Battle of the End (2)

After it was bonded entirely down and two idiots outside couldn't do shit about that, I have slashed at its chest, creating a vast wound there as I looked at the cores. Trihexa had several cores, which represented all Laws it comprehended, though it couldn't correctly use them.

I saw there Law of Chaos, of course, but then also the Law of Destruction, Darkness, Poison, and some others, that were probably obtained through the Law of Choas, as it has absorbed Beings of Law and assimilated its Laws.

Of course, it also had the Master Core, which was the one with if Lifeforce and all Magical Power; all monsters formed cores at a certain level. Some sooner, and some later at their path.

I stretched out my right hand and used Law of Devour onto the Master Core and started devouring all of the Lifeforce and Magical Power in it at a tremendous speed as I increased the power of the wards that were protecting me.

Melvazoa and Resetoras instantly noticed what I was doing as every passing second, Trihexa was growing weaker and weaker, and I was growing, on the other hand, stronger and stronger. My physique was slowly rising to the peak of the Apocalypse-Class, together with my Demonic Energy reserves.

[Demonic Energy Reserves have crossed 800 Units.]

[Demonic Energy Reserves have crossed 850 Units.]

[Demonic Energy Reserves have crossed 900 Units.]

[Demonic Energy Reserves have crossed 950 Units.]

[Demonic Energy Reserves have crossed 979 Units.]

I heard the voice of the Architect in my head.

I grinned devilishly as I felt a new power flowing through my body. In energy-wise, I was already at the peak of the Tier 9, and not only that, all of my physique attributes have crossed over 800.

I noticed that my wards were already showing some cracks, as Trihexa died when I had completely devoured the Master Core. After that, I turned my attention to Crystal, which contained the Law of Destruction, and used Devour to absorb it completely.

[Comprehension of Law of Destruction has reached 100%.]

After I heard that, I turned my attention to Resetoras and Melvazoa, which managed to destroy protective wards, but it was too late. I have already got what I wanted, and even if these two were Supreme Gods, it wouldn't change the outcome that they would die here.

I lacked a completely offensive-based Law that would boost up my offensive powers to a wholly new level, and now after comprehending the Law of Destruction, I finally had something that I desperately wanted.

Comprehending the Law of Destruction basically boosted the destructiveness of all my attacks to a whole new level of destruction, and on top of that, I could use the Law of Destruction to strengthen up the destructive aspect of any attack.

For example, right now, I have conjured several Dark Light Orbs and infused the Law of Destruction with them, and shot them at Melvazoa and Resetoras. When the Orbs came into contact with Melvazoa and Resetoras, they instantly destroyed their protective barriers and hit both of them at full power, sending them flying several hundreds of meters.

When they were flying, I instantly used this gap to use my favorite technique, The Gate of Babylon - Full Opening. This time though, it was even more dangerous, as each weapon made out of Dark Light was not boosted up by bits of Law of Darklight but also infused with the full power of Law of Destruction, making those weapons even more deadly than they were.

In a split of a second, hundreds upon hundreds of Dark Light weaponry were being shot each second at Melvazoa and Resetoras, that were recovering from being hit by Dark Light Orbs, as they were severely injured by that attacks; as I now realized how destructive the Law of Destruction was... somewhat ironic.

In front of such a barrage of Dark Light weapons from The Gate of Babylon - Full Opening, they could only defend against a furious and aggressive offensive, but to no wail, as with each passing attack, both of them were getting more and more injured, especially Resetoras.

Melvazoa, on the other hand, was depleting more Divine Power than Resetoras, as he was a mechanical lifeform at the base, and as the attacks were destroying his body with relative ease because it was not made from metal that would be able to withstand full power of Apocalypse-Class being, he needed to burn more Divine Power to hold his body in one piece.

Soon as I saw both of them struggling, I steadily increased the output and started releasing Forbidden-Tier Spell one after another. My Demonic Energy Regeneration was tremendously fast, so I barely noticed that I had lost some energy.

Truth to be told unless I directly used Laws to make attacks, energy exposure was minimal. I could use Law of Destruction to make waves of pure Law of Destruction that looked very similar to Clan Trait Power of Destruction but was more destructive and intense. Such kind attacks would really put a strain on my Demonic Energy Reserves, but if I just infused my Clan Traits or Magic with Laws, the cost was negligible.

After several minutes, I saw Resetoras bleeding heavily, with countless severe wounds, as he took some kind of Talisman and teleporter away, leaving his "ally" alone with me. I didn't bother to do anything about fleeing Resetoras.

I knew that he would be recuperating decades with his injuries, and I planned to send Hela and Zekram and Architect to dispose of ExE Planet for all after Architect assimilated Melvazoa and reached Pinnacle Mighty Stage Innate God.