Opening the Gates of Hell

"Okey, after we return back, we won't be coming out of our bedroom for several days."

I said with a smirk as Hela kissed me on the cheek; as I looked at the body of the Abyssal Sage Fiend before realizing his lineage.

"Frost Demon Divine Lineage."

In the Infinite Abyss Universe, there was great importance on the demonic lineages, and Divine Lineages were top of the top, aside from Entities. Infinite Abyss Universe had several Divine Lineages because their founders were Divine Throne level Fiends.

Frost Demons were somewhat reclusive species among fiends. Still, they were extremely powerful, and even compared to other Divine Lineages, their members were very few, but as every Divine Lineage, they had countless subordinates under them, so if we open the Gates of Hell with the blood of this Frost Demon, we could lure at least ten to fifteen Abyssal Sage Fiends.

Though this Frost Demon was probably a rogue member of their species or an outcast... if not, he would have a larger entourage or at least all of his guards would be of Tier 11. The last thing I wished for was to bring here Abyssal Emperor Fiends; then, we could only pack our things and run away.

After I stored the corpses of the Fiends, we went to find Vena and Fia.


Several Days Later, Miracle City, Amaris Empire

After dealing with incredibly horny Hela, we went back to planning and today was the day when we had planned for the Gates of Hell to open.

The Amaris Kingdom has conquered large territories of the Desert Empire, Grand Rallan Kingdom, and Alliance of Nobles of the West. Its territory has expanded exponentially and has transformed into an Empire.

Instantly after that, it got attacked by Morrince Empire, Beastmen Empire, and Titan Empire in an effort to quell the fledgling Empire before it could take proper roots, and now almost the entire mortal realm was enveloped in enormous war.

Right now, the situation was becoming so bad that I got info that Gods were considering intervening in the hope of stopping this war. Unfortunately, from the moment of Khonglir's death at the Golden Island, all gods were searching for the culprit, and some of them were becoming paranoid, even to the level of suspecting other Supreme Stage Gods.

"So, is everything in place?"

I asked as Hela nodded because this was her responsibility.

"Yes, Executioners have prepared for Gates of Hell open at capitals of the Morrince Empire, Titan Empire, and Beastmen Empire; they are only waiting for your command, dear husband."

Replied Hela sweetly, not really befitting her cruel smile.

"You can start... of course, activate the limitators; we don't want Abyssal Emperor Fiends to enter the Feisuo Plane."

I said as I started brewing my tea.


Morrince Empire, St. Tulan City

St. Tulan City was the capital city of the Morrince Empire, so it was a very large and bustling city. Soon enough, the cheerful atmosphere city changed; as the sky turned crimson, an enormous structure appeared out of nowhere.

Flaming gate, leading straight to the Abyss.

Instantly, hundreds of thousands of fiends of various shapes, most of them were ugly as hell. The moment they existed in the Abyss, they instantly started slaughtering humans that were in the St. Tulan City.

"Humans... Gods... you will all become my food!"

Roared several enormous tens of meters tall winged fiend, that existed in the Gates of Hell, excluding the aura of the Abyssal Sage Fiend, as behind him, several Abyssal King Fiends exited the Gates of Hell.

At the same time, as Abyssal Sage Fiend descended onto the Feisuo Plane, enormous divine pressure descended on the mortal realm.

"Vile fiend, begone from the Feisuo."

Said a deep voice belonging to an armored god holding a spear.

It was the Supreme God of the Zaliah Pantheon, God of War Erthol. I observed happening at the Morrince Empire, Hela went to the Titan Empire, and Vena went to the Beastmen Empire. Our tasks were to kill survivors of the clash between Supreme God and Abyssal Sage Fiend.

Abyssal Sage Fiend didn't say anything and just lunged at the God of War Erthol, while at the same time Divine Legions of Erthol descended down and started slaughtering fiends. While fiends were individually stronger and more numerous compared to the Divine Soldiers or Erthiol and other gods of the Zaliah Pantheon, soon enough, Divine Soldiers were getting the upper hand as every Divine Soldier killed by Fiends was instantly revived.

But Fiends also got reinforced because the Gates of Hell were still opened, and with each passing second, thousands upon thousands of Fiends entered the Feisuo Plane.

I observed this carefully and also recorded it, as it was a rare instance of seeing how the Divine Kingdom of Supreme Stage God functioned in battle and how it reacted and worked when Divine Soldiers were killed and revived.

Every time Divine Solider was killed, a small amount of Divine Energy was used to replenish it.

The fight between Abyssal Sage Fiend and God of War Erthal was equal because while Erthal was using his Divine Kingdom, Abyssal Sage Fiend has evolved to the point of obtaining some special abilities that increased his combat prowess to a terrifying level, though from my point of view it was not much.

After one hour of fighting, it was clear that Gods got the upper hand and started pushing Fiends back to the Abyss, as their Divine Legions were good at cooperating with each other, and they managed to surround the Gate of Hell.

One Abyssal King Fiend was slain, but one of the Mighty Stage Gods of the Zaliah Pantheon was killed too; it was Prados who died, as his Divine Kingdom all of sudden crumbled as his Divine Legions perished.

Another Abyssal King Fiend appeared from his corpse, some kind of fiend related to shadows.

'Assassination... troublesome, these times of demons are hard to kill because they are almost impossible to find.'

I thought in my head.