Before the Banquet

Eternal Star Region was full of these old times and fence sitters that just stayed in their holes and just observed the Astral Boundary burn. Rarely would they crawl out, and if they did, it was only in dire circumstances when everything was already fucked up pretty bad.

Bibi Dong curiously looked through the window of the limousine as she admired the beauty of the Schattenreich City while I chatted with Magister Yatogami. Hela looked bored as hell, and Vena was controlling her dress so that she looked perfect.

"So, how are the things in the north going?"

I asked as I took a sip of the drink that was prepared for me.

"Stalemate. Leeches are strong in their Divine Region as they occupied the Divine Star Region for countless Eras, but we managed to push them out of the Central Star Region completely, and now we are preparing to attack them en masse."

He answered as I perked up, understanding the message between the lines.

The next Holy War was for sure coming.

"And we have arrived at the Imperial Palace."

Imperial Palace of the Dresden Arcanum Empire was no less impressive than that of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, but ours was a bit bigger and more majestic. Baatorians usually liked to show out our power, especially Devils who liked to build everything magnificent to project strength and status.

I exited the limousine with Arcane Lord Yatogami and helped my wives exit the car as we went through the prepared path for us. The banquet was just starting, and guests were just coming.

"Is Kunou going to come?"

I asked Hela as she nodded. She didn't see her granddaughter for several decades after she left the Empire to study mysticism and rituals at the Dresden Arcanum Empire. I don't know how strong she became, but at least she reached the peak of Tier 9 with her bloodline.

Everything less than that would be an utter disgrace.

"Zeo, I am bored. Can't we go to the Arena?"

I shook my head to Hela's question as that was not an option for now. We weren't here even five minutes, as she already wanted to leave to fight in their Arena. Schattenreich had a huge gladiatorial Arena, where various lifeforms fought to the death.

Usually slaves or captured beings, or some unique lifeforms or experiments. Because of this, the Grand Arena of the Schattenreich was very popular among many battle maniacs of the Astral Boundary Universe or just ordinary people who wanted to watch.

"No, we can't. But after the banquet ends, we will go and take a look."

I said as Hela brightened on me, mentioning that we would be visiting the Arena.

"One of the Arcane Lords caught a special Tier 11 Lifeform that is currently in the Arena under the seals. The manager of the Arena was hoping to use it as bait to lure in more customers."

Remarked Lord Yatogami from the side, as Hela couldn't wait to fight a Tier 11 extraordinary lifeform. Capturing Tier 11 extraordinary lifeform was no easy task, so even I was a bit interested in what they have caught and brought to the Arena.


3rd POV

Arcane Truth Academy, Schattenreich City, Dresden Arcanum Empire.

Arcane Truth Academy was one of the best institutes for magical studies and research in the entire Astral Boundary, if not the best one. Even the Imperial University of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator was a bit inferior to it, but that was a matter of foundation.

Several students wearing the uniforms of the Arcane Truth Academy were walking as they were talking about interesting topics and things that had happened in the past few days.

"Did you hear that Princess Kunou reached peak Tier 9 a few days ago?"

Said one of the male students.

All of them were only Tier 4 to Tier 7 Arcanists; in truth, the entire Arcane Truth Academy had only several Tier 8 students. Tier 9 were basically rarities, and only people with unique circumstances with Tier 9 one could be considered experts anywhere they went in the Astral Boundary.

The reason why Kunou Lucifer came here was to pursue her studies in mysticism and ritualistic magic. After several years living in the Dresden Arcanum Empire and attending the Arcane Truth Academy, she had a relatively fearsome reputation.

While Kunou was a dream of every male student, not only due to her beauty and personality, she had a prestigious background and was very strong on her own. Not to mention she was a Nine-Tailed Fox, a species that was known for the seductiveness of its female members.

Of course, nobody had the proper courage even to approach her, as partially she had the reputation of beating up her suitors whom she didn't like. That was something she inherited from her father, as she had quite a temper.

Not to mention, there were rumors that her father was an overprotective madman who reached peak Tier 10 and wanted to kill anyone who attempted to court his daughter. And of course, these kinds of rumors were very popular and scary sounding.

As they were talking, they suddenly saw a young-looking woman walking toward them. She was wearing the hime-miko outfit, while her nine tails fluttered behind her, as her long blonde hair was flowing down. Altogether she was giving out an aura of a seductress to anyone who could see her.

She just passed them as she scoffed at them.

'Spinless trashes.'

Kunou Sigmarsdottir Lucifer thought, as they couldn't resist her charm and were nearly turned into drooling idiots as she flipped her tails behind her.