Life of Emperor Sirzechs

3rd POV

Sirzechs was Emperor of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator for several centuries after his father passed him the crown.

There were only two candidates for the position of the Emperor, the second one aside from Vali, who was too much of a battle maniac to hold any kind of administrative post. Sigmar was never even considered for the position, and he was even vocal about that he didn't want to be an Emperor.

Sigmar was a typical warmonger who would unleash countless wars and create an immeasurable number of conflicts for the Empire, something that the Empire didn't really need. It always chooses its foes carefully.

Today, as always, Sirzechs has been dealing with foreign relationships for many decades. Today he was meeting with the Ambassador of the Dresden Arcanum Empire.

Dresden Arcanum Empire was currently one of the strongest factions in the Astral Boundary. There were very few factions that could match them in terms of power. Dresden Arcanum Empire was under the protection of Exarch and had 4 Arcane Lords and tens of Magister Arcanists.

While in terms of numbers, they were inferior, but individual combat prowess, they were superior, as the path of the Arfcanists was very similar to that of Devils, as they focused on comprehension of Laws, and many of them even had their own Magic Rules.

Sirzechs was stuck at the Apocalypse-Class for a long time due to numerous Clan Traits and numerous Laws he was comprehending. Still, his combat prowess was comparable to an even weaker Dimensional-Class powerhouse if he went all out.

Today he was meeting with the representative of the Dresden Arcanum Empire, who was from the Yatogami Clan, one of the most prestigious Clans, due to the fact that the Clan Founder was the closest confidant of the Ancestor of the Dresden Arcanum Empire.

Chthonian Empire had very few allies in the Astral Boundary. Of course, they could be counted on one hand, and the closest ally was Dresden Arcanum Empire mainly because they were similar in Power System and mindset.

Of course, the close relationship between the two Ancestors of both Empire was one of the deciding factors.

"Your Imperial Majesty."

Bowed the Ambassador of the Dresden Arcanum Empire to the current Emperor of the Chthonian Empire. Even though Chthonian Empire was a young faction compared to truly ancient behemoths, like Warlocks Imperial Courts, Dresden Arcanum Empire, or other even older factions, their progress was absolutely terrifying.

Just within 3,000 years or so of their existence, they have managed to produce several powerhouses on the level of pinnacle Great Holy Step Warlocks. Several of them were so troublesome to fight that even their strongest Magister Arcanists would reconsider their chances thrice, especially against the Elders of the Baator and Layer Rulers.

Sirzechs nodded in acknowledgment as he wore his regal outfit and had the Imperial Crown crafted from the Longinus Alphecca Tyrant upon his head, consisting of a circlet of gold and jewels fitted around a central silver band.

"Ambassador Yatogami, what brings you here?"

Asked Sirzechs with a slight smile over his face.

"Your Imperial Majesty, I bring a message from our Emperor that Dresden Arcanum Empire is interested in making a move against Dawn Imperial Court, or at least at what has remained from it."

The enmity between Warlocks and Arcanists was an irreconcilable one, and if Arcanists were enemies of Warlocks, then it was natural that Devils would become one too.

Among all Warlock Dynasties, Dawn Dynasty was hit hardest and was practically destroyed, and what has remained has retreated to seek shelter under the clone of the Dawn Emperor. Dawn Lord was the only one who created an avatar that became god in the Dawn Plane, Primary Grade 2 Plane.

His aim was to become Myriad God Emperor in that Plane and then evolve the Plane into a Grade 1 Plane, theoretically allowing him to create a new cultivation level for Gods. Unfortunately for the Dawn Lord, and fortunately for others, he didn't succeed even till this day, as other Warlock Imperial Courts were crafty enough to sabotage the growth in the population of the Dawn Plane.

"Of course, the Chthonian Empire would do everything in our effort to bring down the Dawn Lord."

Answered Sirzechs swiftly, as he was aware that Dawn Lord and his goons were targets of the Chthonian Empire, mainly because Dawn Lord sealed Captain-General. For Arcanists and Baatorians would be incredibly beneficial for them, as it would significantly weaken Warlock as a whole.

And due to terrible relationships between other Warlock Emperors and Dawn Lord, it would be harder for them to help them to survive. And all that possible loot they could obtain from plundering treasuries of one of Warlock Dynasties.

"How would we be dividing the loot obtained from it?"

Asked Sirzechs.

"The treasury would be divided 50/50; aside from that, what everyone kills it is his."

Replied Ambassador Yatogami, as Sirzechs nodded in agreement, as that was acceptable for him.

"How is the strength of the Dawn Lord?"

Questioned Sirzechs.

"From what we have found, he countless Warlocks serving him. Many of them are Warlock Monarchs and several Holy Spirit Warlocks. There should be at least 3 Great Step Holy Spirit Warlocks. Among gods, Dawn Plane should have even more than Warlocks, but we don't have concrete numbers, as it is hard to infiltrate the Dawn Plane properly."

Replied Ambassador Yatogami.

Sirzechs nodded in agreement, as infiltrating such Planes as Dawn Plane was extremely hard. Dawn Lord did a great job by combining methods of gods and warlocks.

That Plane was under the constant watch of several Supreme Stage Gods and Great Step Holy Spirit Warlocks and had several surveillance treasures monitoring it all the time.

"Then we should attack associate planes under control or influence of the Dawn Lord and his forces first."

Stated Sirzechs as Ambassador Yatogami agreed with him.

Gods such as the God of Dawn had their claws in many planes.