Schattenreich City


After one week, I took Vena, Hela, Fia, and even Bibi Dong, whom I invited for this occasion, to the Baldaquin as I set course to the Dresden Plane as today was the banquet organized by Weissmann.

Dresden Plane was one of the few Grade 1 Planes in the Astral Boundary capable of holding and giving birth to the Tier 12 beings, so it was well protected with countless Space Fortresses similar yet different to the Baldaquin were stationed in front of it as a defensive line.

Venelana chose dresses for Hela and me, while Grayfia and Bibi Dong were "capable" enough to choose their dresses by themselves. Vena and I had a matching outfit made from the same peak Tier 10 Black Three-Tailed Lion magical beast. In contrast, Hela had something similar to that, in her theme colors of green and black.

"Your Excellency, we have been awaiting you."

Said a voice from the message that arrived at the Baldaquin as the path towards the Dresden Plane opened. We were descending to the Schattenreich City, which was the capital of the Dresden Arcanum Empire and also the place where Weissmann was born and lived till this day.

I was annoyed a bit, as I was going to get a lot of unwanted attention, particularly due to my feat of achieving the destruction of the Warlock Path from the Canghzi Plane, and more importantly, because it was sure that I would sooner or later... probably sooner reach Exarchy.

Even now, I have combat prowess that would be able to compete against some weak ones. Even the weakest of Tier 12 was still immensely powerful compared to even the strongest Tier 11, but alas, I was an irregularity.

"Smile, honey, or you will make a bad impression."

I grimaced a bit and looked at Venelana with bewildered looks. She always knew what to say or not to say...

'Woman, what bad impression? I am that could just kill them all, and just now, a few weeks ago, I extinguished billions including Tier 12 expert.'

Of course, these words just stayed in my head. I didn't really want to argue with Vena.

"What bad impression? They should be glad we don't kill them."

That was the role for Hela, as I saw my wife speak her thoughts out of loud. Because I refrained to arguing with Vena about these things, the same cannot be said about Hela, who would always say her piece.

"Not everyone is such a brute like you."

Venelana turned back and shouted to Hela.

"Of course... though you don't complain during the rough sex we have."

Suddenly a blast of power of destruction passed near Hela's head as Venelana turned bright red.

'Fight... that wasn't long here.'

I thought as with a wave of my hand; an Anti-Energy Area was deployed as Vena's Power of Destruction and Hela's Power of Death dissipated into nothingness.

"Hela, don't provoke Venelana; Venelana, don't fall for her provocation. And to both of you, don't start fighting here."

I said to them sternly, as I held Bibi Dong close to me, as she was still a Tier 8, so she would die in case she was hit by some misdirected attack.

Of course, with me here, no such thing would happen, not to mention Bibi Dong was wearing a necklace which was a defensive artifact that I personally made. It had the power to defend against the full power of Tier 11 experts.

After everyone calmed down, Baldaquin slowly approached the capital city of the Dresden Arcanum Empire, the Arcane City, the City of Magic, Schattenreich.

I always found it funny that in terms of appearance, the city reminded me of Yharnam or other cities of the Blood Races with its relatively gloomy gothic architecture but with a bit of steampunk twist with weird structures and buildings.

"Your Excellencies, a private landing area was prepared for you in the Imperial Zone of the Schattenreich."

We were heading to the Imperial Palace in the Schattenreich City as I looked through the commanding center's windows or the Baldaquin's Throne Room.

At the same time, I admired the beauty of Schattenreich City. I always liked that weird gothic slash steampunk or manapunk feel the city was giving off.

After several minutes of flight, Baldaquin finally landed down or rather arrived at the destination, and we exited the Baldaquin. In front of the Baldaquin was already a welcoming delegation waiting for us, led by Yatogami Kuroh, who became Tier 11 Arcane Lord some time ago.

"Welcome, Your Excellencies, to the Schattenreich City."

He gave a standard bow which was common among nobles of the Dresden Arcanum Empire. Just like Nobles of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator had their own greetings, which I performed together with my wives.

Of my wives, only Bibi Dong never visited Schattenreich City, while Hela and Grayfia have visited it on several occasions already. And Venelana was basically regularly visiting the Schattenreich every ten years or so to participate in the tea parties or similar things organized by noble ladies of the Dresden Arcanum Empire.

"Lord Yatogami, it is a pleasure once more."

I said as he nodded before signaling us to follow him. He was really a man of few words and didn't speak up a lot. Maybe for that reason, he hit off well with Arthur, as neither my son-in-law spoke a lot unless it was necessary.

"Your Holy War created a storm through the entire Astral Boundary, Your Excellency. Many of the old times in the Eternal Star Region are pretty agitated that one of the oldest paths in the Universe has fallen. And most importantly, that the Astral Boundary lost one of its few Tier 12 experts."

As we entered some futuristic-looking limousine, he said, as I grimaced a bit.

"If they don't like it... then they could also become my food. At least those old half-rotting corpses would be useful once."

I snorted in response.