One Dead, One to Go

Contrary to what many thought, my fights were not long either; they were flashy. I usually ended them as soon as possible. Even before every battle, I calculated every possibility the fight could go and end, so I always opted for the fasted way to end the battle.

My own calculation abilities were inferior only to Architect in the entire Chthonian Empire and were even superior to Runic Quantum Computers. So, coupled with some usage of the Fate Algorithm, which I already learned to use, so it didn't cause a backslash as I am the Fateless One, I knew the end of most of my battles with 90% certainty.

After Resetoras fled, I have been felt here with only Melvazoa, that has his body destroyed from the large part and was holding it together only by burning his Divine Power.

I conjured a wave of Law of Destruction and slashed ats him, destroying his body and carefully controlling the Law of Destruction to leave out his Divine Spark undamaged and also preserve his Mechanical Core, which contained some important things for Architect. After it was done, I collected those two things and stored them inside my Dimensional storage.

After I stored the corpse of Trihexa in my Dimensional Storage, I scanned the entire area for anything of some value, but I didn't find anything of value. After some time, Diablo returned, with unconscious Rizevim, as I ordered for him to be captured alive, and after that, Sirzechs and Vali returned.

"Everything is done?"

I asked as all of them nodded in agreement, meaning there was no single soul alive in this entire place after they were done with it. My familiars were especially helpful, as they were able to sniff out all hiding places of those rats, meaning nobody got to escape.

Afterward, we all teleported back to the Empire.


After returning home, I ordered Diablo to deliver Rizevim to the special holding cells beneath the Imperial Palace, where I would experiment on him and his bloodline ability Sacred Gear Canceller.

If I am not wrong, I could hopefully activate such ability in myself after some research. This ability was strong, as it could cancel the connection between a user and probably any kind of Soul-Bound Equipment.

After it was researched, I could kill Rizevim; he still had his uses until then. Right now, Empire has withdrawn all forces from Earth, and all of them returned back to the Baator in preparations for the final step.

Now, I wanted to relax, and I sensed that all of my wives were at the Imperial Palace aside from Bibi Dong, who was in the Shao Universe. I went to our private garden, where Vena took care of her plants and flowers of various exotic species, and it was also a place where Dou Dou was sleeping most of the time and protecting the entire Imperial Capital.

When I entered the garden, I saw Fia, Vena, and Hela sitting around the smell tea table and having a tea party.

When they saw me enter the garden, Vena instantly stood up and hung around my neck like a koala. Vena was always most affectionate and didn't hide her feelings or affections, contrary to Grayfia and Hela, who were more modest in this regard.

Especially Fia, as she thought such behavior was inappropriate anywhere besides the closed door.

"Hela, prepare invasion force. Melvazoa has been killed by me, and Resetoras suffered severe injuries; it is time to invade the ExE world. Annihilate both species to the last person, leave none alive."

I said to my wife, who nodded with murderous glee in her eyes, as she was eager for the battle of extermination. As I thought, even though Hela changed a lot, her bloodthirsty nature never disappeared, but that was something I was rather thankful for because it was a very arousing part of her personality that attracted me a lot.

People who would profit from me killing Trihexa the most were my wives cause I have seen that Trihexa had also comprehended the Law of Ice, which I planned to give to Grayfia, while it also had several others, which I planned to distribute among my family later. At first, I will let Venelana choose among them, so she can advance to Apocalypse-Class sooner, or if she chose to ascend through the Law of Destruction, she would have comprehended two Laws the moment she became Apocalypse-Class.

I sat down with my wives as we drank tea that Fia brewed. It was one of my personal stash, exported from Okhwang's Ancient Dao Universe, so it was very delicious and nutritious for the soul.

"The tea is splendid; I think that our Fia will soon reach my level in the art of tea brewing."

I praised the tea, as I really liked it a lot.