of the oldest pantheons on the Draconic Deus would be soon destroyed but also by the fact that Shiva has joined in tearing down the Dimensional Gap.

In the end, dealing with Shiva was easier than expected.

Hindu Pantheon had several Mighty Stage Gods, so they would be a huge problem if they attacked us during the ritual, but apparently, Shiva, too, wanted to tear down the Dimensional Gap so he could get stronger. I negotiated with him and provided him with the location of the Grade 3 Plane that lacked any strong gods, so he and his faction could safely develop there.

That plane was young and had a great chance to evolve into a Secondary Grade 2 Plane in a few hundred thousand years or million years if it evolved slowly. Civilization was there on the same level as in any other world controlled by gods, as there were some gods, but they were weak.

The entire plane had only one Mighty Stage God.

"Sirzechs deal with other pests and kill them all... they have inside them residual Divine Power, extract it and condense crystals, it would be then just a waste of resources."

I ordered my eldest son, and he immediately went into action.

As my orders were to extract the residual Divine Power, he couldn't use Power of Destruction as that would disintegrate their bodies. I did it because I hated wasting resources; no matter how rich I was, it remained with me since I was weak and had almost nothing.

As expected from my eldest son, he skilfully used Dark Light to send a wave of Dark Light Spears, instantly annihilating a large number of Kokabiel's subordinates that he brought with him, while Custodians started killing those who were lucky to survive or the weaker ones whom Sirzechs didn't even attack.

"What a symphony of carnage and death."

I grinned as I watched my Custodians butchering the remaining Fallen Angels.

"So, you see, Kokabiel, you were not worth even of being a stepping stone in my path."

I said lightly as I put my hand on his head, as he knelt before me.

"You have confirmed my suspicion about our enemies, sou you can die that your death benefited the Empire greatly, and for that, I hereby thank you deeply."

I said as I could see his rage as he released Holy Flame from my hand and burned the entire Kokabiel to dust; not even his soul was spared from being burned to nothingness, denying it an opportunity for reincarnation.

"Clear this place and repair everything. Erase memories of mortals here and prepare for the meeting. Kuoh will serve as a place of change."

I said to Sirzechs, who appeared behind me soon after I had killed Kokabiel.

"Also, inform Azazel and Michael and the Magisterium of Foreign Affairs that I want this to be prepared within next week."

I said as I turned my attention to Rias's servant and holder of the Boosted Gear, who was still alive after my Custodians stabilized his injuries, and he was still conscious.


I sneered just by thinking such a piece of trash wanted something with my daughter as I walked to him.

"You did a good job Rias in securing Ddraig, and during the past two years, you have matured a lot; as a Father, I can say that I am proud of you, my daughter."

I said as I suddenly hugged my daughter because I was really proud of her achievements.

After that, I turned my attention to Rias's servant Issei who was still listening to us, not properly understanding what was going on.

"Even stupid."

I said as I kicked him in the stomach, causing his body to turn backward, laying on his back as I chanted a spell.

In an instant, invisible chains appeared around his entire body that pierced through his body like a hot knife through a piece of butter.

"R-as buc-ou he--pl."

He attempted to say with blood coming from his mouth.

"Don't dare to say my name, you piece of degenerated pervert, if not for orders, I would have castrated and tortured you for your lecherous gaze over my body every time you saw me."

Scoffed Rias as she went closer to Vali, who hugged her.

For Rias, Issei Hyoudou was the most hated person on the planet because every time he saw her, she could feel his gaze at her like she was a piece of meat.

That lecherous and perverted gaze that was stripping her down always felt her with a feeling of humiliation.

In her anger, she threw two mini-throwing knives at him, piercing his eyes but not killing him, just causing him to go blind and in enormous pain.

"Rias, control yourself. Vali, take your her away, or she will kill him."

I said though I wanted to kill him too, extraction of Sacred Gear by the crudest way I have found was better than killing him instantly. This would at least torture him with immense pain.

And to be not left behind by Hela, and because of my pettiness, I have increased his pain receptors to their maximum and cast several spells on him that won't allow him to pass out.

"Pathetic waste... you think you can lust after my daughter and think of her through your degenerate waste? Don't worry; your death will be as painful as possible, and I have already sent my soldiers to torture and kill every one of your blood."

I said with a mischievous grin as I could see and feel the despair, anger, and rage.