Orion Kadred

Canghzi Plane

Canghzi Plane was one of the few Grade 1 Planes that could hold Eternal ranked powerhouses. Thus, Warlocks controlled the entire Plane as one of the strongest occupations across the whole Astral Boundary.

If the Grade 9 Plane was as big as the average planet, then Grade 8 Plane was x10 that of the Grade 9. Grade 7 Plane was x was x10 that of the Grade 8. Grade 6 was x10 that of Grade 7. Grade 5 Plane was x10 that of the Grade 6. Grade 4 Plane was x10 that of the Grade 5 Plane. Grade 3 Plane was x50 that of the Grade 4. Secondary Grade 2 Plane was x100 that of the Grade 3. Primary Grade 2 Plane was x150 that of the Secondary Grade 2 Plane. And finally, Grade 1 Plane was x250 that of the Grade of the Primary Grad 2 Plane.

The entire Canghzi Plane had only two Continents, but they were even bigger than the Primary Grade 2 Plane, several times at that. These two Continents, called the Eastern Continent and Western Continent, often termed Eastern World and Western World, ruled entire collections of Sub-Continents, Island, Arpichelagos, and other minor landmasses in their sphere of influence.

These two different "worlds" had a different cultures, traditions and even great disparity in strength, as 7 out of the 8 Warlock Emperors originated from the Eastern Warlock World, while only one, Daw Emperor, originated from the Western Warlock world.

Smaller landmasses, like Sub-Continents, Island and so on, always followed the culture of their main Continent so for example, Sub-Continents attached to the Eastern World would follow their culture and everything. Same about those attached to the Western World.

Right now, the entire Eastern World was ruled by the Great Cloud Dynasty, and Western World was divided between three Dysntasties, namely Brest Dynasty, Bajur Dynasty, and Kadred Dynasty. These Dynasties often changed one from another every few thousand years, and if someone was unlucky, then even a few centuries.

Like now, when previous Rulers of the Great Cloud Dynasty were overthrown by the Bai Family around five hundred years ago.


Kadred Dynasty

Orion Kadred was one of the many many children of the Emperor of the Kadred Dynasty that ruled over the third of the Western Warlock World. Emperors of each Dynasties have tens if not hundreds of children, with countless women.

Though Orion Kadred was only a Starry Sky Warlock, despite his age, he showed that his talent was low.

Currently, he was lurking through his manor in the Capital of the Kadred Dynasty before entering a small room and activating a protective formation that separated this room from the rest of the world.

After that, he took out a small device, which activated the moment he took it out.


Asked an ominous voice from the device as Orion Kadred shuddered in fear.

"All materials are prepared to build a small gate in that place called Thurandot Subcontinent. I have verified that there is the really extensive underground world, which would be appropriate for a base, and the level of native Warlocks is low; the strongest is only Great Warlock Realm."

Reported Orion hurriedly, not wanting to displease the entity he was talking with.

"Very well. After the first ones come to the Canghzi Plane, you will receive your payment. Immediately depart for the Cangzhi Plane and construct the gate."

Ordered the voice after the device turned off automatically, and Orion Kadred sighed in relief.

He was not talented, and his strength was pitiful for someone of his age.

So, in his endless pursuit of power, he did one of the things that were considered the greatest taboo on the Canghzi Plane.

Deal with outsiders for power.

Even though it was taboo, countless warlocks signed contracts with Demons of the Infinite Abyss Blood Races of the Divine Blood Plane for power and let them rampage across the Canghzi Plane to plunder its resources.

He made a deal with Devils from the Plane called Baator.

It was a new Plane discovered around one thousand years ago by previous rulers of the Great Cloud Dynasty.

Initially, it seemed like a very weak Secondary Grade 2 Plane after some explorers entered the Baator.

In their greed, the Great Cloud Dynasty ruling family, Yan Clan, decided to conquer the Plane as fast as possible to prevent any other competitor from obtaining its resources, and assembled the majority of their army, numbering almost 7 million warlocks, all of the Great Warlock standards, coupled with countless Starry Sky Warlocks, Moonlight Warlocks, Glorious Sun Warlocks under the leadership of more than 200 Bright World Warlocks, and 20 Infinity Warlocks, entered the Plane known as Baator.

Leading them was the Emperor of the Great Cloud Dynasty, Yan Hai.

After they entered the Baator, while it was suspicious for them, that they didn't encounter any natives, and only after traversing several hundreds of kilometers did it happen.

Suddenly, in a split of a second, the entire space was sealed, and all forces of the Great Cloud Dynasty were attacked by countless Devils of various Classes, far outclassing those of the same rank, even if not counting superior Runic Battle Armors and Weapons of denizens of the Baator.

Commanding this army were 5 people on the level of Supreme Infinity Warlock with more than 50 Devils and other beings on the level of Infinity Warlock. On top of that, all under the watchful eye, of several beings on the level of Warlock Monarch.

One could deduce it was an absolute slaughter that none survived. After this, the Great Cloud Dysntasy's power was weakened severely, and after several centuries, the power of the Yan Family was so weak that their subordinates betrayed them, and Bai Family became a new ruler of the Great Cloud Dynasty.

Only some recording artifacts were purposely left intact, so they could be used and found as evidence.

So, slowly but steadily, Baator became one of the most dangerous planes in the current Astral Boundary.

There were even rumors that it was guarded by powerful beings not inferior to the legendary Great Holies of the Warlocks.