Turbulent Time

The loss of Prados was an excellent deal for the Zaliah Pantheon, as he was one of their Mighty Stage Gods. Usually, each Pantheon only had one Mighty Stage God, who was cultivated by the Supreme God.

God of War Erthal roared in anger, seeing that one of his Mighty Stage God subordinates was killed, as that was a significant loss for Erthal. Right now, Zaliah Pantheon was the strongest, which gave them an immense amount of freedom.

Erthal coated his spear, which was his Divine Artifact, and threw it at the Abyssal Sage Fiend.

Abyssal Sage Fiend tried to conjure a shield from Abyssal Energy. Unfortunately for the Abyssal Sage Fiend, it was futile, as Erthol's spear pierced directly through the heart of the Abyssal Sage Fiend.

Then something happened that really surprised me.

Abyssal Sage Fiend, who was now severely injured, instantly released an enormous blast of the Abyssal Magic, which devasted his entire surrounding and immediately rushed through the Gate of Hell.

He directly escaped... something that I didn't really think about.

While fiends were cunning and sometimes cowardly, they were vengeful as hell and greedy as well. This fiend was probably one of the smarter breeds, as he escaped when he realized that he couldn't win.

Usually, fiends would stay and fight to the death, even if it meant dying in the process.

After this Abyssal Sage Fiend escaped, his subordinates, or rather fiends that came with him, ended up getting slaughtered by Gods of the Zaliah Pantheon. Soon enough, Erthal used his remaining power to close his Gate of Hell.

'Time to act.'

I said to myself as I watched the Gate of Hell close.

Immediately, I turned to the God of War Erthol, and conjured an orb of the Nuclear Magic Rule, and shot a beam of it at the God of War Erthol. In a split of a second, a small gaping hole appeared in the Erthol's chest where his heart was supposed to be as I teleported to him and tore out his Divine Spark, and stored his corpse in my interdimensional storage for later processing.

After killing Erthol and teleporting away, madness spread among the gods of the Zaliah Pantheon. Their Supreme God was killed together with one of their Mighty Gods. While Zaliah Pantheon still had one Mighty God, this loss was too significant for them to handle; it was possible that other Pantheons would attack them.

Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for the entire Feisuo Plane, similar scenes appeared around the Feisuo as a whole Plane, be it at the Capital of the Titan Empire or Beastmen Empire, where their Supreme Gods were killed, and at those places, Abyssal Sage Fiends that were lured to the Feisuo Plane were killed by Hela, Vena, and Fia.

From the Chthonian Empire, everything was in motion. I have ordered some people to went to the places where Kindreds were gathering, and after some members of the Brunestud House killed the god Kindreds here worshipped, all of them pledged their allegiance to the Chthonian Empire. The same happened when Crom Cruach killed Supreme God, who the Dragon Country worshiped.

Meanwhile, Elves were rather cooperative in the negotiations, and there was a high possibility that they would agree, as obtaining a large elven population would be beneficial for the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.


One Month Later

After obtaining three Divine Sparks from the Supreme Gods, I have absorbed their Divine Energy and refined it to increase my Godhood Index to 99 Million, reaching the pinnacle of Common God.

Meanwhile, I was in the process of getting stronger, entire Feisuo Plane was in turmoil, as it was dealing with remnants of the Fiends that invaded the plane, alongside Titan Empire, Morrince Empire, and Beastmen Empire were facing large-scale rebellions everywhere, and our Amaris Empire was waging war against everyone.

Meanwhile, gods were also fighting against strong fiends that were hiding at the Feisuo Plane and preying on gods and mortals alike.

Among all of this chaos, Supreme God Malar of the Dark Gods Pantheon did something that I had really expected, and attacked Zaliah Pantheon and slaughtered the entire Pantheon, and used the whole capital of the Morrince Empire as a sacrifice to strengthen himself.

4 out of 10 Supreme Gods died, which was good. Now only two needed to be killed before I started the invasion, namely Irtarr and Gargarstave, to collapse the Weave. Killing Irtarr would ensure that no one too strong would attack our invading forces. At the same time, Gargarstave must die for the invasion to begin.

This invasion also served as a test for our forces combating high-level planes, as they would still encounter strong gods, including several Mighty Gods that were still perfectly fine.

I sent Hela together with Grayfia to check out the Inheritance Site of the Myriad God Emperor. They found a great amount of Divine Crystals, several tens of Divine Sparks of various Classes, and many weapons; all of them were Divine Artifacts belonging to Gods, some scriptures, and some various other things that needed to be identified.

I gave Vena Wisdom Apple Tree as a gift, so she was delighted, and she showed me her happiness and gratitude in the bedroom. She got one of the most precious things across the entire Astral Boundary as a gift, even leaves of the Wisdom Apple Tree were precious, and I have harvested several thousands of them to make tea out of them.

It would have nice enlightenment effects.