Dimensional Ragnarok (2)

Meanwhile, the energy wave was nearing Draconic Deus, which was noticed by factions on it. All of them started panicking like hell; most of them, if not all, have realized that this was done by the destruction of the Dimensional Gap through a collusion of the Jade Emperor and Chthonian Emperor.

When all Pantheons woke their slumbering Mighty Stage Gods from their sleep, they consulted about what to do. Some wanted to attack Empire, but that was futile because they soon realized that the Dimensional Pathways were destroyed. Constructing new ones would take weeks, if not months.

And Energy Wave would hit the Draconic Deus within one hour.

Shiva and his pantheon have left through a specially constructed Dimensional Gate to another Plane that they have bought from the Empire.

Basically, what remained in Draconic Deus were either enemies of the Empire or neutrals. Humans were not included, as they were not important in the greater scheme of things for the Empire.

I could see that Odin had woken from his Odin Sleep, activated the YGGDRASIL's travel function, and teleported the entire Nine Realms out of the area before it was hit by the energy wave.

Hela specifically asked me not to seal the space around the Draconic Deus. I knew such an outcome would arise from the situation. Mainly due to her mother Frigga; even though Hela often put on a rough front, I knew that she wanted to visit her, but...

[Comprehension of Law of Darklight has reached 100%]

I heard the voice of the Architect, or rather his sub-A.I. consciousness, and I knew that I was reaching the next level.

Unlike Warlocks, who were basically magical cultivators and didn't require to comprehend Laws to advance, Devils were required to do so.

Comprehension of Laws didn't just increase someone's combat prowess and personal power but also reforged your entire being basically; it was like becoming a higher existence.

Such was the profoundness of the law comprehension.

My entire body was being reforged, as I felt my physical strength being tremendously strengthened, to the point of reaching a standard of the average physical strength of Holy Spirit Warlocks. This was another advantage of Law Comprehension, as people who comprehended Laws usually had strong physical bodies.

[Host has reached Dimensional-Class.]

[Lifeform Level has increased.]

'Architect scan.'

[Name: Zeoticus Gremory-Lucifer

True Name: Dizmason (Devil Talent), Sythis (Mental Protection), Savant (Prideguard), Isaiah (Nirvana), Archeron (Full Counter)

Race: Trans-Devil-Fiend (Pure-Blood)

Bloodline: Gremory, Lucifer, Golden-Horned Fiend

Age: 784


Class: Dimensional-Class

Lifeform Level: 2 - Tier 2

Soul Aptitude: Level 10 - Inferior

Laws: Devour (100%), Darklight (100%), Slaughter (100%), Destruction (100%), Lightning (21%)

Demonic Energy: 3,059

Strength: 2,545

Agility: 2,577

Vitality: 2,512

Baator Command Sequence: 100%


Law Control:

Devour - Advanced

Slaughter - Advanced

Destruction - Advanced

Darklight - Basic


Clan Trait:

Dark Light - Law

The Devour - Law

Holy Flame - Forbidden


Magic Systems:

Tier Magic - Starlight

Devil Magic - Forbidden

Norse Runic Magic - Forbidden

Abyssal Runic Magic - Forbidden

Human Magic - Forbidden

Mysticism - Master


Secret Method: Fate Algorithm - (4/6)



Scythe - Grandmaster

Dagger - Master

Hand-to-Hand - Master

Bladestaff - Expert]

I observed a numerical increase in my stats, as I felt many times stronger. Only my Law of Lightning was stuck at the 21% of comprehension rate, but fortunately, it didn't hinder my ascension to Dimensional-Class.

Still, there was a moment when I realized my upcoming problem.

While I have seen glimpses of my path, I have realized that I have comprehended laws would be a nightmare to fuse together. Usually, the most potent Laws, or rather when Laws were of the higher grade, were harder to fuse.

I still hadn't received my True Name, as that would be only received when I entered Baator.

Now that I have reached Dimensional-Class, my control practically over everything, be it Demonic Energy or Laws, increased tremendously, and pressure on Architect and me, controlling Planar Refinement Formation decreased significantly.

Right now, the majority of the Planes across an area of the former Dimensional Gap were already destroyed by an enormous energy wave that was generated through the destruction of the Dimensional Gap.

Soon, Draconic Deus, as it started collapsing down, was utterly destroyed within several minutes. My Planar Refinement Formation refined its energy and sent it towards the Baator, which started evolving into the Secondary Grade 2 Plane.

After Draconis Deus collapsed, the energy wave continued forward, greatly weakened as it soon dispersed after traversing some long distance.

"It is done."

I have muttered as Baator has evolved into the Secondary Grade 2 Plane, and I would need to re-structuralize it.

"Are you going to leave?"

I asked as Okhwang nodded and took out a special talisman that was from his home Universe.

"Indeed, I have already sensed some Greal Holies and several entities on the same level are heading this way as we speak."

Stated Jade Emperor, as I turned serious because I too sensed them coming now that I had achieved Dimensional-Class.

"Then it would be appropriate to part our ways."

I said, as Okhwang nodded and his body dispersed into countless particles and vanished from here, while Architect returned to the Baator and instantly activated World Engine, which started activating.

"A new era is coming."

I said as I looked at the Astral Boundary.

After several seconds I entered Baator.

Several minutes later, space shook as the entire Plane had been torn out, leaving behind only a massive space crack.