After the Millenias

After Sirzechs left the place, I was left alone on the balcony as I observed the Imperial City.

I could feel people praying to me all the time, and not only in the Baator but also in the other planes, which were either conquered by Baator and the local population or in Canghzi Plane or other places.

I felt an endless stream of the Power of Faith flowing to me.

'Architect do a deep scan.'

I stated in my mind.

[Name: Zeoticus Gremory-Lucifer

True Name: Dizmason (Devil Talent), Sythis (Mental Protection), Savant (Prideguard), Isaiah (Nirvana), Archeron (Full Counter), Zerius (Prime Evil)

Race: God Devil (Trans-Devil-Fiend / God)

Bloodline: Gremory, Lucifer, Golden-Horned Fiend

Age: 2,800+ Years


Class: Dimensional-Class / Common God

Lifeform Level: 2 - Tier 2

Soul Aptitude: Level 10 - Inferior

Laws: Devour (100%), Darklight (100%), Slaughter (100%), Destruction (100%), Lightning (100%) , Space (41%)

Magic Rules: Starfall, Decomposition

Godhood: Father of All Devils

Concept: Void (3%)

Demonic-God Force: 7,451

Godhood Index: 92 Million

Body: Peak Great Step Holy Spirit Warlock

Baator Command Sequence: 100%


Law Control:

Devour - Advanced

Slaughter - Perfect

Destruction - Perfect

Darklight - Advanced

Lightning - Advanced


Clan Trait:

Dark Light - Law

The Devour - Law

Holy Flame - Law


Magic Systems:

Tier Magic - Starlight

Devil Magic - Forbidden

Norse Runic Magic - Forbidden

Abyssal Runic Magic - Forbidden

Human Magic - Forbidden

Mysticism - Grandmaster


Secret Method: Fate Algorithm - (6/6)



Scythe - Grandmaster

Dagger - Master

Hand-to-Hand - Master

Bladestaff - Grandmaster]

I have progressed tremendously during these 2,500 years.

Not only have I reached the Dimensional-Class limits, but my body strength was also even higher. I have completely comprehended the Law of Lightning and increased my control over it to Advanced.

Most importantly, I have created two Magic Rules, Starfall and Decomposition.

Magic Rule was something that only the most skilled and knowledgeable practitioner of magic could use and handle. Construction of just one required a profound understanding of not only magic but also Laws that were used in the creation of the Magic Rule.

Starfall Magic Rule evolved and perfected the form of the first Starlight-Tier Spell I have made. It had extreme destructive capabilities, with my current strength; if I used Starfall Magic Rule, I could easily obliterate anyone under Quasi-Empyrean.

Meanwhile, Decomposition Magic Rule was even something more special and terrifying. Usage of the Decomposition made one the best Anti-Mage, as Decomposition allowed one to disrupt any kind of magic, spell, and even the majority of the energy-based techniques and attacks.

It took me more than 900 years of study to construct the Decomposition Magic Rule and additional 300 years to master its usage in combat and perfect it to a usable state.

The essential progress I have made was not the creation of these two Magic Rules but rather a grasp of the Concept of Void.

Void was what houses all Universes, Realms, Worlds, and other spaces. The majority of people who chose to roam the Void for opportunities were on the level of the Great Old One and Divine Thrones. Even Eternal-ranked Powerhopuses were only at the bottom of the ladder in the Void.

To clarify something, Great Old One wasn't any kind of power level of cultivation realm, but rather a collective term for people who achieved a certain level of strength; some of them may be even stronger than the average Divine Throne; of course, those were very rare.

To be considered a powerhouse even in the Void, one needed to be a Paragon. And to become Paragon, one must become grasp a Concept, truly become a conceptual entity, and absorb the Essence of a Void.

Each Paragon was a unique conceptual entity that anyone else could not replicate. For example, suppose someone has the Concept of Fire. In that case, no other person can have that concept because the Conceptual Entity of Fire was already born.

I obtained 2% of the Concept of Void from Devouring Ophis thousands of years ago. After 2,500 years, I have increased it only by 1%. The difficulty was on a totally different level; the reason for that was simple.

Usually, people who could grasp Concepts are either at the Great Old One or Divine Throne. But, just these 3% increased my combat prowess tremendously, even more than my comprehension of several Laws.

Through ascending as God, I have also evolved as God Devil. One of the gains of the Evolution was that my Demonic Energy has mutated and evolved into a higher form of energy, which I termed as Demonic-God Force, as a commemoration of my Demonic Godhood.

As a higher form of energy, it was superior to old Demonic Energy, as 1 Unit of Demonic-God Force was equivalent to tens of that of Demonic Energy. It essentially caused me to fuse two paths, creating an absolute unique Path for myself.

With the number of worshippers, I would have reached Myriad God Emperor Stage long ago if I had followed God's Path of the Astral Boundary. My actual method required a tremendous amount of the Power of Faith to increase the Godhood Index Rating; by my calculations, the amount of Power of Faith I was receiving far eclipsed several Myriad God Emperors together.

On the other hand, the power I obtained from the increasement of my Godhood Index Rating far eclipsed any progress Gods of the Astral Boundary could make.

And finally, my newest part of the True Name Zerius came with an ability called Prime Evil. It allowed me to store negative energy created from sinning; basically, everyone who did anything related to Seven Deadly Sins would have created something I called Energy of Sin, I automatically absorbed that, and I could burn this energy reserved in exchange to obtain an explosive increase in power.

Suppose I went all out, including usage of Prime Evil. In that case, I could theoretically newly advanced Warlock Emperor or some trash Arcane Lords with unstable and weak paths. However, I have never tested it, as I had never encountered such an entity, as I was careful to lay low for now.

Cunnigness was in the nature of devils, so before I reached half-step I, not Lord-Class, I planned to avoid attacking or fighting entities on Tier 11, especially Warlocks; they had great problems containing their arrogance, something that probably came with every cultivator.